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Types of tank

Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by Jackal♧, Dec 28, 2019.

  1. Jackal♧

    Jackal♧ Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    Hello people, can someone clarify which tank is best for high diff events and also I wanna know their general pros and cons.
    Thanks in advance
  2. Zufeng

    Zufeng Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    This is in my opinion:
    1hs: Standard one, has trigger slash and access to knight skill, all around good
    Bg: Range advantage and highest ampr, good to face asshole boss that loves to spam spikes or boss that doesn't have break part
    Knuck: Interrupt access, good if boss has break part, kinda sucks on multi boss tanking
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  3. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    1h + shield
    Your generic paladin build. Can use skills of knight, blade, shield and top row of support skills.
    The best tank build for tank and spank type situations.
    Able to hold aggro extremely easily due to high aggro skills, has good defensive ability due to access to natural high dense, guard, parry and perfect defense and can support proximal allies with guardian and sanctuary or distant allies with aegis, protection and warcry.

    Staff + Shield
    A cleric or priest build that can tank because of naturally high defenses and self healing. Relies mainly on finale for aggro retention. With enough ailment resistance, DPS whilst tanking is possible if you're willing to sit through certain attacks.

    Bowgun + Shield
    Has range and high attack ampr with decoy shot range. May be good for auras if range can be maintained.

    Knux + Shield
    Part breaker tank. Can put chakra in combo to support dmg reduction for team.

    Dark Power
    Uses dark power skills to act as a tank for a short period of time using the skill regretless.
    Best used with 2h sword on STR/VIT build.
    Other than regretless, it relies purely on self healing.
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