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Solutions to stabilize economy

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kousunpo, Feb 24, 2022.

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  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Seeing how messed up toram's economy is, a solution would be for all of us to force fixed prices all across the entire community market regardless of availability of goods and that we force ourselves to accept the fixed prices, this could mean a victory against economic chaos, we just need to as a community to have the discipline to make it a long term solution. Iruna online market community have a very stable economy because of using this solution, and i think if implemented correctly into toram's economy we can finally stabilize the economy.
  2. moonlightreys

    moonlightreys Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    you mentioned iruna has a stable economy but at what cost? previously, everything was sky high, crazy numbers in the G's. now, there are so few new players joining, so few people around to buy the items. naturally, the price would drop and stabilise somewhat since it's the same people buying and selling. toram has a much bigger playerbase right now so i don't see this as a viable solution no matter how ideal it seems. all this economic chaos is why i like npc farming even though it's slow as heck but at least i can stay far from the hellhole called economy.
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  3. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    just make that you can only get 10k spina each day selling at npcs :v
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