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Rant box

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 鼠NY Sewer Rat鼠 (藍焰), Nov 18, 2019.

  1. 鼠NY Sewer Rat鼠 (藍焰)

    鼠NY Sewer Rat鼠 (藍焰) Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2019
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    Rant/swear anything that annoy you to release your anger, including me, no need to hide anything (if you hate me, just rant that I'm a dogshit and call me whatever you like) .

    Tired of this game because this game is just like a pile of dog poo:mad:. They don't even have basic knowledge about balancing games:mad:. Spending money to hire stupid GMs that don't even know how to play:mad: (especially Sarah) and finally the big bad fat rat with glasses:mad:.

    Those are my last words, after 11/22/2019, I will change my username on this forum to NY Sewer Rat and no longer socialize to anything related to this game anymore, take care!

    Biggest sewer rat so as loner of Toram.:mad:
    Blue Flame - 藍焰:mad:
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2019

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