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The other side of the TEC synth

Discussion in 'Bow Gun' started by The Brahmnic Boy, Oct 7, 2020.

  1. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Well, yes. I have a TEC -> VIT tank, for statting, Refining and Crafting armour. It works okay, but that's not what this thread is about.

    Since I already have a tank, it didn't appeal to me to make another Tank-Synth, so I made a TEC -> DEX Synth character, Bowgun. Now, I spent a bit spina to get A10CD20CR20 +B Bowgun and A10CD20 Armour for it, even though it wasn't my main character. (Considering my main itself isn't fully fleshed out yet.)

    I know I don't have STR bonus stability, and less stability from arrows. Nevertheless, I farmed all the elemental arrows.

    I experimented with 10 Skill points to get level 6 Arcane strike, with Insect dagger as sub to do
    • Kick - Decoy(save) - Arcane(save)
    combo for superfast AMPR.

    My core skills are the same as bow:
    • Crossfire and Snipe level 10
    • Impact level 7
    • Moeba branch not taken yet
    • Kick level 1, soon to expand into Satellite when reached level 205.
    • Decoy level 10.
    • No Sneak attack
    • HP boost
    I was wondering if I want to go more AMPR with Regretless or more damage with other skills. However, take the following into account:

    I was at Odeleon Machina today, (my mood message is TEC Synth) and one person in my party told me to 'hold aggro', so that 'they can deal damage', and I 'will be useful.'
    • I am not a tank, and I don't have War cry or Berserk, or HP, or resistance.
    • I was using a Dark arrow, and was dealing 300-500 K damage per 3 stacks of CF. (bowgun has low stability)
    • The bow player wasn't even using a dark arrow, and by the looks of it wasn't doing much higher damage than I did,
    • Only the Finale guy (who wasn't using Sneak attack) was doing substantial damage per hit.
    So, why am I supposed to prove myself 'useful'? How am I supposed to hold aggro as a TEC Synth when I don't even have aggro gear or skills or HP? And when you continue spamming Finale it doesn't make it easier for me to 'hold aggro'.

    I switched to Dagger sub for more MP to spam CF - Snipe - Snipe - CF but I don't have the HP to stay alive! In the end they kicked me.

    So what kind of a playstyle am I supposed to adopt? I already lost 60~ points in Synth, so I can't have tons of skills, remember? That's why I put my mood message as TEC Synth.
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Bowguns are gambler weapons, relying on lucky hits.

    Crossfire is stronger on the additional hits. to compete with Bows, you have to load the full charge.
    the elemental arrow skills deal considerable damage if the ailment hits.
    Paralysis Shot raises stability.

    alternative styles are going full gambler mode with daggers,
    playing defensive with a shield (no crossfire, i'm afraid), gun martial arts or magic.
  3. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    • Yeah, I thought of going Gun fu for super breaking with Fatal shot + Knux skills, but nowadays people want fastkill so they don't bother waiting around for breaker.
    • Also leveling up on minibosses means that breaking is out of the picture.
    • Getting Full crit isn't that hard for me, 20 CR on Bowgun + 10 from Gespenst II + 14 from food buff and planning on + 25 from Ruzart and Seele Zauga. I will also get better armor in the future.
    • But the main problem is stability. My damage on Graze is anywhere from 50K to 300k.
    • Dagger is only useful on high ATK like Halberds, and I only use it for extra ASPD (Insect dagger) and Arcane AMPR buff

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