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Question regarding barehand tank

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by S@Ble, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. S@Ble

    S@Ble Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I tried to watch a number of vid on barehand tank and try it out myself ,, but i still got a number of question.

    1) how does the stk work? it starts of at 10/10 but when i refresh it it still stay at 10/10 however sometime i get dc and it goes down to 5/10

    2) does qi actually go down when i got hit event when i dont use skill?
    i was tanking at finstern and my qi keep going down so fast when i get atk even i didnt use any skill.

    3) does it necessary to have 10k aspd? i able to reach about 5k aspd at this point because i put 50 on agi. To have 10k aspd (with buff) i will need to put more in agi therefore it reduce my vit and over all hp.
  2. OriginLa

    OriginLa Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2017
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    La Zoto
    1. Consume 100mp = 1qi stack , with maximmum 2k mp you will get 20qi stack.

    2. Your qi will go down when you are getting and using skill. You need to pay attention to your qi stack. Once the stack is gone. Your internal elixir won't function.

    3. More aspd , more auto attack. Then you can spam your combo, thus generate your aggro.

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