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Theres no logic in buying mmh for 25-30k a stk

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by gokool, Apr 29, 2016.


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  1. gokool

    gokool Active Member

    Apr 27, 2016
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    So anyway,
    A STK of mmh (99) gives around 82000+82000=164000 exp the normal cost of mmh is 25-30k a STK

    Bitter nuts give around 18000 exp 12 pcs.. a STK contains(30) pcs that's around 18000+18000=(36000) exp. Bnuts sell for 3K a pop

    Nwood gives around 10000 exp every 30 pcs .A STK has(99) PCS so 10000×3=(30000)exp every STK a STK of nwood sells for 1K a pop

    So let's compare the prices:
    Mmh=30k a STK gives 164000 exp

    Bnuts=3k a STK 30that's 10stks that's 360000Exp per 10 stk

    Nwood=1k a STK so for 30k you get 30 stks and that's around 900000exp for 30k :0

    So what I wanted to say is mmh dose save time but is it really worth your spinas?
    Majority of the ppl I shared this information to said they didn't know lol so I decided to put it out there @.@

    Thanx for reading^^

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