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Tsundere BOB | A plausible build for GM Sarah

Discussion in 'Brawler' started by The Brahmnic Boy, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    So, GM Sarah currently has a series going on called :
    We're making a new character and playing through the story from the beginning!
    In this, she uses her low-level character BOB, whom she designed to be a Tsundere, and she uses Knuckles as a weapon.
    I thought it was a good idea to try to think of a plausible build for this character.
    Keep in mind I'm forgoing efficiency and am not making a super DPS build.
    I watched several videos of GM Sarah fighting and I will use her playstyle to design this build.​
    What is GM Sarah's playstyle like?
    • Now, I'm only playing Toram for a few months, so you might be better informed than me, but I observed some patterns in the way she plays her DW build.
    • One, she has Shining cross and Storm Reaper directly on her shortcuts, so mostly Smite tag is underused. She also doesn't use combos often, (but she does have some) so her MP management is also extravagant. This doesn't seem evident on DW since Shining Cross and the insane AMPR of DW handles that.
    • She also dies more often than normal She dies more often in situations that an average player might easily evade/be careful. She uses Revive Droplets because she doesn't want to miss the action in her own video.
    • Her evasion game during dangerous AOEs is not on point - she is prone to get hit a lot. In the recent episodes, she also favored taking the hits from Ganglef than evading them.
    • She doesn't seem to keep casting buffs or stuff, Casting skills are not her playstyle.
    How to begin approaching this build?
    • We know that GM Sarah has Smash, Bash, Sonic Wave and Assault attack due to the shortcuts, and she confirmed that she took Knight skills and wants to use them. Hence we can make her an interrupt build.
    • However, most Knight skills are Sword and Shield oriented. So, the first thing we can do is to equip a shield. This leads to the fact that she generally has low survivability so High HP is something to consider using VIT stat
    • Also, since her main build is DW, she likes the speed and AMPR - so AGI is also an important thing, along with AMPR. Remember, she probably won't cast decoy 90% of the time, so decoy would be a waste of skill points.
    So, let's begin:
    AGI > VIT

    • Martial Mastery
    • Annhiliator
    Total = 30
    • Smash, Sonic Wave
    • Assault attack
    Now, here we don't know If GM has maxed all these (including Bash) we've already wasted a few points.
    Case in point, 4 for Smash and 10 for Bash.
    Total = 40?
    • Physical and Magical Shield (That sweet resistance will help out a bit)
    • Shield Mastery (Speed, remember?)
    • Shield Cannon (In place of Bash)(Maybe use this as a good ranged DPS skill)
    Total = 45
    • Elegant poise (Should this be 5 or 10?)
    • Nature's wonders (This skill as a handy AOE skill, for things like Christmas quests, etc. Much better than earthbind. Also heals)
    Total = 15
    • Shukuchi (She uses this often in her DW)
    • Backstep (Hopefully she learns to use this to escape danger)
    • Slide (It's good when you're slowed)
    Total = 13
    At this point, I am a bit open to discussion as I don't know what other skills we can add to these to make it more useful. Everything past this point may change. Some more useful skills :
    • HP boost (20% more HP)
    • Play Dead (This is rather controversial. On camera, GM will use Revive droplet 100% of the time, but maybe if you want to copy this build then you should get this. Besides, if she ever plays off-camera [or whatever team levels up her character off camera], this would be useful to them.
    • > Aggravate (It adds 25 AMPR and also probably procs on the additional hit (needs confirming), so a bit extra AMPR)
      > Chakra (Now this is a problem. GM Sarah rarely casts anything, so it's unsure if this is a good idea. However, Chakra gives extra AMPR and resistance against one hit, so it's a pretty useful skill.
      > I would add Stuff like Kairiki but I don't think she will cast it that many times, or might die by casting it too many times.
    • Strong Chase Attack (If we manage to get high enough motion speed this could be an additional method of Armour break that helps as an interrupter. There is snipe, yes, but it ruins proration and eats mana)
    • Perfect Defense : (She is not a tank and probably doesn't want aggro, but I don't know. Perhaps at level 1, but I'm not sure if she'll remember to use it often. GodHand has a longer time window and she might use it more often since it deals damage.)
    Now I am not sure what kind of Knuckles will be equipped, (the event has some good knux, one even with 100 crit 1000 aspd) but GM Sarah will want to attack with something, so let's see.
    • Godhand (We can basically keep this on a shortcut and it will do double work, doing some damage, but most importantly reducing chances of GM Sarah dying mid-attack. Increases survivability. We can tell her this attack is like the Palm of the Buddha.)
    • Rush/Chariot: (Eeeh, I'm not sure. While Rush is good for giving extra motion speed, it does make you vulnerable and spamming it ruins proration. It might give her the 'knuckle' thrill of performing extremely fast kung fu. Godhand might be weaker, but it can't be superspeed spammed, and also helps in survival. Also, they are much weaker compared to other DPS skills. A ranged skill we already have Shield Cannon)
    • This reminds me, Combination can also be put on a shortcut as a 0 MP skill to help proration. (Please Asobimo make this regen some MP)
    • Goliath Punch : (Assuming GodHand can make enough stacks, Goliath will be GM's first introduction to two-part skills, or charging skills. I think she would like to explore this mechanic and use it properly. It also deals more damage than Chariot or Rush, so her damage wouldn't be too low)
    • <Also secretly hoping she notices Goliath bug and puts in a word to the devs to fix it>
    And I've run out of ideas. You might add onto this, remove or replace skills, but remember I haven't designed this as a proper efficient build but more as a fun project on what BOB could become.
    I have no idea whether to go for a DPS set and leave stuff to the big HP bar and skills or should I go for some kind of resistance set. Here are some equipment I think could be fancy:
    • Heaven Feather Garb : (Revive time reduced. With Play dead and Mohawk wig the revive time is 70 sec.)(Also adds MaxMP and MaxHP and also ATK% a little.)
    • Duplex Knuckles : Either the ATK variant or the CRIT 100 variant. I'm not sure what we should do
    • Mohawk Wig : (Revive time reduced, ASPD% increase, if going for ASPD build. Also increases a bit of Physical resistance. No ATK%)
    • Lil Empress Garb: (Increases MaxMP, reduces aggro, gives AMPR, gives resistance, no ATK%)
    • Bark Mail : (Increases ATK% and resistance)
    • Dark Talisman Resist (For Resistance)
    • [*]> Mardula : (AMPR, ATK%)
      [*]> Tuscog : (AMPR, ATK%)
      [*]> Arachindemon : (ATK%, reduces MaxMP and MaxHP a lot, but since we have a shield, SRD%)
      [*]> Espectro : (ATK%, MATK%, AMPR)
      [*]> Zarth : (AMPR)
      [*]> Wandering Wheel (ASPD%, but loss of LRD)
    I'm taking a break now, leave your thoughts...
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2020
    • Creative Creative x 3
  2. The Brahmnic Boy

    The Brahmnic Boy Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    1. Now, because she likes to keep auto-attacking minibosses/pillar bosses more, and she doesn't like casting stuff all the time, we need a decent AMPR to help us. Also, a bit of attack speed to increase MP recovery. (which reminds me that we should have added Quickdraw)
    2. A spammable skill that she can use, (like Shining Cross in DW) could be GODHAND, which deals a bit of damage and (more importantly) mitigates some damage. This increases her survivability.
    3. Now, GM Sarah is not stupidly impatient. If she understands her damage increases with 3/3 GodHand and 5/5 Goliath, she will wait to use Goliath accordingly. If she wants to attack anyway there is shield cannon which she can use.
    4. Now, it depends on her if she wants to go offensive or Interrupt mode. She can turn Annihilator on/off accordingly. {This can extend to her equipment, so switching between resistance set and dps set is a possibility.}
    1. There is one glaringly obvious problem with this build, that is the damage will not reach 'meta' values because of the lack of STR points. The Critical Damage will be 150-170 (or slightly more), compared to what it can be (220-250)
    2. Goliath is sometimes bugged, but that is the goal here, to bring attention to it.
    3. No Unsheate Attacks, so no big damage stacking.

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