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Tittle's In toram online

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Surim, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. Surim

    Surim Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    We can't get pvp for too many problems and too much toxicity ... why can't we get tittle's? For example ppl who played more then 3 years are veterans(tittle) with 3k hours achievement ... also ppl who had 100m to 999m will unlock tittle millionaire(millionaire tittle) and who reached 1b will have tittle (billionaire),most players thinks toram is boring because too much grinding and game is currupted by mods and bots ... there even new guild bar systems for bots now lel .... toram devs should add the tittle's at least so that ppl can find those rmt player's or policy breaker's who just getting them selves more richer just by running bots .. this just too shameful to see toram does nothing and all our efforts means nothing ... are those terms and policy means nothing at all? I just wanna enjoy this game with my friends but for lot of reasons this game is making me just too sad ... the toxic level is too high now days mostly eng server ... I am still playing even tho it's like this but it would have been better if I could show off a little too .... most RMT players are lazy and have low achievements then casual players ... so it would have been nice if I could use the tittle veteran or some proudful tittle's which others can see too .... to put it simply I really wanna show off my achievements and tittle's to those rich Newbies and lazy RMT player also those tuyul players who can't live without switching accounts.... even if pvp isnt possible toram can at least add tittle's I guess ... just so we hardworking players can get some benifits from working hard .... also it would have been nice if some super rare tittle's could add some sort of buffs too .... for example
    Tittle: Veteran player
    Unlock requirements
    3k hours and lvl 280
    Buff weapon atk 100%
    Food exp buff 100%
    Equipment customizing mat reduce 50%
    Pet exp boost 10%,Drop rate bonus 2nd domination unlocked, personal luck rate 100% etc
    Tittle: Billionaire
    Consignment board tax reduction -100%
    All status bonus 100 points
    Equipment customizing mat reduction 50%
    Chance of boss crystal drop 300%
    Character slot unlock +10
    Exp bonus from sub quest 1200%
    Etc ....
    I would have appreciated if those were a thing .... well it's not easy to become a billionaire unless a RMT player
    And it's not easy to spend 3k hours of real life for a op amazing tittle .....
    But only mods will be using those anyway mah ...q0q life sucks
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  2. Negi

    Negi Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Perhaps house items like a trophy case will suffice.
  3. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    The idea of having a title showing I've wasted several hours of my life on this game doesn't sounds any cool. Well, at least not for me.

    If a new player is better than me, having a "veteran title" would just emphasis that I'm a noob who weren't able to adapt to game changes and need to rely on pityful data to feel better
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. Fornjotr

    Fornjotr Member

    Jul 28, 2020
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    Exactly. Wouldn't this cause more toxicity? If you need a title to feel some sense of validation, that's quite sad.
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  5. Surim

    Surim Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Your logic is baseless XD , unless you just login everyday 24/7 stand at sofya city just so you can get the tittle xd , first of all if you spend 3k hours in a game ofc you won't remain a newbie ... and also it's about the benifits of you supporting the game so that the game can also support you to grow fast and grow stronger , not lot player's had capped yet spina nor lvl of all there characters ... if you wanna claim to be a veteran player you gotta work hard ofc and so that you can deserve special rewards .. most of the time toram rewards us with avaters and orbs which disrupt the market balance and only few players like mods and bots mostly get benifits , and about the game consuming too much time , every game have veteran players who spends more 5 to 10 years on that single game ... that's not even consider rare after 2011 because it's the world of information and experience, ._. also there should always be a balance between newbies and veteran player ... toram is too toxic because lot of old players lost there main accounts or one person have multiple accounts which they use to create different kind of problems, and also newbies just use RMT spina to level blacksmith fast then mess produce things which hurts all blacksmith mostly those who are playing for fun and ofc it's not fair at all , if you have special titles you will get special services which will help you earn spina too ... the chance for you to losing to a newbie will be like 10% if your rich like hell ,also we started playing from 2015 so it's already been 5 years now ._. we already have meet the requirements of title veteran player, billionaire ._.
  6. Insane23

    Insane23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Yep, the logic of "I play for longer time than someone else, so game should help me earn even more profit than them despite already having experience, items and spina advantage over newer players" makes a lot of sense now, thanks for clarifying
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Fornjotr

    Fornjotr Member

    Jul 28, 2020
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    Frankly, I've met a share of veterans who knew as much of the game as I did on my first day. A veteran is defined as someone who spent a long time doing something (a service, for instance). Doing something for a long time doesn't equate skill, as counterintuitive as it may sound. Acquiring any skill requires deliberate effort. It's a reward for sticking around, not for skill; the former isn't that hard to achieve. The game should become more difficult as you progress, not easier. Otherwise, the game is treating you like a toddler. It should assume you're skilled and knowledgable enough to handle the difficulty. Besides, widening the gap between new players and old will only discourage new players and prompt them to quit early on--not to mention the toxicity that will breed.
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  8. Surim

    Surim Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    ^_^ good thing you understood , now I just hope everyone understands too the privilege of specialty of keep continually playing a game which simply becomes a part of life , also if I get 1.2k% exp bonus from sub quest I can avoid lot of unnecessary grinding from those difficult time consuming activity and still be able to keep up with new updates and also be able to get xtals faster then others uwu mostly it will be more stress free and fun ,if once just focus on grinding and farming one won't be able to make new friends or won't be able to enjoy much , so by achieving the tittle one can less worry about lot of stuffs, ofc I do have my own alternative motives too
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  9. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    i really can't tell if this topic is either super sarcastic or super stupid...
    so i'll just say nothing and keep watching for now.
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  10. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Came here for the spicy tittie's on toram online thread title but must have read it wrong oops. Leaves in disappointment.
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  11. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    No offense, but knowing our dear toxic community~
    They'll turn it into something bad, that shouldnt have existed..
    P1 : ..kick, he is newbie / doesnt have veteran rank
    P2 : Ifm Veteran/elite

    Knowing its Aso?
    They might aswell set inhumane standards for such ranks...
    Might even be 100k+ >1m or something..

    Its ass-o-bimo..what do ya expect?!
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  12. Omega EH

    Omega EH UR Empress Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Omega EH
    So making the already strong stronger lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Helixx

    Helixx Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2018
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    I prefer if they add blacklist feature. blacklist player will get certain title (something like shame title) the more one player get blacklisted by other player, they will get more worse title. this will prevent scam and toxic player wouldn't get a party. but they need to limit it, to prevent abuse from player (by calling their friend or entire guild to blacklist other).
  14. Rizer phoenix

    Rizer phoenix Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    A good idea, but..!
    Ppl dont play fair ya know, while some report players who are actually causing problems, many players get reported just because;
    1) They are actually (surprisingly) kind and offer free/cheap service
    2) Some toxic player is annoyed by you and lo n behold..! (Reports) [ ...too common, considering majority doesnt like taking criticism and points to improve :v]
    3) '...oh look at that..report button *^*) what does it do? ..(presses)'

    So while real scammers can get that title and be identified~
    ...innocent victims have chance of being framed too..~

    With Aso,
    Anything that can go wrong?
    Will go wrong.
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  15. Helixx

    Helixx Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2018
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    thats why I say there should be a limit and requirement to blacklist someone. for example you can only blacklist 2 player every day, can only blacklist same player 1 time, blacklist option will only appear on private/party chat and other limitation
  16. Clover

    Clover Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    These would be problematic. Imagine having a title "Billionaire", many ppl in sofya will buzz into your ears and say "wow a Billionaire, can gib spinas?"
    "NO?! I'll report/blacklist you then. Involving each of my dummy and BOT accounts"
    "Pfft! Billionaire? Nice flex! That 0HP build is awesome!" etc.

    They can't track BOTs immediately, they are investigating first before banning (IDK about scammers).

    These could also promote toxicity.
    Imagine having a bad day and your title is a shining "Veteran", your PT members can just kick you or accuse you as an account buyer or say unpleasant things to you in front of people.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
  17. Surim

    Surim Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    ._. I have my own guild and my own people to relay on ,I don't think those things matters much to a billionaire player ,but yes I am sure having the tittle scammer or red player might sound too rude even tho it was just so people were too jealous of those rare titles,but still I am sure comparing to the benifits all worth it , A veteran player doesn't waste too much time with randoms, they have there own goal's ofc,and most veteran players have a high status on there guild or they are the guildmasters of the guild, mostly a veteran player serves the game with there irl time to accomplish greater status and greater benifits, even if they have unworthy tittle's red players, scammers etc, they will still be useful to the game until they break some actual term's of the game like hacking,mod,bot ,etc ,if the account is safe one can still be arrogant and righteously speak there mind if necessary... ._. wishing for benifits ain't a sin , about the toxic in game environment it's the players who have mental issues, Which isn't going to change even in 100 years ._. because toram have too many loopholes and too many ways to generate toxicity in the game , I am just sharing my mind and my wishes which I would have liked if existed , Player's who already became rich over the years have a huge amount of spina on there advantage, but newbies will never be able to earn those even with there hardship even if they want to,if veteran players sell eqips cheap newbie players will be abte to afford it easily , to put it simply I have earned my abilities with hardship and effort which is why I am having more benifits ... haha
  18. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    This can be abused. Just block people you don't like, thus limiting your interactions with them. ^_^
  19. Pregnant

    Pregnant Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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  20. ẜἸoωer

    ẜἸoωer Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Don't forget: DTE only pt too.

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