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New Game Default Setting and Recommendation

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by kroyine, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. kroyine

    kroyine Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Recently after I cleared the app data, the default settings make me headache at the first glance :confused:
    I feel like there are some important settings need to be adjusted. I will give some explanation below.
    I'll sharing here and hope you all will get a better gameplay experience

    The below comment will include some of my recommendation (underlined). Don't hesitate to adjust the settings until you found your preference.

    Going into Menu > Settings >

    Adjust and arrange your skills. You can also setup for any Usable Item, Emotion, Menu, Screenshot, Orb Item(Life and Mana Potion), Switch Sets, Guard/Evasion (update 16/4/2020) or remove shortcut you had set.
    Setting in List: There are 5 pages (tap it), you will see the setting below "Tap to unlock the slots" from the Page 2 onward.
    Unlock it anytime if you need extra shortcuts pages/slots. (the settings remain there even if you turned off the page)
    All shortcut setting is separated for each character + with different weapon group.
    Eg: when you setting up shortcut while using bare hand, after that if you equip a bow, the shortcut will become another set.
    Update: Set 1, 2 and 3 are added. Now 3 sets of shortcut per weapon is possible. And there are buttons to switch between the sets.
    Update 16/4/2020: new function: Photo Shot has been added under the menu. Additional slot for guard and evasion.

    Normally used for auto recovery, set your potion here. The item will automatically used when the HP is under the percentage you selected.
    Cooldown after Item Used = 10 seconds
    The recovery item will be auto used only when you're in Combat mode (attacking monster/chased by monster)
    Only can put HP healing item here. Too bad Death Truffle can't put here.

    General : There are chat limit per chat you sent. It is around 32 characters. Separate your sentence into few chat to sent when required.
    > Chat Filtering Setting : Default All On
    There are 6 types of chat here.
    Say = (Default color : White) Message to all person at the same map and same channel.
    Shout = (Default color : Orange) Message to all person at the same map and all channel within the same World.
    (Extra: View bottom for info about World)​
    Party = (Default color : Blue) Message to all party members at any maps in same world (?) (include Ally party members)
    Guild = (Default color : Green) Message to all guild members (within any map & all world)
    Whisper = (Default color : Purple) Message directly to another player. Tap any player for the List. Within any map & same world (using friend list, guild list etc.) .
    (function for 2.Trade Request, 3.Party Invite, 5,Whisper. More function in next page)​
    World = (Default color : Light Green) This function is not available at the moment
    > Event log : Default On
    The event log including the item used, NPC dialog, condition of your pet and etc (tbc)​
    > Combat log : Default All Off
    Turn on to see the damage dealt/received, combo info, showing in chat window
    Damage Dealt: To check your damage to monster
    Combo: To check the effect of Combo Tags (damage bonus, MP saving etc.)
    Damage Taken: To check the damage you received. Also check the damage type from monster (whether physical, magical or frictional damages)​
    > Chat Lines : Default 5 Lines
    This show the number of lines (row) in the chat, setting range 1~10, adjust by preference.​
    > Chat Text Size : Default 0.8
    Size of text, setting range 0.5~1.0, adjust by preference (recommended 0.5, clean and clear).
    > Name Space : Default On
    Turning off will leave space after player name. Better view with alignment.​
    > Chat Log Height : Default 0
    When you typing the chat, the position chat will showing on top. setting range -5 to 5.
    -5 for the chat window around the middle of screen, 5 for chat window on top which will be blocked by your typing area.​
    > Tap Chat Window : Default On
    Drag the chat window up until the upper part of screen will extend the chat window. Can set temporary Log Setting (Filter) there.
    Also when in extended chat window, tap on the player name to open up List. (useful to select player when they are not in your vision)
    Turn off this setting and you will not able to drag the chat window up.​
    > Emotion Bar : Default Off
    Turn on for additional shortcut (a + button above chat window) for emotion. Emotion setting at Menu>Community>Emotion>Favorite
    > Full Screen for Chat Entry : Default Off
    Turn on if you need full screen to type.​
    •Say Chat Color , •Shout Chat Color , •Party Chat Color ,
    •Guild Chat Color , •Whisper Chat Color , •World Chat Color
    •Battle log color : color for Combat log
    •System log color : color for Event log (?)
    •Error Message color : tbc
    •GM Message color : Message from our lovely Game Master. Their chat always has a color different with their name. Check live stream for the differences.

    > Shortcut List Setting : Default On
    Auto close the List after used​
    > Target Monster : Default Near
    Tap Action Button and it will select/target the nearest or furthest monster within certain range. Change if required based on your skill/weapon and type of monster.​
    > Dash : Default Off
    Turn it on, and enjoy running​
    > Switch Back/Close Button : Default Normal
    Normal mode will have the Back button on upper left, Close button at upper right, change to reverse it​
    > Hold Action Button : Default 0.5
    Hold the Action Button will show up a List of nearby NPC, Player and Monster within the map (only up to certain range for player and monster in normal map). Tap at them for selection/attack. Setting for the Hold duration to open up the List
    > Screenshot Setting : Default B
    A : Ignore 2D Graphic, normally used to capture scenery. All the buttons, control, chat window and shortcut will not shown in the captured screenshot
    B : Hide Names (hide player names only, the others are same as C)
    C : Entire Screen, capture as what you seen includes all the shortcuts, control and chat window​
    > Pan : Default Normal
    Drag to rotate the Camera left / right​
    > Pan Sensitivity : Default 100%
    > Tilt : Default Reverse
    Drag to rotate the Camera up / down​
    > Tilt Sensitivity : Default 100%
    > Zoom In/Out : Default Normal
    Pinch with 2 fingers to zoom​
    > Zoom Sensitivity : Default 100%
    > Autofocus : Default On
    Turn if off. Rotate the Camera yourself during Combat.
    Usable for some boss that is flying all around. But it is hard to look around if turned On (Need to make sure the selection is not on boss when rotating the Camera). Bad for people tapping at the Action button too much like me...​
    > Setting for Following Camera : Default Prompt
    Change to Normal / Slow, Instant gameplay experience update!. It change the speed of camera moving when you move your character.
    (New function implemented in 2018)
    Selection: "Link the camera to certain skills and evasion". turn on to automatically change Camera angle after using skill that will change location, or Evasion.
    Setting to Prompt is useful for first person view. (at extreme zoom)​
    > Tapping Other Characters : Default A
    A : Can Tap Player (directly) to open up List.
    B : Off during Boss fight, need open up List of the player via Party name, Action button, or extended Chat Window
    C : Off during Combat, need open up List of the player via Party name, Action button, or extended Chat Window
    D : Off all the time , need open up List of the player via Action button, or extended Chat Window
    > Auto Lock At Consignment Board : Default Equipment, Crystals
    Auto lock the type of item you bought from Consignment Board. Prevent from accident happened​
    > Lock Teleportation Items : Default "Don't use them on shortcuts in boss map"
    Yeah, if you teleport out during boss fight, you cant join in the same fight again...
    "Don't use them on shortcuts in Combat": you may not able to escape from monster if selected. Alternative way to escape: go to Guild Bar
    > Extended Shortcuts : Default Off
    Turn it on to change the default shortcut on screen from 4 to 6.​
    > Guard/Evasion Settings: Update 16/4/2020. Default Auto
    Can set to manual for controllable guard and evasion.
    Guard: Auto (TBC), Manual A: Press to shortcut to use, Manual B: Use the directional button to activate guard.
    **The direction of character facing is important to guard system. seems like guard will only block the damage infront (when face to the direction of monster/boss)
    Evasion: Auto (TBC), Manual A: Press shortcut and directional button to activate, Manual B: Double tap minimap and directional button to activate.​
    > Frame Rate : Default Normal
    Turn on HQ (60 fps) for a totally new gameplay experience. Whether or not it will increase the battery consumption is very subjective to the device you using.
    Ex: when youre targeted by more than 1 monster, tap and hold on that monster, a quick system will be available to switch your target from current aimed monster to another one. Not really handy on this system. I found it better to used Action list.

    > Showing Others Users : Default All On
    Recommended to temporary Turn Off Others when youre farming in a party in a place where there are many other players.
    It will reduce the amount of monster in your view. (those are not your's/your party members' target)
    Better view on where your party members are, AND WHAT ARE THEY DOING.​
    > Support Skill Icons : Default On (first 2)
    1) Show Support Skill Icon
    2) Show Time Left
    3) Show Usable Time&Charge
    It is good to turn on (3) especially for skill:Cross Fire & the upcoming buff skills.​
    > Colors for Guild Members' and Friends' Names : Default On
    > Colors for Names on Maps: Default Off
    Not really sure what is it...​
    > Signboard System : Default On.
    Used for trading / request service for certain Orb Item, including All Pierces and Extraction Crystal.​
    > Show Signboards with 3D : Default Off
    > Show Critical/Graze Hits : Default On
    A yellow word of Critical/Graze will show up below the damage figures when you dealt critical damage.
    Used to check why your critical damage is floating (low stability) .​
    > Damage Font Size : Default 100%
    Update May 2019: now the size of damage (both dealt and received) can be adjust. Available selection for minimum 0% (hide), 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%(default). Adjust as per preference.​
    > Minimap Scale : Default 300%
    Adjust scale to lower percentage (around 150%) to have a full view of mini map in a large map. Useful for Guild Maze, Dungeon.​
    > Minimap Transparency : Default 75%
    > Other Players' Effects : Default A
    Depends on the level of annoyance, you may set it to B: party members only
    > Hide Placed Skill Effects : Default Off
    To give clearer view of the surround during a placed skill is located around you. Example: Magic: Storm, Wall
    Relate to the next 2 setting below.​
    > Distance to Hide Placed Skill Effects : Default 12m (range 1m to 24m)
    > Density of Graphic Effects for Placed Skills : Default 25%
    The range is 0% to 75%, the density (transparancy) of the skill will change accordingly. Example if you turned on the setting (see above), the skill will become only 25% density when you're within 12m range to the skill (default), set to 0% and the skill will turn almost transparent.​
    > Fade-Out of Objects : Default All Off
    Good looking and clean interface when turned On. Recommended turn on All but Chat Window. The buttons are still there but just become transparent. This setting will automatic turn off when in Combat mode / boss map.
    (The following is for housing, Set it when you visit the lands frequently with your preferred setting.)
    > [Housing]Display Setting for Inside/Outside : Default Off.
    > [Housing]Distance to Show Furniture: Default No limit
    > [Housing]Max Number of Furniture to Show : Default 100
    If the number of furniture is more than this number, the furniture will only shown up when you're nearby. You may change to no limit.​
    > [Housing] Release the limit number to put : Default off
    [This setting only shows when you're in Your Land(Housing) with Edit mode]
    Turn on to change the max number of place-able furniture from 100 to 200​
    > Atk Warning Quality : Default normal
    Change to HQ will add a line at the boundary of warning. Better vision on certain map​
    >Display Settings : Use for Atk Warning Quality
    Change to opacity and thickness (transparency) here. In HQ mode, both set to 50% will be good.​
    >Adjust Display to Center : Change the position of UI. Can give it a try.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
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  2. kroyine

    kroyine Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Going into Menu > Settings >

    >Max SFX : Default 5
    SPF means special effect, it is the effect sound when you make an action
    >BGM : Default On
    >BGM Volume : Default 100
    >SFX Volume : Default 100
    >System SFX
    Volume : Default 100
    >Your SFX : Default On
    >Others' SFX : Default On

    Turn it off if you found it annoying to hear sounds when you're not farming.
    >Party SFX : Default On

    Character Name Change
    Change your name here. Orb x 10 is required. The second change within 30 days will be charged another higher amount of Orb
    Name Character Limit (update Oct2020): 16 half-width characters.
    English character = half-width; Symbol or Japanese word = full width, each full width occupies 2 half-width characters.

    Reacquire Data
    Read the description carefully

    Save data that will not deleted : Account setting, Shortcut Setting, System Setting
    Re-download data required: All Maps, another few hundred (200+) MB of data for first time login.

    Account Setting
    Sign up / Sign in your Asobimo Account Here ! (signup after you're going well with the account. All data will be loss if you never signup and cleared the app data)

    Going into Menu > Community

    There are a lot of emotion here (but never enough), direct clicking on the emotion and it will be performed.
    For convenient, the emotion is usually set to the Shortcuts or Emotion Bar. To set to Emotion Bar, simply turn on the "Show", click favorite, and arrange your favorite emotions. Follow the instruction.
    Maximum 10 emotions are allow in Emotion Bar. The arrangement is from Right to Left.​
    >Mood Message Settings
    This is the message that shows up above player's name (you cant see your own). There are 4 lines here with 3 default. Edit it anytime you wish.
    Maximum Character = 31
    There are two type of color, Rose color (red) is the Mood Message, while Lime color (green) is the name of the player's Guild.
    Player's Guild name will be shown when no Mood Message is selected.​

    Going into Menu > Terminal
    >Go to your Land

    It will be available after certain progress in Main Quest / Level​
    >Go to Guild Bar
    It will be available if you have a Guild of Level 10 above. Access to Guild Maze​
    >Switch Channel
    Based on English language , assuming you will be in either English World 1 or International World 1, 2 or 3.
    You can change your channel here at the Left column, and change the World in the Right Column.
    There are another few worlds with different region, you are not possible to go into their world. Lets meet up at International World as everyone can access to International World.
    Edit: except Korean (why) Edit 2: Oct 2019: Another world server opened for everyone now.
    The World(region) you join is based on the DEVICE LANGAUGE when you first create your account/character.
    Other Region: International only, Japan, Chinese, Thai, Korea, Indo.
    >Close App
    This button won't go missing or become unselectable​
    >Restore Game
    Not available
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  3. ChocoBot

    ChocoBot Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    korean can't access inter world, cmiiw
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  4. Ninosama

    Ninosama Active Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    l want an option to turn off the damage graffics (dealt/taken/aliements), we have chat, hp bar and icons to reflect tht.
    tht way we can enjoy more the skill animations.
  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    can be set anywhere between 25 and 75.
    it's the transparency of placed skill effects.
    0 would be invisible and 100 would be solid.
    lower numbers make it easier to see AoE indicators beneath your skills (magic wall), but it also makes the skills look pale.
    i recommend 50, as it makes the skills look good and still let you see through them.
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  6. kroyine

    kroyine Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Oh thanks for info.
    Thats why I never saw korean words in the chat.

    Thanks~ I seems fun so I test out the effect.:D Updated.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019

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