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Questions about Training Pets

Discussion in 'Pet/Taming' started by Kaejuda, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. Kaejuda

    Kaejuda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Played toram for a long time but still haven't touched the pet training function yet (haha sorry) because of some problems it had,the outcome is me having low knowledge on how it works.

    so if anyone who is a pet training expert can help me and answer some question i would be glad :

    1/ Does pet fusion work somewhat like item synthesis?

    2/ Does the stat change too when i change the pet appearance? (ex: lowered when fusing a trained lv 185 with an untrained lv 1)

    3/How does fusing affect the power of pets? and does it have a limit?

    4/How does pet skill input/leveling work? and how to train skill to max lv most efficiently?

    5/How does pet leveling work? and how to level them up most efficiently?

    6/I know about the nature table yes,and what is good and not,but how do you combo your pet skills base on it?

    i'm still confused about these,thanks alot in advance if you helped me
  2. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    1 - Yes, you have 1 lock for weapon/type/nature, 1 lock for habilities from first pet, 1 lock for abilities from second pet. You have lock for dyes as well, but you need to pay for them (just like synthetizing on npc).
    2 - No, but you misunderstood appereance thing. It really only locks appearence, but max level for fusioned pet is (petA's level+petB's level)/2, no matter which appereance you choose.
    3 - Fusioned pet's power is petA's power+petB's power. The power limit for a pet is his max level.
    4 - Whenever a pet enter in battle, he level up his skill proeficiency a bit, no matter if he uses or not, but using them gives more exp. "Fastest" way to lvl up skills is going bare hand with no stats and using Pet MP Heal constantly.
    5 - Pretty much as player's level. Just fight bosses.
    6 - Sly and Justice are the best IMO, no matter weapon/type, simply because avoiding sure death give pets more battle potential. I don't recommend brave, devoted, proactive and timid, because they don't avoid anything.
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  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    item synthesis: no
    equipment synthesis: partially yes

    pet fusion has no success rate, it doesn't fail and selections are absolute. but there is a hard limit on what you can select.
    appearance and inheritance are guaranteed. you choose one and discard the other. transferring dye is permanent (no gamble, no need for locks), but comes at a high price. weapon, type and nature are partially random. you only got to pick one, the other two will be gambled. (you can tip the odds in your favour by fusing pets with identical or similar attributes)
    stats always increase. you get the potential defined by the type +10% of the materials' current stats.
    power will always increase. they add up until you hit the cap (2x current player max level)
    max level can decrease. it takes the average current level of both pets. fusing a 185 with a 1 gets you a 93.
    power adds up. the limit is twice the player level.
    if the pet's power is higher than it's current level, power will not increase naturally on levelup.
    pet skills are aligned on a grid. the first skill can be selected from the inner 3x3 square. the second and third skill will be choosen at random from the skills next to the last learned skills (usually 3 options).
    the success rates are 100, 50 and 25%.
    the skill level is randomly set between 1 and 5.
    inherited skills are locked on the grid, they cannot be learned a 2nd time and the skills behind them become inaccessable.

    skill level increases with kill count and by casting the skill in battle. (active skills will level faster than passive skills)
    the required exp grows exponentially, regardless of starting level. (a lv1 skill and a lv5 skill take the same time to reach lv2 and lv6)
    inherited skills cannot increase their level.

    the Skill Boost type has low stats but skill levels will increase faster.
    pet get the monster's base exp within a level range of +-30. outside that boundary, exp decreases.
    there is no appropriate level bonus, instead the pet's affinity value multiplies the base exp up to 10 times.
    the pet must be alive and participate in battle to gain exp. it cannot leech exp from monsters it didn't fight.
    pets with the Gentle or Timid nature gain exp without attacking monsters. (they still only count your targets, not monsters killed by party members)
    the nature chart is incomplete, not all info could be datamined.
    obviously, Enthusiastic/Brave, Intelligent and Devoted go best with physical attack, magic attack and tank builds.
    Steady is good for the interrupt skills.
    Sturdy is the allrounder.
    Gentle is the best support. (but cannot attack)
    the other natures are a matter of preference and weapon type.
    Agile, for example, works well with ranged weapons since they walk at double speed and need less time to navigate their position inbetween attacks.
    Timid is very bad with close range weapons, because it cannot attack below 5m distance.

    personally, i like Sly. it doesn't havy any stat boosts, but avoids all signaled AoE attacks and is immune to spikes.
    although it doesn't do well as a tank, because it moves more than it attacks and therefore generates not enough aggro.
    the movement can be kept to a minimum by having a short ranged weapon, otherwise it will always walk to it's maximum attack range.
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  4. randboyz

    randboyz Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    aren't you contradictory with your statement? isn't sly avoid all signaled AOE? isn't it mean pet will be busy to avoid all AOE if it short ranged type weap? or am I missunderstood something here?

    sorry for my silly question
  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    it's not like the boss will constantly use AoE attacks, so it can attack in between. a short range pet will approach the boss and attack, while a long range pet will move to it's maximum attack range first.
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  6. randboyz

    randboyz Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Make a sense, thanks for your advice

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