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The Devs are salty about unnerfing magic cannon

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Kaisyl, Apr 6, 2022.

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  1. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Check the patch notes, clearly it wasn't because the mechanic was dumb but because "it was too hard to use".

    The initial nerf that released with the skill is added reasoning.

    Devs hate mages. They mad salty now!
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  2. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    If the developers ever loved mages they would never had made finale in the first place, and would have made all magics in general subjected to only motion time like physical classes but with a proper cooldown system in which cooldown is reduceable by dex and cooldown reduction stats and the cooldown would have default number of seconds depending on the tier, and magic cannon would have been in place of finale instead as tier 4, and tier 5 magic would have been an entirely different magic skill like magic:judgement or magic:zero ray or something along those lines
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
  3. PutuKarma

    PutuKarma Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    bro, long cast spell is always one of magic romance, they know that and make finale a thing, it's just that they dont know how to balance things between the cast time, boss mech and dps
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  4. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    Cast time should be paired with higher damage.
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  5. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    When using MD with matching Elements, my M:Canon kind of does damage, it increases after meteor use, but yeh... it's not exactly Tier 5 D A M A G E, more like, T4 DLC damage, with that shitty Mana explosion baffling joke of a punishment for a skill with such high demands to use. (Yes I used it with staff, still lacking)

    I'd like to know what you think of the other magic skills, I'm happy enough with Cronos and Meteor, wished it dealt more damage but the ailments I think are useful, magic barriers and rapid recharge are.. Ok, the barriers are a bit good for mob farming, not yet sure on bosses cuz all modern bosses are One shot bs anyway so I never get to see those barriers on action- and Rapid charge is great partially, the -1second can be felt, but the buff is smoll pp

    I honestly don't feel the "Hate mages" energy from asobimo on those notes, I do feel "we rather buff other classes to OP tier than bother with this class", neglect/bias, they don't even play the game on the same way we do, they are yet to update their brains to the higher difficulty enemies they made that require higher resources from new skills
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  6. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    not all mages in rpgs have cast time, pocket legends epic conquest terraria etc have cooldown instead of cast time, also cast time is a major reason why mages are far inferior to physical classes in terms of combat effectiveness and practicality and if pvp was ever a thing mages would always be one shot killed long before they can even get to 0.5 seconds of their 7 seconds long spell, check the thread "why devs hate mages" and it will have all of my explanations on why mages are infinitely inferior to physical classes especially in combat effectiveness and practicality, and cast time is a major reason why they can never excell in combat effectiveness nor practicality. also if magic was real, i am sure instant cast magic would be preferred in direct combat over non-instant magic.
    essentially kickboxing((all long range instant cast physical classes that are 100% fatal to mages))


    tai chi((long cast time mage that are equally fatal but the mage would be one shot killed long before they can even unleash any of their magic at all lol))
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  7. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    And honestly finale should have been able to be instant cast if certain conditions are met like obtaining sufficient cspd just like burst, unreduceable cast time alone just makes it vastly inferior to burst ((which while cast time of burst is a pathetic base of 8 seconds can be made to become instant with sufficient cspd of 7.7k))
  8. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Maybe if paired with absolute invincibility for the entire casting duration, otherwise mages would still just be sitting ducks((well helpless floating ducks)) that are asking to be one shot killed by instant long range attacks of lethal power long before even 0.5 seconds of casting their 7 seconds long spell can be completed
  9. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Here is a complete explanation of how a cooldown system works for mages, and world of warcraft is another example of why mages do not necessarily need casttime, and that casttime can definitely be replaced with cooldown which is infinitely superior in comparison to casttime lol

    See???!!! a major mmorpg where mages can just instant cast their magics, they just need to wait for the cooldown to instant cast the same big spell, but in the mean time they can just spam other instant cast magics while waiting lol!!!!

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  10. Momoeater

    Momoeater Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    Maybe they will get sued by other companies if they put same things as other games. Lol
  11. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Cooldown is not patented, it exists in other mmorpgs other than world of warcraft like pocket legends epic conquest etc, it is an accepted mechanism for mages in alot of mmorpgs as an alternative to casttime lol, toram developers could easily switch from casttime to cooldown anytime they want. And if they do that, it would be a major needed buff for mages to no longer be helpless floating pin cushion ducks and finally and actually become a combat practical class on par with physical classes especially long range physical classes lol
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  12. Spanish Bread

    Spanish Bread Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    @Kousunpo , can't we have thread about mages without you always complaining about Mage cast time?
    This one is about Magic Cannon, yet you have been inserting the idea of mages having insta casting shit numerous times already. Even spamming a number of posts continuously. Why don't you make your own thread and revive the one you made.
  13. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    the topic was also about the toram developers hating mages, so i replied to that half of the topic, and radically improving mages to become just as combat practical and efficient as physical classes would be a perfect way for the toram developers to show that they care for mages just as much as they do physical classes
  14. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    writing many words and repeating the same phrases over and over again doesn't make it more convincing.

    speaking of Burst, the cast time is reduced flat by using other Magic skills.
    at 1000cspd, which becomes a standard from cspd boosting equipment from that level onwards, it only takes 4 Magic skills to reach instant cast time.
    when you get Burst you also get Wall and Storm with based cast times of 1s, so effectively 0.5s. (just enough to trigger Guardian Beam)
    the skill is designed to be charged before use, so 7k+ cspd is not a necessity.

    Finale has auto-guard, if available, and other cast skills can use Mirage Evasion.
    neither is possible for physical skills.
  15. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Objective reality has no need to be more convincing than it really needs to be, Objective reality just Is. Everyone's perception of truth varies and they have the right to believe or deny what they want. And so far in Objective reality a good combat practical and effective class is defined as one with the ability to quickly annihilate enemies and do so safely with great efficiency and also possess extreme survival and resilience in combat. and currently physical classes seem to be the only classes capable of fulfilling those criterias, whereas mages greatly struggle to meet those criterias and are heavily outperformed by their physical peers.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2022
  16. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Tbh, what mages need are a way to 'spam' their skills to keep up with phys DPS.

    Even with 10k CSPD, they must wait for their magic circles to finish.

    Best way to accomplish this would be simultaneous casting, moving whilst casting or canceling magic circles when re-cast is successful and not on the beginning of re-cast.
    I really like chronos and meteor crash but cannon was clearly intended to be mage t5 damage skill here and yea may have exaggerated on the "Hate" part but there is a clear neglect being showcased.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Those solutions would really help mages keep up with physical dps classes, and indeed there is at the very least clear neglect towards mages from the developers if not hate
  18. The Lost One

    The Lost One THOT BEGONE AGENT Elite Member

    May 31, 2018
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    If only that stupid advance familiar can also cast tier4/t5 skills instead of a rng skill from that crappy wizard tree. :D

    I don't know why the fxkn cat can't cast magic skill from magic tree. Seriously, that wizard tree need a rework.
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  19. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The whole skill tree is terrible.
    All the skills have terrible damage except meteor which is just terrible overall (not counting regislet), stone barrier is too weak, mana crystal only allows for spawning 1 at a time.

    You summon the familiar to get bonus MP, it uses MP to do so.

    Imperial ray, while nice is too weak and has too long cast time in general especially for being a single target. Advanced familiar makes no sense to use at all.

    But everyone knows wizard tree is a waste of skill points at this point.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. XGunZx

    XGunZx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    you guys are talking about cannon not having t5 dmg, but the main idea of the devs was "t5 is just a extra option, not better skills"

    but the same devs gave hb draconic charge with high dmg, knuck needed a high dmg skill, 2hs have the aura blade with high dmg...

    i think the real idea was the use of the old skills with the new t5
    magic cannon need old skills cast for fast charge

    new bow buff need the old skills to work

    knuck have the changed chariot and parry

    aura blade increases duration with buster blade

    hb infinite dimension use chronos drive for more mp

    ktn have divine slash that use garyou

    for me the conditions for some skills are kinda dumb, mage is in 1° place, you have to use 3+ skill to 100% and after that get mana explosion and miss the boss cus its moving

    i dont think they hate mages, but how to do balances to a class that get 1500 mp in 2 seconds at long distances?
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