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Newbie [Lvl. 1~100ish] Giveaway

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Lost Love, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. Lost Love

    Lost Love Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Hi hi!
    I’m Kit Kat, probably no one here knows me, I played in 2017 and went on hiatus in early 2018. I didn’t think I’d be gone this long though... I lost a lot of spina on investments I didn’t cash out on because I was gone. Stuff that quadrupled in price are now worth pennies... it makes me so upset I didn’t just login every month or so for board. ;~; I only remembered this game years later after playing Genshin Impact which reminded me of Toram


    anyway, I don’t think I’m coming back so Im looking to giveaway my spina (and a bunch of old investments and xtals). My friends are almost all gone unless they removed me, so anyone will do T.T

    I prefer to give to relatively new or poorer players, as I know a lot of people in the forums are veterans and super rich already. Will probably be ~1 million per person along with some decent equipment and a few sellables (to maybe get you into becoming a merchant like me o.o), but I’ll have to. (gently) interrogate you first to make sure you actually need it and aren’t just trying to yoink ez money off me x.x
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    • Friendly Friendly x 5
  2. xTears

    xTears Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    hii bb i remember you :(( yea a lot of us quit including me, we should play genshin impact some time though!!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    While I don't consider myself a veteran, (I only joined on 5th anniv), but I think I should politely decline the offer for spina because I want to try save up myself. Saving 3 million for Sneak attack level 10 is hard in those times.

    But my exams just finished today, so I'll try to see.

    I have a Discord Group tho, full of Newbie players I decided to help, I'll ask of someone wants any.
  4. Lost Love

    Lost Love Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Sure! Send them my way :D And I understand your desire for a sense of self-achievement, I feel the same way often. gl on your grind! ^-^

    my IGN is Kit Kat (with the ugly double space in between >.<), say hi if you see me in Sofya!

    i just think that having a few million Spina to work with is SO enabling for new players, who often are stuck farming Minos for pennies when there’s a flood of sales in the millions in Sofya. With a few mill they can buy the stuff that recently is outdated but not long ago was the best... and usually they’re super cheap compared to current best.

    BTW, I highly highly highly recommend saving all your spina and getting into merchanting via CB, instead of spending it when you have the chance. With 5m you can merchant your way to double it with instead of spending it and being broke again soon. Most of my spina came from merchanting, as I never did the mob farm grind after I hit a few million spina (at least not for spina). I don’t recommend spending your spina to get stronger in-game if it significantly affects your spending power, because the amount of Spina you have is the amount of spending power you have (and likewise directly affects how much you make from merchanting)

    I’m also low key thinking of coming back (idk yet), the newbie giveaways will always be open either way! :p
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
  5. Sufiooo

    Sufiooo New Member

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Welll i mean im kinda new and i dont mind the stuff to help me out later on in the game. If ya choose me do contact me on discord! A L L E G R O#4625
  6. dunaw

    dunaw Member

    Aug 17, 2020
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    Accepting Doantions! XD. I'm not really a newbie not a veteran neither to the game but still struggling with earning spinas. So any help would be appreciated. I don't have discord though.
  7. Lost Love

    Lost Love Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
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