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share your equipment!

Discussion in 'Bow' started by Keyzeel, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. Keyzeel

    Keyzeel Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Hi I just informed that Toram has been released on steam so I decided to download and play toram again after a long time. and it looks like the game is pretty quiet right now. Is there anyone out there still playing this game? especially bow users. If so, can you share your equipment and how much does it cost now?
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  2. dongocanh.ntp

    dongocanh.ntp Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2017
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    bump. I'm just back to Toram as well so this thread would be very useful
  3. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Yes, we had dozens of threads even after the Steam release. This forum is low key active, although it won't be checked daily by everyone. I do check it quite regularly, and I think most others do too on a bi-weekly basis.
  4. yareyaredaze

    yareyaredaze Active Member

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Toram's Unofficial Forum, Reddit, Amino, and Steam Discussions are moderately active. Go to Toram's Discord servers if you want to communicate more.

    Low-to-mid budget bow (and other weapons) user here. Excluding weapons, my whole setup cost about 20m spina. With 1s +S bow new stat, it goes to around 32m. Including the cost of extraction crystas used, it could go up to ~36m, though I usually yolo'd on upgrading xtals. Depending on the market, some pricing may differ.

    Not the best example you can get as there are tons of specialized guides out there for bow, but here's my equipment and their estimated price:
    • Bow: 6th Anniv Bow VI 227+S 1s (Vulture), A10%DEX10%CD5%CD21CR23, 12m spina
    • Armor: Adv. Garb 2s (DX Fighter + Ageladanios), A7%CD10%CD21CR21, 11m.
    • Addgear: Christmas Tree 1s (Prudent Blue Shadow), 6.2m.
    • Spec.: Machina Ring 2s (Volgagon + Ageladanios), 3.3m.

    I'm pretty happy with my current setup because I play different kinds of physical DPS/weapons, and these equipment allow me to dish out exceptional damage with all of them without having to spend 150m++ Spina just for one type of weapon. SRD bow and bowgun also fit my playstyle.

    You can replace Vulture with Devil Dango for more physical pierce, or get both for 2s bow. Replace one of the Ageladanios with Black Shadow if your total crit dmg stat is 300. Replace DX Fighter with other higher ATK% xtals such as Black Shadow if you don't fancy releasing your CF in short range, and/or if you don't have any melee dps characters. Replace Prudent Blue Shadow with Zyvio if you lack critical rate, or get both with 2s (or you can use Meikyo Registlet instead, and ditch Zyvio for Black Shadow or something).

    For arrows, there are many good elemental ones that you can get from mob or boss drops such as Venena II or Arbogazella, though a few good ones are locked behind events.

    Some bow guides recommend you to have at least 120+ total crit rate due to crit-resistant bosses, but I personally don't think that trading damage xtals for more cr, just to use against few certain bosses, is worth it. There's also Meikyo Shisui and its registlet.

    A tidbit of information: there's a certain balance between ATK, SRD/LRD, and physical pierce that lets you maximize your damage using both CF and Satellite Arrow, especially against fast-moving bosses and high DEF ones. If you're unsure, putting full ATK% xtals for bow is an alternative, since Satellite has 100% physical pierce and doesn't benefit from range bonus.

    If you're planning on going full 2-slotted, top-of-the-line gears, it can cost you around 200m Spina, give or take.

    I'd also like to add that Toram is a game in which you are heavily encouraged to try different kinds of weapons, skills, and characters. Consider this whenever you're planning to spend your spina.

    A friendly reminder that this and other builds and recommendations out there are just that: recommendations. Take them as references in creating your own build. You make your own choices in the end. And who knows, you might just discover that your creative setup out-damages all the others'.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2022
  5. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    for starters, just get the latest bows from the NPC blacksmith.
    arrows past lv90 cannot be crafted, so it's mostly drops or quest rewards.
    (although there are currently no more side quests after chapter 5)

    equipment from events is usually slightly better than regular equipment of the same level.
    but currently there are none. the next one is probably Hanami in april.
  6. Yarrow

    Yarrow Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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