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My Toram Story Fanart (≧▽≦)

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Kimmo, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. Kimmo

    Kimmo New Member

    Jul 9, 2017
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    Screenshot_20200714-211138_Gallery.jpg [It was you, who taught me my name] taken from MILET-Tell Me.

    I guess this is my first post ever here XD. Hi guys! You're well welcomed❤️! I made a collab art with Clever's Toram Character, The King Guardian . He is the best tanker i have ever met! *fingers crossed*. I am mainly played Support, so i took a role as The Priest Princess, his adopted daughter . If you are interested to see more of my artworks, you may take a lil' peek on my art instagram [@onezzo_]. I hope you enjoy your visit!

    ps: i screenshoted this because the file is too big ;-;
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