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New Player

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by Balance the Ball, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. Balance the Ball

    Balance the Ball New Member

    Mar 23, 2022
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    Hey! I just started playing this game last night and it seemed pretty interesting! Any tips for a beginner is always welcome.
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  2. Vortigern

    Vortigern Member

    Dec 10, 2021
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    1. Make a storm farmer
    2. Get tier 4 refine (lv 200/205)
    3. Cap Tec-Vit Tank
    When ur leveling progress stuck, u can do quest free from infester. I reach 205 doing that quest from 180~ after finishing all those mq
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
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  3. Mrs. Penguin

    Mrs. Penguin Member

    Feb 27, 2022
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    Hello! Welcome, hope you have fun and enjoy your stay~
    Tips from me based on my own experience is that, making your own build that suits your own playstyle is always better than blindly following other people's build..
    Don't shy away from experimenting and enjoying the progress, ofc if you feel better to have guidance never hesitate to ask around ^^
    Joining guild would also help tremendously early on~
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  4. moonlightreys

    moonlightreys Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    firstly, plan your builds. you can always create a character to test out the skills then scrap it early on. it's also helpful to refer to coryn club, a fan-run database. don't spend skill/stat points randomly or else your build will go everywhere and nowhere. there's no need to follow meta builds as long as you enjoy what you're doing.
    secondly, use your orbs wisely. you can only ever farm them during events so using them for avatars is not recommended.
    thirdly, it's easier for you if your starting character is a dps/tank so you can join fights, progress quickly and get strong. you can then use this character to support whichever character you choose to try next, like farmer, blacksmith, etc.
    fourth, if you're making a storm (mage) farmer, add int first or you'll have no damage and you basically can't farm.
    fifth, water your plants, cook food, eat friends'/guildies' food, and play potum darts daily. stoodie's experiment is also useful once you unlock it. do treasure hunting in parties because chances are, you'll get better drops, but save one key at the end. you can look up treasure hunting guides for more info. do guild quests as well if you join one (highly recommended to join). there are also daily and weekly emblems you can try to achieve.
    sixth, you don't have to rush mq but if you want to progress quickly, it's a good start. mq also gives you access to side quests and certain features like stoodie. use friend/guild mercenaries to support you and rejoin the boss fight in easy mode if it's too hard (exit then join again and you can select difficulty).
    seven, don't get scammed lol.
    good luck!
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