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Proposed Assist Skill Fixes

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kaisyl, Jul 27, 2021.

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  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    These are not official, these are just ideas for what can be improved.

    - EXP Gain Up => Survivor
    * Chance to survive with 1 HP on receiving fatal damage
    * Stuns user for 10 seconds

    - HP Boost
    * HP Further increased by player level * skill level. Cap at +9000.

    - Fighter's High
    * For every attack skill used, has a chance to provide an instance of HP regen. Resets every 3 seconds. Max stack = skill level.

    - MP Boost
    * MP Further increased by (player level / 10) * skill level. Cap at +900.

    - Sober Analysis
    * Effect changed to: Recovers Natural MP by 10 * skill level % every 3 seconds.

    - Life Recovery => Life Aura
    * Not lost when hit
    * Recovers HP by skill level * player MATK / 10 per 3 seconds.
    * Status Penalty removed.

    - Mana Recharge => Energy Aura
    * Not lost when hit
    * Recovers skill level * 5 MP per seconds per 3 seconds.
    * Status Penalty Removed.

    - Brave Aura => Brave Aspect
    * Life Aura now grants a 10 second ATK + MATK + wATK Boost every 5 seconds.
    * Buff lost when hit
    * Aspect lost when hit for damage > player Max HP / 10 or receives a disability ailment.
    * No status penalty
    * Duration = 6 * skill level seconds

    - Magic Barrier => Barrier Aspect
    * Energy Aura now grants a 10 second DEF + MDEF + pResis + mResis Boost every 5 seconds.
    * Buff lost when hit.
    * Aspect lost when hit for damage > player Max HP / 10 or receives a disability ailment.
    * No Status Penalty.
    * Duration = 6 * skill level seconds

    - High Cycle => Cycle Aspect
    * Life Aura now grants a 10 second CSPD Boost every 5 seconds.
    * Buff lost when hit
    * Aspect lost when hit for damage > player Max HP / 10 or receives a disability ailment.
    * No status penalty
    * Duration = 6 * skill level seconds

    - Immunity => Protection Aspect
    * Energy Aura now removes ailments (except flinch, tumble & stun) every 10 seconds. Prevents map ailments.
    * Aspect lost when hit for damage > player Max HP / 10 or receives a disability ailment.
    * No Status Penalty.
    * Duration = 6 * skill level seconds

    - Quick Motion => Quick Aspect
    * Life Aura now grants a 10 second ASPD Boost every 5 seconds.
    * Buff lost when hit
    * Aspect lost when hit for damage > player Max HP / 10 or receives a disability ailment.
    * No status penalty
    * Duration = 6 * skill level seconds

    - Fast Reaction => Reactive Aspect
    * Energy Aura now grants a 10 second Guard & Evasion Boost every 5 seconds.
    * Buff lost when hit.
    * Aspect lost when hit for damage > player Max HP / 10 or receives a disability ailment.
    * No Status Penalty.
    * Duration = 6 * skill level seconds

    - Sanctuary
    * Chance to retain aspects even when receiving damage > player max HP / 10 or when flinched/tumbled/stunned = 5 * skill level %

    - Healing Song
    * Natural regen is useless. Needs global buff.

    - Fairy Song
    * Accuracy and Dodge are useless. Needs global buff.

    - Passion Song
    * Effect Changed: Elemental damage increased by skill level%, effect is doubled if element is strong against target and halved if element is weak against target

    DANCER (I'm not too sure about this one tbh.)
    - Fairy Dance
    * Unless the effect is 66%+ this is useless.

    - Astute Dance
    * Unless the effect is 66%+ this is useless.

    BATTLE (I'm not too sure about this one tbh.)
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  2. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Then instead of removing the ailments, every time the user gets hit while the aspect is active it adds a stack of ailment debuff for 10 seconds?

    Also, no, those support aspects are applied to the auras which have a max range of 15m. Having those things be global would be wicked OP. Maybe instead of 15 the range becomes 20 while on sanctuary but that's it.
  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Won't take much code to just make it non-removeable.

    Tanks actually don't need much more buffs which is why it's centered more towards support who stay away from receiving damage rather than the take damage type. It's easy to make a dedicated tank tho not a hybrid because those just die.

    Game needs more diversity not another means to buffing already existing builds.
  4. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    They will be but since the game is *cough*class-free*cough* it'd overpower tanks to be walking bastions of totems of divine bestowal and protection. Once you have a tank with support skills, no one would build a supporter because a tank would take their role and protect the party at the same time.

    Most tanks are build VIT/MTL and have CRT equipment for aggro phys skills so adding onto ailment resistance basically reduces the MTL requirement, reducing the usability of the stat yet diversifying the tank role.

    I actually missed that edit on Sanctuary but it's pretty good for improving it. Can't say that I'm impressed Heal is the lv4 support skill when a buff to sanctuary to make it less tank centric would have been better.

    Again tho, it the change has to be made, it has to be made keeping in mind that you can build for basically high phys and mag resis and just sit on synergized sanctuary and win.

    I think the developers made an outline for the skills of the game in general but failed to account for the difference in playstyles and preferences the external community would have.

    Eg: Knux has 'make boss kill you' skills yet at the same time, lack MP Recovery, proration or even valid defenses. Whilst Mage has mp recovery and can boost damage but has no way of doing so themselves.

    What really should have been the plan for a class free game was to have the Main weapon skill trees provide the necessaries for functionality independent of each other and then use the buff skill trees to further enhance each weapon type. Assist skills then come in to shore up on whatever a build is lacking or outright missing.

    Toram is a design nightmare right now which is why I assume most MMORPGs don't do the class free thing because even what I say above will have problems when certain buff skills overpower others making a build less reliable than others.
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