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Skill tree idea:Battlemage

Discussion in 'Mage' started by Glaive™, Mar 26, 2020.


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  1. Glaive™

    Glaive™ Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2018
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    had a cool idea about how to make magic devices more than just a farming tool to allow even more unique builds in the game so tell me what yall think.
    the goal behind this tree is to create a spot for magic devices to be more than what they are atm, giving them a matk buff and skills that can help them be stronger and look cool at the same time without sacrificing dmg

    1. Spellsword
    Lvl 1 skill; Magic device only.
    Passive Effect: spawn a Magic Blade that pierces the enemy and deals damage based on your total magic atk.
    Skill Type - proration: Magical - Physical Proration
    Base skill multiplier:1.8+0.12*skill level.
    Base skill constant:0
    Magical Pierce:25+2.5*skill level%
    Activation Rate:every (15-skill level) seconds while attacking in combat
    *Will take the Element of the magic device equipped*
    "unaffected by concentrate, long range, and short range damage stats"

    2. Arcane Aura
    Lvl 1 skill; Magic device only
    Mp cost: 300
    Maximum Cast range: Infinite
    Base Cast time: 4seconds; affected by CSPD
    Skill Duration: 20+1.5*skill level seconds
    Radius of Aura:5+Lvl/2 M (from the spot it was cast)
    Knockback distance:3+skill level/2(50% effective on bosses)
    Skill effect: Creat a ring that regenerates Mp. deals knockback to mobs around the user upon successful cast but no dmg.
    Mp Gain:20+(player level/4)every 5s
    "motion speed increases tick rate up To a maximum of 3s"

    3. Enhance
    Lv. 2 skill; Magic device only
    Mp cost: 500
    cast time: 2s; affected by CSPD
    Buff Duration: 30 seconds(cannot use redundently)
    Buff effects: enhance magic power, ASPD, and Element dmg
    Matk gain:+skill lvl%
    Attack speed:+10*skill level %
    Elemental dmg increase:+skill lvl%
    "must have element advantage"

    4. Energy Ball
    lvl 2 skill; Magic device only
    Mp cost: 200
    Skill type - Proration: Magic - Magical proration
    Base skill multiplier:0.5+0.15*skill level
    Base skill constant: 200; constant for each hit
    Hit Count: 2 hits; damage calculation is done for each hit.
    maximum cast range:8m
    Skill Effect: throw a ball of energy from each hand and deal damage, can be cast while moving.
    "elements change the name of the skill"

    5. Elemental Slashes
    lvl 3 skill; Magic device only
    Mp cost:???
    Skill Type - Proration: Magical - neutral proration
    Base skill multiplier: 1+0.2*skill level
    Base skill constant: based on Mp consumed
    Maximum Hit range: Default Auto attack range
    buff duration:12 seconds
    Skill effect: Convert remaining Mp into a weapon. default auto attack animation changed to a blade of energy swinging slashes of energy at the enemy.

    6. Concentrated strike
    lvl 3 skill; magic device only
    Mp cost:600
    Skill Type - Proration; Magic - Magical proration
    Base skill multiplier: 3+0.4*skill level
    Base skill constant: 600
    Base Element: Wind; dual element
    Base Cast time:1s
    Hit count:8
    maximum cast range: 12m
    hit radius:2m
    Skill AOE Radius: 12m
    Skill Description: open the skies around the target and unleash devastating strikes of energy at random within the area
    if you guys have additional ideas for magic devices comment them below
    • Creative Creative x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Rydalis Darx

    Rydalis Darx Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Hello, you called? Seems like others are making skill trees too XD I just released another one today.
    I wouldnt mind making the actual skill tree graphic for this, makes it look even more convincing if you make it right to fool people ;)

    But yeah, I like it, I wouldnt mind having this added if there were a balance patch later.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    finally some main MD exclusive skills :D
    (they should get something like crusher skills in the future. hopefully they will do something about it when they are done with guard/evasion and tier 4 side skills)

    here's some more to make use of the MD's physical capabilities:

    Gear Shift (active buff)
    enhance magic power based on atk

    Accelerate (passive)
    charge up by using auto-attacks (max 30). increase movement speed.
    the effect resets when taking damage. unavailable with Slow or Stop.
    (for faster positioning and avoiding AoEs. you are flying, so why shouldn't you be quicker than those who walk?)

    Mana Overdrive (active buff)
    uses up all mp and increases charge stack based on mp used (max 20).
    increase normal attack power, aspd and ampr of the next 10 auto-attacks. the effect scales with the charge count.
    unable to use magic attack skills while in effect.
  4. Glaive™

    Glaive™ Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2018
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    making a visual tree for this would be nice but I have absolutely no idea how to go about that so I just worried about the main skills, but yeah a visual representation would sell it alot more xD

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