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What is "Attack MP Recovery % percentage"?

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by SAM., Aug 6, 2020.

  1. SAM.

    SAM. Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Say you have "Attack MP Recovery % 1"
    For those unaware, 1 AMPR is gained for every 100 total mana. (BTW, does this overflow; ex. if you have 2400 mana, is this +20 AMPR or +24?)

    EDIT: Just realized my math is off on MP AMPRs. It's not +2 for 2000, it's +0.2, as 2000mp is AMPR 20.

    If you have 2000mp, that is AMPR +2?
    If you have overflow 2000 + 1000mp, will you have AMPR + 3?
    If your MP changes throughout battle, say 10 stacks of Regretless (from 2000mp to 1000), will you have AMPR +1 or +2?
    Say you have 1400 MP. Is this AMPR +1? Likewise, if you have 1950 MP, will this round down AMPR +1?
    Is AMPR % effected with Dual Swords in some form?
    Are flat AMPR included? Say you have total AMPR gain of 120+. Will AMPR
    1% yield AMRP +1? Are decimals included; will it be AMPR +1.2?
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    no. maxMP caps at 2k and so does it's effect on ampr at +20.
    but excess mp can cover up negative mp stats/skill effects.
    with 2300+ mp you will only have 2000 mp, but still have 2000 mp with 3 stacks of Godspeedwield.
    no. no. neither, but Regretless also increases ampr by it's effect. no. no.
    auto-attacks with dual swords count as 2 attacks, so the total ampr value is doubled.
    decimals are cut off after every step in every calculation. all values are rounded down.
    there are only a few exceptions when the minimum is supposed to be 1.
    (ampr is not one of those cases)

    ampr% only affects base ampr, so any ampr+ stats from equipment or buff effects are excluded from the calculation.

    ampr+1% will increase your ampr by +1 IF you have 100 base ampr; which is not possible, so the stat is literally useless.

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