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Please Register ASOBIMO Account help

Discussion in 'Toram Online In Game Issues / Device Support' started by Lykaios, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Lykaios

    Lykaios Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    So when I open the app a box appears saying "Character data confirmed. You need to register ASOBIMO Account to transfer your data. Please register ASOBIMO Account." I press "OK" and it and it takes me to the login screen. It already has my e-mail and password plugged in, it has the "save input info" checked. It has a box that says "Logout" "FAQ" and "Change Content" I'm already logged into my ASOBIMO Account, I did the confirmation registration e-mail yesterday. X-ing it out just brings me back to the pop-up box about registering. I'm not on a new device, just registered account yesterday and confirmed e-mail registration too, restarted app once my e-mail registration was confirmed, this box did not pop-up yesterday when I played before going to bed, opened app this morning and there it is. Am I supposed to logout and back in or something?
  2. ẜἸoωer

    ẜἸoωer Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Had similar problem, I didn't log out or anything, just restarted the app and everything works after.
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