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tank build

Discussion in '1-Hand' started by nan@, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. nan@

    nan@ Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2020
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    can i ask str<vit and vit>mtl which one better and what is mtl effect?
  2. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Vit>str is good IF you want to be a tank that can do dmg, but, will be effected by ailments which can potentially get you killed.
    [And Vit>Str or vice versa shouldnt really be attempted unless you got PCR or thunder axe(both atleast 1s/2s with decent refine) or anything new which l may not know of; which can contribute to lil dmg],
    Mtl>vit is good in sense ailments wont effect you if you can get it to 100%,
    High Vit doesnt really matter much these days,
    If you can get resistances, know what your are doing and time your skills right, even 4k is nuff; that high hp is merely a failsafe INCASE you are caught off-guard.

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