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Discussion in 'Production Class' started by PurpleHart ❤, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. PurpleHart ❤

    PurpleHart ❤ Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    I'm relatively new in exploring production so I read what I need to know. By far, these are questions that are still confusing me:
    1. Is it recommended to start the game with production and a side DPS? Err, I mean someone that can fight but can do production as well. If so, some suggested Bow or Staff to start with, why?
    2. Do I need to max or increase TEC to raise my BS proficiency?
    3. If I want to have my own statter, is there a stat that I need to max out or not?
    4. Is it possible that statting and synth can be in one character?
    5. Aside from adding character slots, is there other method/s for increasing storage or so for production points?
    6. I have read that BS prof levels now decrease statting material cost, what does this mean?
    7. Is 100 difficulty recommended in crafting? Is it for success rate?

    Thanks for bearing with me! :)
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    production skills are not mandatory, but will save you a lot of spina when you do it yourself.
    it is always recommended to design your production character(s) to be able to fight. naturally they don't compare to actual battle characters, but no one wants a non-combatant in their party and leveling through side quests doesn't bring you very far.
    Bow and Staff are commonly used for Crossfire and Finale. both skills have high damage potential with low stats, but there are other options as well.
    (although these two are probably the cheapest ones)
    no, but maybe yes. there is no direct relation between TEC and Profiency.
    but TEC greatly increases Difficulty Level for unlocking higher level recipes, and it boosts success rate of crafting so you produce less trash while raising your Profiency.
    adding stats on equipment with Upgrade Equipment only needs TEC. the more the better, as it returns up to 30% potential when setting negative stats.
    yes, it is. both benefit from TEC. but you have to keep in mind the high cost of necessary skills.
    with the current level cap it is possible to get every smith and alchemy skill on a single character, but at the cost of not having any other abilities, therefore being unable to fight.
    suscribing monthly tickets gives a material capacity boost. this is all luxury, though.
    the highest level of statting currently does exceed the default limit, but the limit will be raised in upcoming updates.
    the material cost for adding stats increases exponentially, inevitably raising the cost to more than what it is worth.
    raising your Blacksmith Profiency will decrease the final material cost by a small percentage, so the exponential growth is slowed down.
    Difficulty Level only restricts which recipes are available to you. it has no influence on success rate of crafting or anything else.
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  3. PurpleHart ❤

    PurpleHart ❤ Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Thank you so much for clarifying stuffs. Now, I can safely proceed in starting my game.

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