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Noobie trouble with magic impact/mage build

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by c2048631, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. c2048631

    c2048631 Active Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    So I just started working on a mage build at level 138 after I was told that they're cheap/useful due to not needing critical. So I planned on making a main mage, a luk mage, and a tech mage. So I have my main mage up and running, INT/DEX and standard skills and okay cheap equipment. I'm having 2 problems.

    1. magic impact is not working? sometimes it doesn't seem to cast. I never had a problem when I was using it in a combo on my 2hand and it always did a lot of damage. With my mage it doesn't always cast, and it's not doing much damage from what I've seen. I do see that it says that its damage output is lowered if used consecutively. Does this count if you have it in a combo so there's always a skill in front of it? it didn't seem to on my 2hand. Maybe I just don't understand how magic impact works.

    2. My damage output at the Pelle's in Turnus Mine where I'm testing things is not great. I kinda thought it would be much higher. I have okayish equipment.

    4th anniv staff ix +B (matk +7%, int +7%, int +14)
    zahhak shield +B
    anniversary festive garb +B (matk+7%, int +7%)
    tyrant grievance +B
    dark talisman (magic)

    I only have basic skills right now and I have 70 skill points available.
    magic arrows lv 5, magic javelin lv5, magic lances lv5, magic impact lv7, magic mastery lv10, mp charge lv10, chain cast lv5, power wave lv5, hp boost lv10, safe rest lv5, short rest lv5, mp boost lv10, magic up lv10, concentrate lv10, desperate resist lv5, increased energy lv10

    3. Is it okay to be using a shield without any shield skills? or should I just have my staff, or equip a magic device in my second slot?

    4. Is shukuchi worth it on a mage?

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. AliceYvne

    AliceYvne Elite Member Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    1. Not understand what you mean doesn’t seen to cast, impact about SLv7 without cast time. When impact buff in active, cast another impact damage will become lower.

    2. how great damage you want? 10K ? 100K ? 1M ? Try compare apple to apple, most of the YouTube video is for show-off purpose. Use element staff if you feel the damage is not enough, for mage sometime NPC and drop gear is much more stronger then player make.

    3. With or without shield skill is fine, if you don’t mind the lower ASPD and able to survive without the shield skill. With staff on Main Hand and MD as sub, all benefit from skill apply on MD is not available, player equip MD as sub mostly is because they want to use some skill like dancer skill.
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  3. c2048631

    c2048631 Active Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    I mean, I was thinking magic lance would do like in the 100ks. Magic lance does like 20k.

    Does magic finale just do insanely more damage than any other mage attacks?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  4. ẜἸoωer

    ẜἸoωer Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Equipping MD device has penalty unless you have Book of Magic Warrior to reduce that.

    Shukuchi on Mage build it really depends. If you can afford a stargem of it, much better than spending 6SP which you can allocate to it for other skills. Imo, its not really worth it, as most of the time you should be maintaining distance from bosses. Plus with Power Wave you can reach up to 12m if max. I do get its utility in covering large distances at a short amount of time.
  5. MrTofu

    MrTofu Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2017
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    for level 70 you should have storm skill this is the most powerful spell at this point when you reach 150 the invest in finale
  6. AliceYvne

    AliceYvne Elite Member Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Lancer multiplier only 3 with staff and have only 200 constant , finale with 255 and staff have 30 multiplier and 3000 skill constant for first radius damage.
  7. catloaf

    catloaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2019
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    When you said impact didn't cast, did you mean it didn't deal any damage? Like there was no numbers and such? If u cast impact from a far enough distance (not touching the boss), of course it won't deal any damage at all, unlike when you're using it with your 2h char which is closer to the boss.
    You have a mix of physical atk and magic atk when you use impact with a 2h, so maybe that's why your 2h impact deals more dmg than your mage impact which has mostly magic atk.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  8. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    after activating impact, it puts a buff on you that reduces the cost of the next skill. while that buff is active, the weapon bonus for impact is disabled and damage is halved. this only happens when you cast impact again directly after casting impact.
    as for impact not activating, there are many events that can cause a combo to end prematurely, especially for casters because magic can fail when you get hit while casting.
    impact is not a high damage dealing skill, unless you use it with a MD.
    the multiplier is 2 at lv10 (4.5 with MD).
    lances is the strongest skill among those and also the strongest single-target magic available.
    arrows is the most cost-efficient magic. since you don't have other attack magic, you might want to raise it to 10 as well.
    javelin and impact are utility, don't expect much power from them.
    your base aspd will be reduced by 50%, but if you don't have AGI stats this is not a severe handicap. it should be fine for staff, since it has low base aspd anyway.
    not for the typical mage.
    and power wave will put a huge handicap on shukuchi, even at lv5.
    raise it to lv10 and the damage will double.
    also, you need proration and element advantage to hit 100k. (and high INT, it boosts the skill multiplier)
    yes and no. only the first hit, but the radius is very small. it will miss if the target even move a single step.
    you get quadruple size when using a MD, but the damage (of the first hit) is lower as well.
    no. storm is utility now. blast and lances are both stronger than storm.
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