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Newbie: Looking for a best tank class and build

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Takenoshin, May 23, 2020.

  1. Takenoshin

    Takenoshin New Member

    May 18, 2020
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    I am a newbie and planning to create a tank that will be supporting the party .May I lnow which class should I be choosing? What are the:
    Skill build
    Stat allocation

    Thank you so much .:)
  2. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Hah... how many times do we have to say there's no class here. Anyway, here's some answers to some of your question.

    Knuck+shield tanks are the best when it comes to interrupts. The skill allocation for interrupt will be Lv6 Smash, Lv10 Sonic Wave, Lv10 Shield Cannon

    Bowgun+Shield are good if you can't stick to your enemy due to its range.

    Sword+Shield is the classic tank build with extra skills on Knight Skill tree that can help with aggro if you're having a problem in that area

    Staff+Shield are best in terms of quick aggro but have problems when it comes to mobility. Mirage evasion is one time use every 10 secs, so don't count on it.

    Stat allocation for dedicated tanks are MTL>VIT for maximum ailment resistance & highest HP.

    Equipments are pretty much everything with MP & ailment resistance until you hit 100% ailment res. Minus aggro equipments are a no-no.

    The main skills of tank role are all the same in its core:
    • P.Defense
    • Guardian
    • Shield Cannon

    So, you can be pretty sure you won't get it wrong with those skills, unless you're the kind who doesn't want a long range stun that is. Other skills that could be useful in case you drop dead or your team drop dead:
    • Play Dead
    • First Aid

    Play dead is very important for quick revive and could be replaced with stargems. First Aid if you want to help revive your team.

    Feeling kinda lazy so I won't list the items.
    If you're the guy who wants to get small damage by making so called "paladins", stop it. If you end up being in a situation where the tank will be doing damage it means your party sucks and you should find another one.
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
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  3. +Aria Kanzaki+

    +Aria Kanzaki+ Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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  4. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    That, I experienced it once with my semi tank 1H+Shield a.k.a Str>Vit Paladin build at Seele run NM difficulty.

    Because there's no tank available at that time and my semi tank character is at its level range so I volunteered to tabk.

    I regret it so much because they want to play nightmare mode but can't even help themselves and just rushing in without noticing the boss pattern. I end up being the attacker rank ffs with the most damage dealt.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Ah yes, paladins. Tanks that can't tank or do damage... Or support... Or even prorate properly.
  6. Takenoshin

    Takenoshin New Member

    May 18, 2020
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  7. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Because you can just Impact> Finale(swift) and get the aggro of everything in the room without effort not considering the MP cost. If you get Flinched just cast it again and there you have it. You also don't spit on the Proration like it's a nobody.
  8. Akare

    Akare Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2018
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    Since there are people pointed out the core skills and stats, may as well review tank's variations (I won't mention Barehand tank since I had no exp with it):

    * 1H tank:
    - Your overall "meta" tank, can manage aggro well with the help of Knight skill tree, easiest to build and pretty much can tank anything.
    - Toy Hammer is very easy to get too
    +Cons: Since it's "overall", it do well in everything, but not specialize anything

    * Knuckles tank:
    - Can cc (interupt, debuff, etc.) the most out of all tanks, useful in some high difficulty bosses
    - Also has more healing skills than other tanks. Drills is very easy to get
    +Cons: Has the shortest range when it comes to auto attack, so sometimes it may cause problem gaining MP, thus losing your aggro

    * Bowgun tank:
    - Unlimited MP due to its long range and no drawback on Decoy (other tank's Decoy will mostly become useless if planted on a spike AOE)
    - Has big MP cost skills a.k.a. good aggro, with very short cast time compares to other tanks.
    - Has the best aggro management imo
    - Faster cast time means more skills will be used within a same amount of time, compare to other tanks, so it may ruins the proration
    - Weapons made for bowgun tank mostly came from events, make it harder to build than other

    * Mage tank:
    - Has massive aggro thanks to Finale, and with Mirage Evasion being updated recently, mage tankers is getting back their glory
    - Has access to MP Charge and Maximize make you never run out of MP as long as you know when to charge
    - Can use Stone Barrier (from Wizard skill tree) which ignore even Fractional Damage (fckin awesome)
    - Big HP since you don't need to focus on aggro equipment, and the new Red Steel Staff gives you BOTH 100cr and 50% Max HP
    - Has many spare SPs means you can get some support skills too, and with high CSPD you can spam Heal
    +Cons: Lacks of mobility from obvious reason, Mirage Evasion do helps but too bad it has cooldown
  9. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I suggest u go to tank section and look for tanker builds there. There r various tank build. Right now at lvl cap. My tank can use bg , staff ,knux and 1h without any problem coz there is enough skill points for all of the above.

    My current tank can switch between 1h , bg , kunx and barehand tank with Men>agi> vit stat. (About 25k hp but my resistance are high)

    However , i would say that i like 1h tank most as i can use spirit dance to support pt for moving boss like Seele and i can use meteo break to inflict dizzy to reduce 50% of guard and evade rate especially on ulti boss those guard and evade are annoying.

    I will my tank as more of a support cha & tank all in one. I tweak my tank build almost monthly so it hard to say what is best coz it sometime depend on your play style. My friend has like high aggro tank with little resistance but he has op timing on p.def and that work for him too.

    So yes go to class section and you can see some tank guide that r useful.
  10. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Everyone else has given the core skills and equip you will need but I'll add that you can also make a hybrid tank, you dont have to choose one type.
    Theres enough sp to make a 1h/knuck tank into one build and then switch to which ever weapon best suits each boss you encounter.
    If you want to also support and not just hold agro you can get spirited dance which restores a small amount of mp to everyone in the party whenever you use it, warcry to heal fear ailement and nature's wonders to heal parties hp.
    Power wave is also decent so you can auto attack from far on very mobile bosses and if you use skills like fairy dance, ad-lib, reflex or impact as openers you can cast agro combos from range. Although this last option can cause problem if a boss needs to be interrupted and you only have flinch off cooldown and you far away from the boss. Then slide lvl 1 on knucks becomes useful. (Can only be used on knuckles not 1h)

    Search around the forums, there's plenty of info on tanks. Good luck
  11. Balugbog056

    Balugbog056 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2019
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    1H = Fastest Tank + Jack of all trades (can learn all other tank skill but not 100% rate)
    -full kit interrupt (only tumble not 100%)
    -fastest skill motion kit
    -fast aggro generator
    -highest tap dmg (with conversion and S+)
    -Good synergy for Dark Skill (STR,VIT,MTL)

    BG = Long range tank
    -only stun 100% interrupt , sonic wave for tumble , magic:javelin for flinch (not viable)
    -long range tanker (can easily see frac direct hit)
    -always have high mp stack(decoy)
    -Lowest tap dmg (with conversion S+)

    Knux = Interrupt + Ailment (Debuffer)
    -Full Kit Interrupt (100%)
    -Best merc tank (triple ice cream)
    -Ailment Kit (Shell break is viable)
    -Decent Tap dmg (with conversion +S)

    Staff = Priest Tank (Buffer)
    -Priest Kit (Bless and Holy Light)
    -Long Range Flinch and Stun (close range Tumble)
    -Highest Aggro (Finale but not viable in Deadly per hit attack)
    -Low Tap Dmg (weapon from Red Casket)
  12. Spanish Bread

    Spanish Bread Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Tank = Any primary that can equip shield as sub.
    Tank imo:
    Any build that is able to hold aggro for a long period of time; Good sustain; Disable properly; Good partial self/party support.
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