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Satellite decent nuff?

Discussion in 'Hunter' started by Rizer phoenix, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    As title states, is satellite a decent enough skill as secondary dps?
    Because l see Youtubers with 2s gears (and near 4k atk) dealing Satellite in millions, but none with low/mid budget builds to determine its worth at low atk.
    But considering if my atk is 2.1k, would satellite deal decent dmg? While cf is charging and all?
    Any criteria? Like for cf its recommended to use snipe before.
    And ..how does it work exactly -.-; )?
    Just..shoot it n it rains down..?
  2. ViPR

    ViPR Elite Observer Elite Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Considering Satellite has 100% phys pierce I’d say it’ll always be valuable to have.
  3. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    if u're in a party, satellite only works if the tank can keep the boss still. if it moves, ur sate won't hit. so something to consider
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  4. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Essentially a dt for archers, eh? xD

    Oh yes, l saw that, Useful for Venena thou no xD
    Since most of a player's life is spent there -w-; )
    150-199 l mean xD
    Questions thou,
    1) is it multiple shot skill? If so, how many shots?
    [ Youtubers be using arrow rain n constant barrage of atks so kinda hard to tell if its 1 shot or multiple]
    2) has someone timed it? Like how much time it takes to actually be complete if its multiple shot skill ; to keep boss immobile.
    3) no special opener for satellite ya? Like flame skill (spellings forgotten) for cf, simple reflex works -w-; )?
  5. kariin

    kariin Patience is a Virtue Staff Member MODERATOR Super Likable Elite Member Wiki Contributor Epic Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    since i dont hv it as a main atk i just use when i fight immobile bosses. i never timed it but it is multiple shots.
  6. Amaymon

    Amaymon Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2016
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    Still slow. It's like a combination of DT and Arrow Rain. Pierce effect like DT with animation like Arrow Rain, but the arrows descend way slower than arrow rain. It is multi hit, and will the arrow will get cancelled when you use it again, just like Magic Skills.

    Openers entirely depends on the user. I personally use War Cry for quick buff attack and anti fear buff. Reflex is much cheaper MP wise. Kairiki is pretty much reserved for my CF combo.
  7. ★Preetam★

    ★Preetam★ Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2018
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    as for what i have tried out from my bow build which is really nub in equips , i loved using cf + satellite
    like my satellite was 500k+ * 3 hits on kuzto hard and my cf 3 charge was around 600k
    since satellite has a slow animation so i prefer using gsw as much as i can and also use buffs as much like kaireki , warcry and brave aura since bow is quite compatible with this due to spare skill points , long range etc and as for snipe i use it only on high def boss before using cf
    not sure but i think it takes almost 5-10sec for the sateliite to hit all its three shots
    also with satellite i would say use ad lib as an opener cuz the buffs will only effect the satellite when it hits so if like u shot the satellite and used buffs before it hits then ur buffs will add up to satellite damage
    as for me while killing kuzto i would charge cf and use satellite then release cf before satellite hits ground that way i maximized my damage tho since kuzto is pretty easy so i used gsw and brave aura pretty easily but with diff bosses situations will change so practice it out
    and tbh its so much more fun with bow now with so many different skills
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2020
  8. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Take bout 2seconds to finish the shooting animation. A small light will appear on the ground so u can see where the shot land. 5sec after shot, the first hit will fall down. 3 hits in total, each hit happens 1 sec after the other. In total, u need around 10 sec from start to finish skill.
    U can have 1mp opener to add the total cost of 4mp or impact save after the skill to reduce next skill by halved (2mp) style.

    Consider the dmg each hit is equal to snipe n low shot time, it can be primary skill if u can keep spamming (like for high mp/ampr archer)
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  9. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    War cry is a good substitute indeed -w-)/
    We get an opener, atk buff n ailment remover x3
    But thank you for that info :3

    Considering archer is all about dodging n all, buffs like brave aura n GSW r actually useful; if you actually dodge.
    But from what you say, it'll be like :
    Charge cf > fire satellite> snipe > cf,
    Or something along that..
    A like variety would be nice, it was getting boring to repeat the same cf>snipe>cf x3
    From your info, motion can be dealt with GSW (which l will take ONCE l get 20 more sp :'v)
    Thank you for for telling your experience, it was actually helpful ><)

    Thank you for that suggestion about combos :3
    That timing and point about indication where it will drop is certainly helpful !

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