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Online/Offline Status

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Lykaios, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Lykaios

    Lykaios Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    Some noob questions about people coming online or going offline.

    1. Friends: When you add a friend is there a way you know their online? Like does the overworld chat (the one that says what channel, place ur in as soon as u log in) pop up with "(friends name) is online)"? My friend told me you can tell they are offline by going to your friends list, bc it says "offline today". I am unsure if it tells you when a friend logs off though.

    2. Guild: I know guilds have their own chat channels, when a member of your guild comes online does it announce it in the guild chat? If so for specific people, like GM would it say "GM (name) is online"?

    3. Party: when u make a party of friends does it tell you when a member of your party logs on? Does it do the same for offline or do they just auto leave the party when they log off?
  2. Snowe

    Snowe Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    1. the only way you got notification player logoff/on is by partied with them and i dont think it will show you their location. either way you can check in friend/guild list for their status,for guild list you can know their location too.
    2. no & no
    3. yes it tell you when they on/off but they stay in party until you kick or disband the party.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
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  3. Makuura

    Makuura Member

    May 22, 2018
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    You can check whether your friends are online or not from the friends list. You can see if they're in your world or not, but not the exact map they're in.

    Guild member list can actually tell the map location of other guild member if they're in the same world as you. But they got no notification if a member is on or off. The only notification they get is from when someone joins the guild.

    Party is even more specific. You can see on the health bar under the party member's name where they are if they're in a different map. You'll get notifications if your party member logged on or off. You can even see the level and weapons they use if you go to community>party.

    That's all I can remember. Hope that helps.
  4. megan8

    megan8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2018
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    no, you have to check the frineds list/guild member list/party members on left of screen to tell if someone is online or offline.
    i have wished that they would make it so that it said (name) is online/ (name) is now offline for friends and guild. that would be good
  5. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    you'll have to manually check if your friends or guildies are online.
    u can only add ppl to your party if they are online, if they get dc or log off while you're in a party with them you'll get the notification as well as when they log back in.
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