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Pet pricing

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by wala123, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. wala123

    wala123 New Member

    Sep 17, 2017
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    I maximized all the skills of tamer skills and now i have aproblem about pet pricing. Is there a standards for high price pet?
  2. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    You can max the $hit out of your tamer yet RNG will still screw you over with infinite combination of stat that you personally do not need. But there is some points in the economic of pet trade.
    Pet app: as in come on, this is the very first thing to point out. The value of it most rely on the availability and capability of the dang app.
    Pet level: sensible pet owner need to update their pet once in a while.
    Pet stat: this is the big thing that fodder pets need to nitpick about since it makes more sense to look for an almost carbon copy pet stat than have your pedigree screwed over. Magic weapon with magic type make sense. Non combatant can just toss the weapon and just look for the stat. It depends lol.

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