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New player - Is it worth sticking around?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Jdango000, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Jdango000

    Jdango000 New Member

    Aug 27, 2023
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    Ex-gamer here, I used to be a hardcore Vindictus player about 6 years ago. Due to life, I have found myself restarting my gaming attempt with Toram, currently lvl 70 diddling between grinding and MQ. It's a casual mix of many other games I've loved, and going from 45min+ bosses to 5min bosses for a similar experience to Vindictus is refreshing - but I'm struggling with the confidence to commit any real time to it, and consider that it is time to just stop with these grindy games...

    Apparently the main company office in Tokyo had to downsize into a tiny brick of a building. This says to me financial problems. This game also seems to have issues with bots, and banning innocent players instead of the bots. Also it appears to be very inactive, seeing only 2 or 3 people while I'm running around during MQ.

    The casual vibe, complexity and cute charm of this game is quite magnetizing. But I can't see myself going through the MQ a second time for alternate characters, or spending hours on end farming the same monster these days.

    Is it really worth the time pursuing a Lv. 270? Or should I just enjoy it for what it is while it lasts? Does anyone have any alternative game suggestions?

    It likely doesn't help the matter that I picked Halberd - so far, gameplay consists of 2 buff skills and one DPS combo two times, and then missing half of my attacks trying to refill my MP, and it is so slow to refill. Minutes feel like hours sometimes with such slow attack speed as well. I'm tempted to use my skill reset book already and switch to bow or bowgun as their attacks seem to rarely miss when I have them as mercenaries, and are quite strong.

    Thanks for any input..
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    it appears that the number of players hasn't decreased much but the size of the world has increased greatly, so they are either spread much more thinly or gathered at one point leaving the rest empty.
    it's definitely recommend to be with a guild these days.

    the unique thing to toram is that gacha is not part of the gameplay. no other mobile mmorpg seems to go that way, which is why there are no real alternatives.

    if you are waiting for something to happen, you'll likely will be disappointed.
    there have been a lot of major improvements, but the nature of the game never changed much.
    if you don't like the game now, that probably won't change in the future.

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