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Updated Spina Guide [Top 3-2]

Discussion in 'Toram Online Game Guides' started by schwartq, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. schwartq

    schwartq Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    Top 3: [In order]
    3: Farming the RIGHT materials/items
    For a start, mino skin is never good. Even for beginners, they are better off leveling than farming minotaur skins.
    What should you do/farm as a beginner?
    1. Grape jelly [150-200K/30 MINS AT 12-14K/MED MATS STK]
    2. God Stone [50-150K/30 MINS]
    3. Caspy [Mini-boss] [100-500K/HR DEPENDING ON DROPRATE OF ARMOR DYE]
    Why these mobs?
    Its because they give high spina in a low amount of time.
    Minotaur skin takes 1 hour normally to get a full stack [Results may vary in mino skin] but grape jelly is the best mob to farm.

    2: Reselling

    B. Reselling in CB: [Slower, but still good]
    Say that you would buy an item in world for 900k, but then there is that same item in all users for 500k. That is what is called reselling in CB. You can take advantage of people who do not know how to switch world/all users in CB. But by doing this, you yourself will also have stuff resold in other worlds, because in english channel, there's also indo, etc servers that might have higher/lower prices and would vary. In this case, it is best to have as many accounts in as many servers as possible.With this, you can maximize tax and profit in reselling by checking each world and finding out which one to buy from, and which one to sell in. This is extremely useful, Another way, without multiple accounts, is just to check dyes, stargems, etc and just resell it with world/all user difference. The usual.

    C. Stargem Reselling
    You can buy 500-1m stargems depending on the level 10 price in world/all users and sell them there. Lower than the highest one but still high. If the profit is not worth it or only gives 100-400k profit, it is NOT worth it whatsoever. This is an easy way to get spina without much effort, just monitor it every 2 days, it should work.

    To be updated
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2020
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  2. schwartq

    schwartq Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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  3. Savar

    Savar Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    thank you
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