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Need help

Discussion in '2-Hand' started by PancakeBoi12, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. PancakeBoi12

    PancakeBoi12 New Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    i am new to the game and i would like to do 2h build, but i have no idea what skills or stats to lvl up, thansk for the help
  2. Pregnant

    Pregnant Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Two Handed sword has 2 choices of main dps skill; Enchant Sword (skill tier lv 3) from Magic Warrior skill book, and Meteor Breaker (skill tier lv 4) from Blade skill tree.
    The pro and con(s) for either skills are:
    Enchant Sword only hit single target enemy, but always deal an elemental damage the enemy's weakness of. The action speed is kinda slow and you are prone to get hit while casting it. As it is a tier lv 3 skill, you can use it early before you get access to lv 4 skills which is having one character at least lv 150. The book skill has to be obtained from looting world treasure chest from story chapter 6 maps, but you can buy it from other players.
    Meteor Breaker hits enemies in aoe (3.5m radius at skill lv 10). Skill lv only increase radius, not damage. It also gives invincibility frame while casting the skill, makes you able to avoid getting hit for split seconds. As it is a tier lv 4 skill, you have to get any of your characters you own to reach at least lv 150 before accessing it.

    The other supplementary and complementary skills vary depending on your play style, so I can't suggest much. Let's hope the others will explain it after me.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
  3. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    First you need to reach lv150 to unlock tier 4 skills.
    2h is the most newbie friendly physical weapon, you don't need expensive player craft gear to reach good results.
    For the stat full str is what you should aim. Then dex for the rest. Some people like to add vit (very usefull if you can't afford hp xtal or gear).
    All physical weapon need critical rate, so you might want to learn berserk. (If you can afford crit equip then don't use berserk, the stability penalty is just very severe).
    Rampage is a good ampr skill against boss which move a lot and you can't depend on decoy shot. Lv6/10 Trigger slash as combo ender also good ampr source.
    Warcry is a must for 2h wielder. The 15% atk party buff can't be left out.
    Main attack skill you can also use buster blade. It has 100 crit and long range.

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