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Need Help with KTN Build

Discussion in 'Katana' started by Jonnyto, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. Jonnyto

    Jonnyto Member

    Mar 10, 2022
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    I need help with my Katana Build. I can't do as much damage as others are doing, just came back to Toram from a 5-year hiatus and is really messing up when it comes to damage output.
    Below are my equipment:
    Weapon: 6th Anniv. KTN VI +S (Player Made) with Vulture & Hexter Xtal
    Armor: Elfin Armor +E (Player Made) with Gemma & Ferzen the Rock Dragon Xtal
    Hat: Top Hat with Baphomela & Tappler Xtal
    Accessory: Machina Ring with Specter of Death and Volgagon/Patissia Xtal (I interchange them depending on the need)

    My Stats at Lvl 227: STR is 250 / DEX is 336

    My Skills:
    Blade Skills:
    - Sword Mastery LVL5
    - Quick Slash LVL5
    - War Cry LVL5

    Shot Skills:
    - Shot Mastery LVL5
    - Long Range LVL5
    - Quick Draw LVL10
    - Decoy Shot LVL10

    Magic Skills:
    - Magic Arrows LVL5
    - Magic Javelin LVL5
    - Magic Lances LVL 5
    - Magic Impact LVL7
    - Magic Finale LVL1

    Survival Skills:
    - Short Rest LVL5
    - MP Boost LVL5

    Support Skills:
    - Life Recovery LVL5
    - Brave Aura LVL8

    - Issen LVL5
    - Pulse Blade LVL5
    - Triple Thrust LVL5
    - Hasso Happa LVL5
    - Tenryu Ransei LVL10
    - Pommel Strike LVL5
    - Magadachi LVL5
    - Zanei Settetsu LVL 1
    - Garyou Tensei LVL10
    - Bushido LVL10
    - Two-Handed LVL10
    - Meilyo Shisui LVL5
    - Shukuchi LVL5
    - Kairiki Ranshin LVL10

    Dual Sword Skills:
    - Dual Mastery LVL5
    - Reflex LVL1
    - Dual Sword Control LVL5
    - Godspeed LVL10

    Minstrel Skills: Ad-Lib LVL1

    - Quick Aura LVL6 (Accidentally placed 1 more skill point)
    - War Cry of Stuggle LVL5
    - Godspeed Wield LVL5

    Assassin Skills:
    - Assassin Stab LVL5
    - Back Step LVL5

    Dark Power:
    - Bloody Bite LVL5
    - Dark Stinger: LVL5
    - Red Tear LVL5
    - Soul Hunter LVL10

    Am I missing something here? I have been following guides all over the internet but still my damange output is fairly low. Also if you guys can share a level up spot for solo players for lvl 227 above, it would be great.

    Thanks Guys!
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    most showcase videos are forged.
    big numbers appear under optimal conditions, which are usually not realistic.

    potions and party buffs are visible on screen, but food, registlets and avatar stats can be hidden.
    then there's resistance and proration.
    as for those 'perfect run' solo videos, they only show the one good run out of the many failed attempts. perhaps they only did it by sheer luck, you never know.
  3. AL Fathin

    AL Fathin Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I think damage output can differ, depend on many factors. Like use basic atk as many as possible to get prorate advantage before use skill. Like that number in the SS (Its tier 5 skill btw) Screenshot_2022-03-24-15-34-27-376_com.asobimo.toramonline.jpg
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  4. MrP4t07o

    MrP4t07o New Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    For me to dish out more damage, I need Armor Break to the opponents so that I can produce damage 2x to 4x from the original damage output or even higher.
    You can also continuously barrage the enemy using different kinds of combos in monomofu skill tree. Since my level is 48 with my base damage of 257(STR based) or higher (depending on the factor like physical damage and lvl of enemy defenses), I can dish my damage up to 4k (Crit. Damage) using Issen Lvl. 10 alongside my DEX of 48 and AGI of 41.
  5. Vio Albert Ferdinand

    Vio Albert Ferdinand Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    There's nothing wrong with your build. Those big damage in youtube come from using a lot of potions and broken proration which isn't viable in normal circumstances. I'd say as long as you deal a reasonable amount of damage, you'll be fine.

    Maybe you could upgrade some of your gears, for example top hat to lace headress. But I doubt that it would make a huge difference.
  6. HiểuTinhTrần

    HiểuTinhTrần New Member

    Jan 4, 2022
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    Low pierce = no dmg tbh, bet it cannot go beyond 150k tenryu/slash with 4 stacks against Arachni Ulti so just replace.
    + Bapho with Prudent
    + Tappler to Lefina
    + Vulture to Devil Dango
    + Hexter to Vlam
    + Ferzen to Usamochi,
    + Get sicarius lvl 10 and most importantly just upgrade Top Hat to SBM 2s, Top Hat is already outdated a long time ago

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