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what are the possible weapon combos that you would consider viable?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by ignOxy, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. ignOxy

    ignOxy New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    Hey, just wanted to get the community's input on the different weapon combinations that they deem
    playable to some extent.
    It'd be great if you could include a sort of rating system as well, like the Bow(Ka)tana's effectiveness would be around
    7/10, and so forth.​
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    after trying out everything i now only play mages, so i can't give up-to-date info on other weapons. also, my rating compares staves and MDs only.

    it works, for whatever it is supposed to. dps builds benefit from the Two-Handed skill. even without ninja skills you can equip scrolls for their minor secondary stats, but ninja skills are required to use Two-Handed while wearing scrolls.
    scrolls also let you use assassin skills.
    compared to staff users you get less power but more secondary effects. unique exclusive MD skills are support only.
    overall better on the utility side.
    10/10 because there is no alternative weapon in that category.

    10/10 because, unlike other sub weapons, daggers have no negative side effects. you also get 4 evasion charges, good enough for miracle evasion (even with heavy armor).
    using daggers to attack is mostly utility, but great for cheap combos with Throwing Knife. Poison Knife has the highest damage potential, Assassin Stab deals more damage regardless of dagger atk. (dagger atk does factor into Shadow Walk, though)

    9/10, aspd decreases although this has less impact on staff users than other weapons. you can use skills for self-defense and/or party defense, but the most powerful knight skills are only available to swords. the strongest shield attack is Shield Cannon. best defensive build, since shield with light armor has higher guard/evasion counters than heavy armor with daggers.

    7/10, i don't know.
    defense decreases but you can use shot skills, which benefit from arrow stats.
    similar to daggers but no evasion. less utility for more damage, but since magic is long ranged by default you don't gain much advantage from it.

    8/10, knuckles decrease matk.
    you can use martial skills with weapon bonus and a lot more power than knuckle users. (no crusher skills, though) probably the strongest physical attacker among staff builds but it will cost you some magic power.
    dagger/scroll users can do both but this one heavily leans towards physical attacks.

    5/10. you get no benefits other than some utility magic warrior skills, which don't compare to the other magic you can use. magic critical rate through the Weaken status effect has too strict conditions to make up for what you are giving up to use it effectively. very expensive and still medicore.

    10/10, similar to daggers.
    scroll stats are a lot weaker than dagger stats but ninja skills bring a lot more options than dagger skills. although mp consumption is much is higher than daggers.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
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