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Support Halberd Build

Discussion in 'Halberd' started by Sowc, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Sowc

    Sowc Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Hey. Is your friendly (maybe) neighborhood hiatus freak. Peace.

    This build basically resulted from me regarding that GSW is the worst buff to its own weapon tree, as it works best with any class that has access to any form of hard survivability, which Halberds notably did not have. Then the Dancer skills came out, and it was a pretty good skill tree.

    Basically, the class boasts massive HP/MP aoe regen along with standard Dragon Tooth stuff, enabling it to flexibly fulfill most roles in a party.

    Str: 255+
    Agi: 245
    Core Skills
    • Dragon Tooth
    • Chronos Drive
    • Godspeed Wield
    • Spirited Dance
    • Elegant Poise
    • Nature's Wonder
    Sword Skills
    • (05) Mastery
    • (05) Quick Slash
    • (10) War Cry
    Shot Skills
    • (05) Mastery
    • (10) Long Range
    Magic Skills
    • (05) Arrows
    • (05) Javelin
    • (05) Lances
    • (07) Impact
    • (01) Finale
    • (10) Mp Charge
    Dual Skills
    • (05) Mastery
    • (01) Reflex
    Halberd Skills
    • (05) Flash Stab
    • (05) Cannon Spear
    • (05) Dragon Tail
    • (10) Dragon Tooth
    • (08) Deadly Spear
    • (05) Strike Stab
    • (10) Chronos Drive
    • (10) Mastery
    • (10) Critical Spear
    • (10) Quick Aura
    • (05) Warcry of Struggle
    • (10) Godspeed Wield
    Mononofu Skills
    • (05) Bushido
    • (01) Shuchuki
    Dark Energy
    • (10) Bloody Bite
    Survival Skills
    • (05) Safe Rest
    • (10) Hp Boost
    • (05) Short Rest
    • (10) Mp Boost
    Dancer Skills
    • (05) Fairy Dance
    • (05) Frenzy Dance
    • (01) Astute Dance
    • (10) Spirited Dance
    • (10) Elegant Poise
    • (10) Nature's Wonders
    Battle Skills
    • (10) Attack Up
    • (05) Whack
    • (10) Critical Up
    • (10) Intimidating Power
    Dragon Tooth Focused
    • 0/-1 mp (Core Regen Combo): Fairy Dance > Spirited Dance (Save) > Impact (Cons) > Dragon Tooth (Smite) > Finale (Smite)
    • 1 mp (War Cry Interim Combo): Reflex > War Cry (Save) > Impact (Cons) > Dragon Tooth (Smite) > Finale (Smite)
    • 1 mp (GSW Interim Combo): Godspeed Wield > Astute Dance (Save) > Dragon Tooth (Smite) > Finale (Smite)
    • 4 mp (Burst Multi Combo): Deadly Spear > Dragon Tooth (Smite) > Impact (Save) > Chronos Drive (Smite) > Finale (Smite)
    Regen Spam Focused
    • 1 mp (Quality Focused): Bloody Bite > Nature's Wonders (Save) > Chronos Drive (Swift)
    • 1 mp (Speed Focused): Flash Stab > Chronos Drive (Save) > Nature's Wonders (Swift)
    Hard Survivability
    • 1 mp: Elegant Poise
    • 0 mp: Mp Charge
    • 0 mp: Quick Aura
    Generally, gameplay focuses on using the Core Regen Combo which pays for itself. At 0 stacks of GSW, there is time to perform a second combo of any type, generally one of the Interim Combos, and nearing 3 stacks of GSW, there is time to perform 2/3 combos between each Core Regen Combo. The main focus is to build yourself a net gain of MP so that you can throw out a burst combo every once in a while.

    With the inclusion of very impressive regen (Quality Focused Regen Spam pretty much brings you back from 1 HP to full) along with the hard survive of Elegant Poise, the Support Halb actually becomes an incredibly stocky character, which is capable of using a good number of GSW stack solo, and (cautiously) filling in as a semi-tank as the party needs. 3890.jpg
    And finally, based on what combos you use in the interim of the Core Regen Combo, this build can suddenly shift its focus into any role your party needs, from DPS, Tank, or Support.
    3891.jpg 3901.jpg 3900.jpg
    My equipments are still kinda garbage, so...

    Lil Empress Dagger
    Heaven Feather Garb [NPC]
    Shaved Ice Hat - Warmonger
    Speed Talisman IV - Tapir

    Alright, thanks for taking the time to read this, and comment. This psychopath is going back under into hiatus territory.
    So, yeah.

    Replaced Burst DT with Burst Multi Combo
    Increased Deadly Spear from 5 to 8
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
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  2. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    If it helps any, assuming that you don't know this because you go on hiatus a lot, dive impact gives invincibility during its animation. Of course, it costs a lot more than elegant poise, but it's nice if you have enough AMPR.
  3. Sowc

    Sowc Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Ah, I can't believe I completely glossed over Dive Impact, though it is probably because it was so unremarkable in the tier 3 era. However, I'd still consider Elegant Poise to be superior, due to the fact that it lasts a lot longer than Dive Impact, and costs remarkably less.
  4. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    It could still be good in some situations. Elegant poise's invincibility buff lasts longer than dive impact's, but you need to get hit first and it only blocks 50% of the damage on that hit. If you needed to fully block an attack immediately, dive impact would be a good option imo. Fortunately though, You can leave it at level 5 and still gain the full effects of the invincibility.

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