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Selling GLORY GEM:RoM3 for Proto Clarity Rose. Less than 24 hours before the event ends.

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by SAM., Jan 20, 2021.

  1. SAM.

    SAM. Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Countdown timer:


    Hi. I'm looking for 3 people for this gem run. The price is 6 million. Verification of gem is provided in the screenshots below.


    If you are unaware of what a "Proto Clarity Rose" is, please refer to the screenshots provided for details. It is an incredibly rare drop with incredibly powerful stats- most notable for its +70% pierce. Its base attack is 285. I do not know the maximum attack value of the sword, although I've seen a 298. I feel sure it can be higher by a decent margin.

    Payment is shown prior, and actual payment is paid right before the battle with Felien.

    One may argue to pay after. I will not do this, and I personally believe no one should do so as well. Here, I will explain in detail.

    The seller is the one providing the service, and should a buyer disagree with the procedures, he is denied the service and must seek elsewhere. Thus, all sellers of the same service can deny the buyer for the service unless it is in favor of their own terms. The seller does not want to be scammed. The buyer can not get scammed. Thus, I believe payment should be processed before, not after for all gem runs in general. In addition, a buyer may refuse payment if the item does not drop (unlucky gem RNG) in the sake of "fairness", or rather, the lack of.

    Once 3 people are found, I have to arrange a time for everyone to attend. Keep this in mind. Once everyone is gathered online, this should take approx. 10 min. or less, for your own reference. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me.

    Contact info:

    Discord (preferred) xSAM#2479 (case sensitive)

    Whatsapp: ‪+1 (623) 396‑6531‬

    LINE: sam.tando

    If I do not respond back immediately to you, I will be available 6 hours until the event ends and onwards.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021

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