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Newbie ~ monsters don’t drop - the beginning of chaos

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by Alexiel85, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. Alexiel85

    Alexiel85 New Member

    Nov 4, 2021
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    Hi everyone! I’m new in this game and I have a problem yet.
    I’m in Reug Salt Plains and I’m killing a loooot of Piedra and Wooly but they aren’t dropping hard dragon skin and lamb meat that I need to continue the quest. I’m lvl 21.
    Can someone help me understanding why?!
    Thank you all!
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    that's how RNG works. it's highly unlikely but not impossible.

    just go to a different map and come back.
  3. Nekotori

    Nekotori Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Was your bag full by any chance? If your bag is full, you can't really get any new drops from mobs(unless it's rare or quest reward)
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  4. Alexiel85

    Alexiel85 New Member

    Nov 4, 2021
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    Mh… I think the bag was full.
    I dropped the first item just a few kills after I’ve equipped something, and then I understood.
    Told you I’m new…! I didn’t think about the bag! Thank you!
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  5. Stock-Potential-9900

    Stock-Potential-9900 New Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    I had this same problem recently but thankfully found a solution in about an hour (hopefully it works for everyone).

    I will retrace my steps to exactly how it was so do note not all of these steps are absolutely neccessary.

    Needed before going into steps:
    1) One gift either a tool or collectible in your mail (do not recieved yet, you'll recieve later in steps).
    • Ask a friend or guildmate to send you one tool (ex: revita, etc) or collectible (ex: hematite, mithril, etc) doesn't matter the stack size just one sent gift to recieve for later. Or if you have a 2nd account you can send yourself the item instead.
    2) Sit in any map where you can kill a mob in 1 hit (basic attack) for later in the steps.
    3) If possible, be in international 1 or 2. If not just be in any world (global, etc).

    Once the gift is ready sitting in your mail, in a map with a weak mob, and in int1 or int 2 or any world, then we will get into the steps:
    1) To be safe close and reopen Toram.

    2) Go into your inventory to make sure that the inventory sections (equipment, tools, collectibles) are highlighted blue (not grey)/are viewable.

    3) Go to Mail (Menu>Community>Mailbox>Check Gift) and recieve one gift.

    4) Go to your inventory and confirm the gift is there.

    5) Now go switch Worlds (Menu>Terminal>Switch Channel>Select World) and pick a different one. For me Int1 into Int 2 or Int2 into Int1 had worked for me but I don't think that's necessary so just switch to a different world.

    6) Now having loaded in, 1 shot a mob with your basic attack and you should be able to get drops now seeing the box animation once it's killed.

    1) One gift in mail
    2) In map with weak mob
    3) In int1 or int2 (or any)
    4) Close and reopen Toram
    5) Make sure inv sections is all viewable (blue)
    6) Recieve Gift
    7) Check Gift in inv
    8) Switch Worlds int1->2 or int2->1 (or any dif world)
    9) Kill mob for drops (done)

    If that doesn't work, it is also said that this problem can be caused by an IP issue which means you'd have to wait it out for 24hrs (from when the problem started), but you can play on a different connection (wifi/mobile data) in the meanwhile until your IP returns to normal.
    - Andrew
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023

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