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New player and new to this forum

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by TheDarkChild, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. TheDarkChild

    TheDarkChild New Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Hello everyone, my IGN is Mi-tang. First time i play toram was on 2018 because i see my friends playing it, but after 3 days i quit to play another game (LMAO). But recently, i just got back to toram and i really enjoy it rn.

    So recently I've completed my main quest and raised my level to level 150. But right now, i don't know what to do. After reading some guides for beginners, I concluded some things that I can do :
    1. Level cap my main char
    2. Farm spina to get better equipment ( for my main )
    3. Make a farmer ( mage i think? )
    So what should i do?, OR if there is something better to do, please tell me i'm really confused rn :(
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    no. despite people saying it's fast and easy, it still takes forever.
    there is no reward at the end, and the options to get there are very limited, as the cap is always ahead of the content.
    just being around the level of the latest boss is good enough.
    npc craft/boss drop is also good.
    if you feel like it
    do what you want. don't copy what others do.
    and aside from gearing up your character, you can also decorate your house/garden, raise pets and customize your equipment's appearance to your fashion preferences.

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