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Tier 5 knuckle skill idea

Discussion in 'Brawler' started by Kousunpo, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    A skill called "Shintaijutsu" which translates as sacred martial arts, it can be an offensive skill with the following effects and animations: capable of being casted from 24 meters away consuming 2000 mp the user emits an incredibly powerful aura and the user becomes capable of moving at the speed of light relative to other players point of view with the now light-speed user seemingly vanishing from sight, but on the user's point of view the enemy is frozen in time as the user throws 1 powerful punch and 1 powerful high roundhouse kick that each deal considerable damage of 500,000 or greater and the user then flies 20 meters away from the target and fires off an incredibly powerful destructive beam of light unleashed from their hands that has a power constant of 3500 that scales by atk stat at 2 points constant raised points for every 4 atk stat points and also has 25% physical pierce and 100 additional flat crit rate capable of dealing 15 million damage or even higher with the right equipments and stats towards the target before the skill ends and the target is then unfrozen from time upon the skill ending a 1 minute buff that can't be cancelled is applied that raises ampr by 150, and in the point of view of other players all they could see was a very large flash of light, despite all of those movements within the skill in the users point of view, also if the user is not using knuckles as their main weapon alongside shield as their sub weapon, the power constant of Shintaijutsu is reduced to 400, what do you think of the 5th tier knuckle skill idea? Lol
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
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  2. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    I made it consume alot of mp to balance it because you will need very high ampr to recover enough mp to reuse it
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    And i also nerfed the power constant for non main knuckles heavily so that mp recharge maximizer from staff and md cannot be abused meaning the only efficient method of mp recovery for Shintaijutsu skill is very high ampr lol
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
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  4. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    That's quite the skill, but it isn't unique. We already had Arcane strike, and it proved to be rather.... Inadequate. Yes, it does 10 million damage, but at that point tier 5 skills of bow will deal 15 million damage.

    I don't think they should add a new dps skill.
    • Aura Concentration - After Chariot
      • Passive
      • Removes the skill Multiplier bonus on Shell break when fighting high level bosses.
      • Increase Shell break's Armour break chance by 2.5% per level.
      • If enemy is Stunned, Armour break chance doubles.
    • Aura Flow - After Rush
      • Passive
      • Boost movement speed by 30%
      • Rush can be performed via Air fists from upto 10m away.
      • Motion speed of all tier 1-3 skills increases to 50%
    • Aura Hardening - After Chakra
      • Passive
      • Magic ATK affects ATK a bit when Chakra is used.
      • Knuckles gain 2 HP bars. One normal and one like the Life potion one.
        • Fractional attacks take into account only one mp bar maxhp.
        • Fatal attacks can only deplete one bar.
        • To regain second mp bar, heal while chakra buff active.
    • New tier 4 skill - Follow Up - After Strong Chase attack.
      • 100% chance of Aggravate. Aggravate now affects Proration and generates AMPR.
      • 5% chance of Extra Extra Additional attack per level.
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  5. VangNir

    VangNir Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    -5th tier kick skill : swallow kick, 1000mp 1000 constant, 2000 multiplier. Jump towards enemy and kick, chance to knockback scale with str and skill lvl. Knuckle only.
    -5th tier fist skill : 8 extreme fist. 1200mp Punch enemy 8 times, each dealt 250 multiplier and 500 constant. Agi increase skill constant. Dex increase skill multiplier. Knuckle only.
    -5th tier buff : martial soul. 600mp Increase pierce and resistance. Knuckle bonus : additional pierce and resistance
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  6. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Buffed shintajutsu power constant to 5000 and added 25% physical pierce so the damage dealt can potentially reach 25 million or greater with good equipments as to be expected for a tier 5 skill allowing knuckles to be a respected dps class, and also to justify the massive mp cost that can only be efficiently recovered by high ampr
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  7. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Interesting knuckles skill ideas they seem nice utility, and as for the power being unimpressive for a tier 5 skill, i have heavily buffed shintajutsu skill to have a 5000 power constant and 25% physical pierce to allow for damages to potentially reach 25 million and beyond with good equipments to justify the massive 2000 mp cost that can only be efficiently recovered by high ampr
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  8. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    i guess we all agree that the devs are not good at game balance, but could we also agree that none of you can do any better?

    @The Brahmnic Boy is the only one who gives the impression that they actually
    thought this through till the end.
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  9. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I didn't say the skill was weaker. I said it wasn't unique. We already have had Arcane strike, and it doesn't do a lot in the current meta.
    I don't think Shintajutsu will be popular.

    Now, you might think that Aura Concentration is a utility skill, not a buff skill.
    But look at Shell break. For Knuckles, it has a bonus Multiplier and Constant as follows:
    • Multiplier = (enemy DEF - Player level)/50
    • Constant = (enemy DEF - Player level)*2
    However, there's currently a cap on those bonuses. If you read my post, k mention that the cap should be removed.
    Yes, at low defense Minibosses and at higher levels, it does become weak.
    But at Ultimate difficulties, the boss defense increases by 6x.
    Most bosses have 200-300 DEF at Normal mode. That means 1200-1300 DEF at Ultimate mode.
    • Assuming tier 5 unlocks at 250,
    • (1300-250)/50 = 21
    • (1300-250)*2 = 2100
    • That's comparable to Magic Device Finale, and Shellbreak is a castless skill.
    Now, combine that with 50% normal pierce on Shellbreak + (now it has improved Armour break chance, but not 100%)

    That gives it a lot of Constant and Multiplier, AND does not make it OP because it is useless on low def bosses. This encourages people to use different classes.
    There are bosses like King Piton and Zelbuse which have 500-700 Def on NORMAL.

    So just calculate the Goddam Constant and the multiplier for Shellbreak on those bosses on Ultimate.

    Knuckles will finally reclaim it's title of 'Breaker'. Less useful on High HP bosses with Low defense, less useful on normal modes, etc.

    But any high DEF bosses better be ready.

    (Also I didn't say it was exclusive to Knuckles. If you look closely, none of my tier 5 are exclusive to Knuckles. Martial skills are supposed to be usable by everyone.)
    More clarification :
    1. Aura Concentration gives the increased Armour break chance and the Stun bonus. Since the Multiplier increase to Shellbreak is a part of the skill Shellbreak, it doesn't increase for non Knuckles.
    2. Aura Flow is available to everyone. Only Rush bonus is exclusive to Knuckles. (You would need to spend a lot of skill points just to get this skill, but then you have any - and I mean ANY tier 1-3 skill at increased motion speed.)
      1. 50% motion speed only for martial skills.
      2. 30% motion speed for others.
    3. Aura Hardening also available to everyone.
      1. The MATK to ATK buff while Chakra active is available to everyone.
      2. Two HP bar buff only available for sub Knux and normal Knux.
    Follow up is not a tier 5.
    • Keep in mind I didn't increase Armour break chance.
    • I just increased the instances in which it can activate by introducing permanent Aggravate + third extra additional.
      • Third extra additional does not gain AMPR, but it contributes to Proration and counts as an instance where armour break can happen.
  10. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    I made new changes to make shintajutsu unique now please read again the changes are 100 flat crit raise and a post skill buff that raises ampr by 150 and the damage potential is lowered from 25m+ down to 15m+, and also changed the power constant formula to scale with atk points ^^
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  11. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Rebalanced the shintajutsu skill by lowering its massive power in exchange for more benefits ^^
  12. NineArts

    NineArts Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    NineArts (DEAD, CAN'T RECOVER.. 04/16/2021)
    Tier 5 Ideas:

    - 1st (after Chariot):
    Type: AoE (instant cast, zero before/after skill animation delay)
    Cost: 600MP
    Range: 12 meters, Damage increased by LRD.
    Requires: Knuckles as main weapon
    Combo Start: Yes
    Combo Middle: Yes

    Effect: Throws a concentrated energy ball towards foes with 5 meter radius and pulls them towards the center and cancels any incoming AoE or Attack. Perfect Hit attribute, triggers 100% chance Lethargy and Armor Break (at level 10).

    - 2nd (after Rush):
    Type: Combo (instant cast, zero before/after skill animation delay)
    Cost: 500MP
    Range: 6 meters, Damage increased by SRD.
    Requires: Knuckles as main weapon
    Combo Start: Yes
    Combo Middle: Yes

    Effect: Teleports behind target and creates after images that hits surrounding area with 3 meter radius that ignores Flee, Evasion and Guard. Iframe during it's 6 second animation, adds Critical Rate and Critical Damage buff that lasts for 10 seconds. If you move during the animation, the 6 second iframe still remains and you can execute another skill.

    - 3rd (after Chakra):
    Type: Party Buff (instant cast, zero before/after skill animation delay)
    Cost: 300MP
    Requires: Knuckles as main weapon
    Range: 0 (whole map)
    Combo Start: Yes
    Combo Middle: Yes

    Effect: Party buff that increases Weapon Stability and recovers MP every second. Self buff provides Physical Pierce bonus. Skill buff lasts for 10 minutes, skill does not get cancelled even when hit.

  13. Vuler

    Vuler Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2020
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    It'd be nice if Asobimo made more skills for semi tanks, mostly because Knuckles are never going to be good at dps. These skills should be aimed towards semi tanks only and not scale better with pure tanks. Pure tanks would have more and better options.

    Ailment resistance/curing, healing (somewhat unique to Knuckles) and damage reduction/invincibility skills would be nice

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