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Suggestions for Asobimo: Dex Stats should improve Attack Speed

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Takata, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Here is an idea that Asobimo could implement to greatly improve DEX stats, they could make it additionally grant ASPD to the same degree that AGI does, by doing that, many weapons would no longer need to rely on God Speed Wield to attain Maximum Motion Speed, God Speed Wield is honestly for all intents and purposes just a crutch skill that is all it is, nothing more and is in fact Less because your enemy wether Boss or Player(especially Player, PVP exists now) they can simply one shot you before you can complete your 3 stacks and they obviously wouldn't let you make it to your 2nd stack let alone 3rd stack they aren't dumb, so if more weapons especially Non-AGI based weapons can innately attain Maximum Motion Speed without the crutch skill, balance would be achieved in both PVE and PVP, so all in all DEX additionally granting the same level of ASPD that AGI does will allow each and every weapons to be on an even playing field especially for Non-AGI based weapons!!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023
  2. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Feel free to share your thoughts on the idea!
  3. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    so a new skill with the same effect as another skill with a balance drawback but without that drawback.
    bad idea.

    especially since bows already have a big advantage over short ranged weapons and this would put them even further ahead.

    it would be more fair to factor cast speed into motion speed like they updated critical damage to include agi.
  4. SquidInk

    SquidInk Member

    Sep 28, 2020
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    I'd suggest alternatively adjusting the scaling of stats as a whole on a class per class basis. Regarding aspd, I feel that it should only give aspd on staff (roughly the same amount that str does for 2h) and I feel that ohs should gain aspd from str (about as much as ktn gains from agi)

    delegating overall stat usefulness is something asobimo has done a really poor job at i think. But recently them adding cdmg to agi gave me hope...
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    That suggestion about cast speed factoring into Motion Speed would be neat!, however i don't see anything wrong with giving bows the same benefit of attaining Maximum Motion Speed by making their dex scale their aspd up to the same degree that agi would, because in the end it all comes down to each player's technical skills, a skilled short ranged fighter would try to close the distance, and a skill ranged righter would try to keep their distance, thus they ultimately remain balanced regardless!
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  6. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Yes dex giving staffs and mds high aspd to the same degree that agi does would help out mages alot with attaining Maximum Motion Speed without relying on God Speed Wield and still be balanced!!!, and yes scaling of stats on a class per class basis would be awsome too!!
  7. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Like the others in this thread, I would normally be dismissive of your idea on how to fix the game with a simple change, but I can see what you’re getting at. One of the problems with this game is that it has much more class customization than most other games, which is why I like to play it, but that freedom also leads to the issue of class homogenization, as most people will want to get every single skill they can that increases their DPS, meaning there isn’t much of a difference between the classes that are supposed to be fast, accurate, or powerful. The devs will also develop their game around the meta, so eventually using all of those fancy skills becomes necessary to be competitive.

    Rather than trying to turn every class into the knuckle or the halberd, I think it would be better to emphasize the strengths of each class. Motion speed is important for DPS, but melee DPS needs it in particular for survivability, but wouldn’t it be nice if melee classes actually had more survivability by default like they do in many other games? Wouldn’t it also be nice if classes with excessive accuracy still had a use for that accuracy on bosses they will graze 0% of the time? Wouldn’t it also be nice if AGI builds could cap their ASPD easier and recharge their evasions quicker without needing to use GSW or special equipment?

    Of course, GSW would probably need to be nerfed if such changes were to be made, but nerfed in a way where people still have the freedom to use it on non-halberd builds, but will have to deal with negative effects that are much greater than taking more damage while playing as a build that gets one-shot by everything anyways.
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  8. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    I believe it would be best to just class lock gsw entirely to halberd only and leave all weapons that rely on gsw be completely crippled unless they decide to build their weapons with agi and aspd gears weapons etc, that will let devs to see just how underpowered all those weapons would be without a crutch like gsw unless they build with agi, and the devs may finally open up their eyes to see that a mechanism change like improving dexterity to increase aspd to the same degree that agi does would solve everything, currently with all things considered ranged dual swords with lunar disaster and powerwave without powerwave modifier registlet, and other ranged agi based weapons with power wave such as knuckles and agi based bowgun etc are infinitely superior to any weapons that relies on gsw especially in pvp where we can expect the gsw users to always be be 1 shotted 100% of the time, and i honestly don't care about those who opposes my ideas to make non agi weapons as good as agi weapons lol, they are just traditionalists who loves being 1 shotted in battle especially in pvp, by the time they get 1 stack of gsw or try an iframe all it would take is 1 lunar disaster(agi str) or triple thrust(agi str) or chariot(agi vit) or shield cannon(shield agi vit) etc from afar and regardless of how fast their reaction speed may be, it would all be completely useless and their efforts completely in vain if they are all just gonna die before they can even get an iframe skill into motion lol
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
  9. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    In conclusion crutches such as gsw and those who rely on said crutches will always be outmatched especially against those who don't rely on crutches and are naturally talented with ultimate speed and power to begin with lol
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
  10. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    rn toram isn't doing that, if you see the new hunter skills they are fast (ofc if you use gsw it'll be better) making gsw even more like a risky option than a real must have

    now im using a shield bowgun build with multiple hunt spam, and its doing a good dmg even with a non anniv weapon without slots, and the skill is so fast even without gsw (like half a second or a bit more) with p.def and the movespeed from twin storms i can control when i get hit in 90% of the time (and triple ace gives 90% damage reduction against non fract damage if i mess up something), my dps is good enough to battle agains my friend with 2s elemental hb (mainly bcs i can attack from 12m), and if i really want true dmg i can equip a dagger and use multiple hunt> vanquisher(smite) while using gsw if the boss isnt hard

    for me dex should give players crit dmg based on over crit rate something like: 6 crit rate gives 4 crit damage (in this case the player should have 106 total crit rate, also this crit damage isnt affected by crit damage%)

    edit: dex would increase the conversion rate of over crit as dex doesnt really gives crit rate (my bad lol)
  11. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    And with attack speed scaling added to dex, it would allow dex users of all non-agi based weapons to attain maximum motion speed and no longer rely on stupid gimmicks like gsw, as long as they invested alot into aspd equipments and weapons crystas etc in addition to investing into dex, which would be awsome!!
  12. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    i think most of players see gsw as a problem and try to fix thing around that, for me gsw is balanced, not the player stats itself

    you guys say gsw is the main pillar of dps, but the real main pillar is STR, most of the dps classes use STR as the crit dmg it gives is way better than any other stat

    what would happen if they nerf the crit dmg from STR? for example nerfing to the same ratio as agi crit dmg and giving agi the ratio from str, it would change the builds A LOT, but there is some problems:

    all of the weapons that need str as a main stat (2h,hb,bow,ktn) is going to suffer the most, so the best thing to do is: the ratio of str to crit dmg stays 5str to 1crd until 255 str, after that it changes to 10str(agi stays 5 to 1 even after 255 agi), making the str nerf only 25% of the current (even less if you consider the players that reached the crd soft cap)

    dex cant be buffed as bow is one of the best class in the game, safe from danger, pierce skill, 2 invencible skills and etc, buffing dex would make bow so over powered that no one would out-dps a bow, just buffing one stat or removing one skill will change the game to worse as balance changes in ways you cannot see until done

    the more they make gsw a 2° option with new faster skills the best, as the balance from before is not changing, and when players stop using the old skills then they can finally change them with buffs/nerfs or registlets
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  13. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Bow gets 1 shotted by a 10k aspd vit agi shield cannon opponent before they can use gsw nor vertical air, so bow isn't so op in terms of pvp due to their inability to attain maximum motion speed without relying on gsw crutch unless they sacrifice half their power to aspd build with 450+ agi and 247 dex with 2s high aspd focused equipments and weapons etc such as love letter hat 2s with gordo&amargon and tww 2s with grimmuckus&etoise and use aspd skills like quick aura and beserk. So my solution is to just completely class lock gsw to be halberd only exclusive skill or just entirely scrap gsw altogether for a different halberd skill that is halberd exclusive to replace it and let all weapons that rely on gsw to suffer immensely until they complain for a rebalance in stats like making dex affect aspd to the same degree as agi, and as for balance they should just nerf all bow skill damage formulas by 50% to 75% to rebalance them in exchange for such nice perks of being able to attain 10k aspd naturally!!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
  14. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    My favorite quote "what good is having all the power in the world if your just gonna get killed before you can even use your supposedly ultimate power because you were too goddamn slow?!!!, its way way better to be the fastest being ever and be just about powerful enough to destroy your opponent in 1 hit long before they even know what hittem and its too freaking late for them cause they freaking got insta destroyed!!!"
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
  15. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Here is my solution then, make dex increase aspd to the same degree that agi does, but nerf all bow skills damages by 50%, problem solved, everyone gets to enjoy maximum motion speed without relying on a complete trash tier garbage skill like god speed wield((which all in all really should just be replaced with a new halberd skill exclusively for halberd)) as a crutch, and be balanced at the same time!!

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