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Sell weapons and armors

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Rasengan, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. Rasengan

    Rasengan New Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    Likes Received:
    S) 3x OHS ATK 341, 342 and 344
    +B refine
    Atack +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate + 21%
    Critical rate + 21
    S) 2x bow ATK 204 and 205
    +B refine
    Atack +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate +21%
    Critical rate +21
    S) Bow Atack 208
    +B refine
    Atack +10%
    Critical dmg +10%
    Critical dmg +20
    Critical rate + 20%
    Critical rate +20
    S) 2h sword Atack 509
    +S refine
    1 slot
    Atack +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg + 20
    Critical rate +21%
    Critical rate +21
    S) 2h sword Atack 506
    +B refine
    0 slot
    Atack +10%
    Crit dmg + 10%
    Crit dmg + 20
    Critical rate + 21%
    Critical rate + 21
    S) Halbert Atack 538
    +B refine
    1 slot
    Atack +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate + 21%
    Critical rate +21
    S) Bowgun Atack 264
    +B refine
    1 slot
    Atack + 10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate +21%
    Critical rate +21
    S) ARMOR DEF 168
    +B refine
    1 slot
    Strength +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate + 20%
    Critical rate + 20
    S) 4x ARMOR def 3x 170 and 171
    +B refine
    0 slot
    MaxHP +10%
    Vitality + 10%
    Vitality +20
    Aggro +15%
    S) 2x ARMOR def 2x 168
    +B refine
    0 slot
    Strength + 10%
    Crit dmg + 10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate +20%
    Critical rate + 20
    S) 18x ARMOR def 167-169
    +B refine
    0 slot
    Strength +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate +21%
    Critical rate +21%
    S) 10x ARMOR def 166-167
    +B refine
    0 slot
    Dexternity +10%
    Crit dmg +10%
    Crit dmg +20
    Critical rate +21%
    Critical rate +21
    Have these for sale. Let me know if you are interested in anything and we can talk about the price. Ps: wiling to do +S refine on the 0slot gear.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020

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