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Ultra Survivalist Dps Gunner Guide!!!

Discussion in 'Hunter' started by Kousunpo, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. Kousunpo

    Kousunpo Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2016
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    Purpose: Ultimate Survival to survive any boss fights regardless of how strong they are and defeat them in both party and solo situations, Max Damage Reduction through magical resistance physical resistance and refine resistance, reliable crit, can evade alot, and deal decent enough damage to not be a passive sponge!!, only catch is a bit pricy

    Stats, Max dex, 255 vit, rest str

    Now here are the equipments, these in conjunction with skills i shall go over after listing the equipments, would give us 128% physical and magical resistance which going by official resistance calculations is an effective 95% true cap of resistance, and also nullification of fractional damage, and also 1000 aspd which will greatly help in ampr when used with decoy and ranshin

    Player Made 5th Anniv Bowgun vii that is 2s refined to +S with these stats combination and xtal 21cr 22cd cd+10% dex+10% atk+10% with Mardula and Megiston the champion

    NPC Harmony Shield refined +S

    NPC Lil Empress Garb refined +S Light Remodeled with Mom Fluck

    NPC Circle of Order refined +S with Yashiro Azuki's Mom

    2s Dark Talisman (Resist) with Seele Zauga and Volgagon

    Here are the skills you will need as a Decent Damage but Also Super Survival Bowgun User!!

    Shot skills: 10 snipe((armor break)), 10 crossfire((main damage)), 1 moeba((opener)), 10 shot mastery, 10 long rang, 10 draw, 10 decoy((use with ranshin for incredible ampr))

    Shield Skills: Shield Mastery 10((to regain 1000+aspd)), Shield Cannon((high damage stun if refined+S shield, and buys more than enough time for decoy combo)), 10 protection, 10 aegis, 10 force shield, 10 magical shield

    Magic skills: 7 impact((opener for damage skills that halves mp cost)), 1 finale((combo closer))

    Mononofu skills: 1 shukuchi ((for chasing super mobile bosses)), 10 ranshin((for ampr)), 10 meikyou(( for crit resist bosses))

    Priest and Support skills:5 first aid((when your team members are down)), Heal 10, royal heal 10((great heal to be reserved for the future, note: don't get royal heal at this time, get it at level 270+)), 10 sanctuary((nullify fractional damage in addition to equipment refinement)), intimidating power 10((make up power sacrificed for extreme survival)), recovery 5((remove ailments))

    Assassin skills: backstep 1((escape large but avoidable aoe))

    Guard skills: light armor mastery 5, mirage evasion 1 ((evade during the casting time of skills))

    Knight Skills: p def 1((nullify damage of whole map unavoidable aoes))

    survival skills: mp boost 10, hp boost 10

    Hunter skills: sunrise arrow 10 ((light aoe and now you can pretend to be a mage that shoots light elemental laser spells XD)), 10 satellite arrow((for 100% pierce))

    ((Note: hp boost and mp boost and intimidating power from battle skill tree is not needed at the moment, they are for future use when have sp))


    Combo 1: meikyou, crossfire smite, finale smite

    Combo 2: shield cannon, meikyou save, decoy swift, finale smite

    Combo 3: impact, satellite arrow smite, finale smite

    Combo 4: Moeba, shield cannon blood sucker((great heal tag)), finale smite

    Land Food buffs : beef burger level 7-10, fish burger level 7-10

    And thats the guide to be an ultra Survivalist dps gunner!!
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. Shisaku

    Shisaku Active Member

    Mar 15, 2017
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    Your build is very interesting.
    I have some kind of Dex-Vit gunner build too. ^^
  3. AnnXYZ

    AnnXYZ Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    I didn't understand why impact and finale are used, since you can save more skill points by using Ad-lib (Reflex is bad, sacrificing 90% defenses you had means reducing 40% of your resistance) and Holy fist. For example, Ad-lib -> Satelite Arrow (smite) -> Holy fist (cons) have the same effect as the combo you have mentioned when used from >2m. Even if by some rare chance you are fighting at close range, holy fist animation is quick enough for you to dodge from most attacks. Also, I didn't like the -water resist and -aggro from Lil empress garb (have bitter experience from that).

    My version is to play as a material farmer, in which I could play solo, or serve as a tank on bossing party play. I also could farm mobs such as Ivy or Bubble Angel. I call mine as a treasure hunter. Here is my build for my treasure hunter,
    ! Stats
    255 Luk, rest Dex (could add 40 Vit for additional survivability)
    ! Equipments :
    - 5th Anniv Bowgun A11CdCdCrD4 V+M / Lil Empress Bowgun (Boss) with Hero Potum (Additional accuracy for fatal shot)
    - Seadevil shield (High Dif) / 5th Anniv Shield / Arrow / Knuckle
    - Demon Empress Garb with Gopherga (and I planned to get Sapphire roga on the second slot) / Adv. garb ACdCdCr with Gopherga + Demonic Quasar
    - Dragoon Helm (Should have been zega mask, but I couldn't get it this time) / Circle of Order (both with Yash Mom) / Gladiator Helmet with Ageladanios
    - Dark Tal. resist / Dark Fighter Bangle (both with Seele Zauga) / Machina ring (Agel + Tuscog)
    Change the Equips to suit the opponent accordingly.
    ! Skills :
    - Warcry lv.10 (Aggro, 10% attack)
    - Drop rate up lv.10
    - Smash lv. 6 (Interrupt)
    - Sonic wave lv. 10 (Interrupt)
    - Proc. mat lv. 10
    Learnt (from this point onward, all listed skills are lv 10, unless stated otherwise):
    *Shot skill
    - Cross fire (Damage)
    - Paralysis shot (Stability)
    - Smoke Dust (accuracy for fatal shot)
    - Shot mastery
    - Long range
    - Decoy shot
    - Fatal shot
    *Halberd skill
    - Quick Aura
    - War Cry of Struggle
    - Godspeed Wield
    *Mononofu skill
    - Shukuchi lv. 1
    *Shield skill
    - Shield Cannon
    - Force Shield
    - Magical Shield
    - Protection
    - Aegis
    - Guardian
    *Knight skill
    - P. Defence
    *Hunter skill
    - Sunrise Arrow
    *Support skill
    - Sanctuary
    - Heal
    - Brave Aura
    - High Cycle
    - Quick Motion
    *Minstrel skill
    - Ad-lib
    * Dancer skill:
    - Elegeant poise lv.1
    - Fairy Dance lv. 1
    Will be taken in the future:
    - Meikyo Shisui
    - Frenzy Dance
    - Elegeant poise
    - Critical Up
    - Bash lv. 6
    - HP boost
    - Quick Draw
    ! Combos:
    - Ad-lib -> Smoke Dust (save) ->Guardian (swift)
    - Moeba Shot -> War Cry (save) -> Sanctuary (swift)
    - Meikyo Shisui -> Cross Fire (smite) (Release it manually for now)
    - Fairy Dance -> Smoke Dust/War Cry/Paralysis Shot (save) -> Decoy shot (swift)
    - Shield Cannon -> Fatal Shot (save) -> Fairy dance (smite) (would change it into frenzy dance (save)-> Fatal Shot (swift) in the future)
    ! Food Buff (at minimum lv 8):
    - HP
    - Crit
    - MP
    - AMPR

    With this, you can have 20K HP when using Demon Empress (30K using Upgraded EQ's and 40 VIT), which is quite lot. You can survive most (if not all) battles when played correctly.
    • Winner Winner x 1

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