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Selling some 2s stuff

Discussion in 'Selling' started by H1r43th, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. H1r43th

    H1r43th Member

    Aug 31, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Selling the following:
    4th anniv ohs ix 295+S a7ccc19 gwaimol + mardula | no app/dye | price: 34m SOLD
    Snowman on the head 45+B bapho + king piton | dye: ab5 | 42m SOLD

    Shaved Ice Hat 63+B 2slot clean 30m

    Old equips:
    Lil empress bow 246+S 2slot a7ccc18 | app: dia shooter | dye: a14 | price: 6.5m SOLD
    Lil empress halberd 392+S 2slot acd7cd18 | app: lil empress | dye: a1b5c2 | price: 6.5m

    Comment below or pm if interested. No item trade please, spina only. Thanks.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019

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