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This confusion thing about brawler

Discussion in 'Brawler' started by RokuMLG, May 20, 2020.

  1. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    New knux system is good, so good for solo but uh... there is still this uncomfortable thing about it that I can't get through. Perhaps I start with what I think it is good first.

    Knuckles now have 2 healing skills, one from Earth Binding, another from Breathwork.
    2 MP save, one from Impact, another from Breathwork again. A raw DPS boosting skill from annihilator finally.
    Goliath Punch (GP) is now a proper DPS skill.
    Slide so good to help the stability though.
    2 skills for defending, Forefist Punch and God Hand. God Hand also boost dmg for successful block, even more with Shell Break.
    Plus with high motion/AGI bonus from knux itself.
    Access to all interruption skills as well.
    Top of that, knux also can equip any subhand for variety of build as well.

    These things are just lots of bonus to solo almost any boss, or I can even handle a semi-tank position.

    But they really just break apart when I jump in a team.
    Annihilator nerf the ailment by halved on top of stability reduction. It is really unstable on later nm/ulti boss since their defense so fishing high. No armor break just hurt a lots. And the armor break itself is not even 25%, cause nm/ulti boss just Guard/Evade like every 3 to 4 hits, so without annihilator is still suck anyway. So uh, switch to God hand and waiting for getting hit? All of the buff is low compare to what is already low damage already.
    Then there is this timing. Either when I have armor break down, GP charge maxed, Rush activated or trying to hit by boss with God hand on. It is so painful to catch up with timing. Solo is doable. Teaming isn't. Half of skills I do just miserably fail from boss getting interrupted/switching pattern.

    I need suggestion to this confusion build, pls help *sad_potum_noise*

    Some reference to my current knux:
    Knux + md.
    Skills: GP, Godhand, Annihilator, Chariot, Rush, Impact, Resonance, MP charge+Maxi, Familia
    backstep > Breathwork(save) > God Hand(Swift) > Earth Bind(swift) ----> my main mp reduction for next skill
    GP ----> initiate charge
    Slide > Gp(smite) > Impact(cons)/Finale(Smite)/Lightning(Swift)
    Blizzard > Warcry(Save) > Shell break(Swift) > Impact(cons)
    Healing Song > Breathwork(save) > Chariot (Smite) > Impact(cons)/Finale(Smite)/Lightning(Swift)
    or sometimes I use
    Healing Song > Slide(cons) > Rush(save) > Impact(Smite)/Finale(Smite)
  2. WindSlash

    WindSlash Guardian Angel of Picos Elite Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Is this a knux-mage? I am liking what I am seeing if it is.

    I seriously recommend not using Finale tho. It's not a good fit with the close quarter combat needed for the other skills in your arsenal. You'll also not have a skill that continously keeps the boss away for when you cast Finale, from what I can tell. (you seem to not have Magic:Wall)

    What I would recommend is to use Burst as your main magic damage source instead. With enough Agi, the animation of spell casting also quickens.
  3. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    This isn't mage build, equip md second getting rid of ampr issue, and also become a long range attacker. Resonance half HP and return it to my MP. Plus with MP charge. Only thing that is md will have -5%atk as sub, but spamming skill is doable.

    Thing I'm confused is how to work out this dps upon higher boss within a team cause knux has so many skills for solo that doesn't work out on team play.
  4. WindSlash

    WindSlash Guardian Angel of Picos Elite Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    If this is seriously NOT a mage, why do you have finale smite mid combo?
  5. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    There isn't, all finale smite at end of combo. Either finale(smite) or impact(cons) or Lightning(swift) at end
  6. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    If you can do it solo, then you just need more practice doing it with a party. Seriously, Wizard and Minstrel too? Nothing wrong being original though. ^_^
  7. Djikstra

    Djikstra Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    Archer is much more reliable with armor break ailment since they have snipe which at lvl 10 always 100% chance armor break if using bow. Shell Break only has 25% chance to deal armor break even without annihilator debuff, so get an archer in a party if you want that armor break. Annihilator only reduces stability by 10%, with knuck weapons having high stability in general (okay, with exception of some knucks having low stab), that stability drop wont affect much.
  8. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Yea, the ailment chance after debuff is like halved to 1 out of 8. Idm much about armor breaking, since arrow could also be option here if I want more armor break chance. It's good if there is someone else help with armor break in team, and someone also tank, and someone also dps but uh what can I even do here? Most of attack I do can only go around 300k-400k. Hitting on later boss is like 100k.... Even if I have defensive/interruption skill, it's not even useful when there is tank around. I just really don't see the suit fit for this class other than farming solo.
  9. Djikstra

    Djikstra Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    But Goliath Punch is a really good dps skill. There are a lot of youtube videos showing goliath dealing 1-3M. you can also get toy gun for that 50% physical pierce. If you want to improve your damage, get elemental weapon and armor, use brave aura, war cry, kairiki, increase your base atk above 2500 or 3000.
    Last edited: May 21, 2020
  10. RokuMLG

    RokuMLG Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Uhm the Goliath 1-3M there, first they are bullying low defense boss. Secondly it is solo, boss always help God hand skill boost up. Third, buff. Toy gun is event item so I don't mention it here for the whole knux things -.-
    Get base atk and side item is good for dps yes, it is apply to all weapons out there. What I compare why the skill from knux doesn't fit in the team. Like what is this whole knux thing even help other than putting some raw damage in. Cause even with GP, this is not the best class for dps either.
  11. Djikstra

    Djikstra Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    When they release crusher skill, it is to satisfy community's wish to buff knuck's damage output, but ofc with a downside.... You can't have high damage and also able to deal interrupt and ailment.... and if u compare to sword classes, they dont even have any armor break skill, not to mention their lower skill multiplier compared to goliath. And also, if you can solo boss, you can just invite random ppl and become tank who can dps as well
    Last edited: May 21, 2020
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  12. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    GP added damage capabilities, but I was able to fit in a team, even without it. I act as a tank when there's none or became the secondary tank just in case the tank dies/lose aggro. Interrupt/ailment provider. Can also play attacker if partied with non-competent dps or if they screw up in the fight.

    I've been a brawler main many years now. For me it's a good match up for my gf who plays as mage main. Basically, I like the gameplay that makes you support every party member.


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