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Monster spawning

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by kroyine, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. kroyine

    kroyine Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2016
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    This thread is regarding monster farming for material.
    Specially served for those who solo farmed and wondering why the bot (script) can farm happily while standing still at a place but you can't.
    You need a party.

    1) How is the monster spawning in the map
    The type of monster spawning in each map is fixed to a spot. Let's call it a region.
    You can check each region by viewing the map.
    In general, when you move between regions, the monsters in other region and furthest away from you will despawn, while new monster will spawn in your current region up to a limit. Each region have varies size, and have monster limit varies between 3 to 6.
    The monster themselves walk randomly so they might leave their region, in general.
    Note that you aren't sharing monster with anyone else. Each player has their own monster in sight. In party mode, only the monster that has been aggro will share between party members.

    2) How to quick check the density of monster in a region?
    Lure 10 monster nearby and go to the location you interested. kill them and you will see the new spawn at the spot nearby. The later the monster spawn, they will be further from the spot. Sometimes there will be at least a monster in each region but they will despawn with condition.

    3) Ok. Just farm them. What's the problem here?
    For the famous farming zone, did you ever try to farm alone?
    The new monster will tend to respawn starting from the region of where you standing and getting further to the region adjacent of you.

    4) What to do?
    First. There is a limit on the number of monster in the map. For each player, it is 10 monsters. Just check it with your Action list.
    Second. The monster of other player do not shared with you until they aggro them, while in a party. The shared monster are counted to the limit of number.
    If you already aggro 10 monsters, what happen to the next 10(30) bring by party members? Answer is there will be no 11th monster available for anyone to aggro.
    At this moment, the 11th monster is going to despawn. The new monster will be spawn after the current monster is killed, and the new monster spawn will be at the position as (2).
    When you saw the monster is scattered around the map(from the mini-map), just aggro them instead of 1-hit-ko them. With the help of storm from party member, the monster limit can be met immediately.

    I am wondering why Toram make the system like this. It gives no benefit to solo farming but it ease the party farming (and bot).
    Look at the Monster Hunting Bonus? I would say they don't set it well. Do you think that system is annoying? It should be more annoying. But SuzukiP gave up on it. You can turn it off now.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
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  2. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Well, logically speaking, its an mmorpg, they want to give added benefits for parties. Bots aren't exactly a part of the design
  3. Spanish Bread

    Spanish Bread Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I think the Hunting Bonus was just a gimmick to try counter bots.
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  4. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Bots and auto farm are not really a part of the game. Go play those pay to win games where AFK mechanic exists instead if you want to AFK.
  5. Purge

    Purge Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2020
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    I only know you need to kill small mobs for the mini boss to respawn
  6. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    nope. same mechanic.
    you can also respawn mini bosses by walking, without killing a single mob.
    depending on the map, this is faster than killing random mobs.

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