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Need Help!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by marryjane, Apr 15, 2022.

  1. marryjane

    marryjane New Member

    Apr 15, 2022
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    Hi, I have a small business in US where I sell cosmetics and perfume for gents and ladies. I provide a variety of perfumes and cosmetics. Both the cosmetics and perfume are high-quality. But, despite all the quality, the sale is not satisfactory. So here, I’m looking for suggestions to grow my sales. Kindly, share some ideas that can help me improve my business. Thank you!
  2. mark o doom

    mark o doom Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2022
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    mark o doom
    define not satisfactory? what are you putting in, what is coming out? how many competitors are in your location? what are their prices? what other products do they have that you don't? are you selling what you think smells good, or are you making smells that your clients ask for? does your product relieve anxiety of people that are wary of ingredients in top shelf brands or are you just making your own gucci replicas? what sets you apart and why should anyone buy from you instead of whatever is already out there? how do i feel when i walk into your shop? what's your decor like? what does it smell like? how loud is the music? maybe you can buy a few patents of existing products, sell those on the side while providing a cheaper alternative to your costumers?

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