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Any advice please

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Sly*Cooper, May 14, 2020.

  1. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    So I've really been struggling with toram for a long time. And this week I did a bunch of gem runs and was finally able to afford expensive stuff. I thought it was a good idea but after spending over 6mil on equipment I realize it's not really helping as I thought it would. I'm in a party against a normal difficulty boss and even a 100k damage hit barely scratched the thing. The dude in the party told me that even his 500k damage is considered weak. I'm honestly out of ideas here. I cant figure this out. I mean the gem runs went great the team knew I couldn't do any damage but at least I was able to survive and heal and revive them. So do you guys have any playstyle suggestions for me cuz after over a year playing I still cant figure out how to do damage like those guys in my gem run party? I mean is it just best for me to support since aparently it worked for the ultimate gem runs? Players here lately cant believe after all this time I still cant get it right. Please let know if theres some other playstyle that would be more suited for me.
    Thanks guys
    • Sad Sad x 3
  2. Surim

    Surim Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Get Pysical/magical piercing equipments and must get full critical 100% @-@ that's it I guess ... having high ampr means fast damage ... and use food buffs and other buff items ^-^ that is all I guess , umu the more mp cost in dealing dmage the more better numbers you get @-@ Roast those bosses now (owo don't forget about element weaknesses)
  3. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Trial and error is the status quo and the main demon of the class less game. Damage is creating balance to be im-balanced. Gems, skills, custom gear, drugs, orb drugs, foods, avatar set gem boost is the main structure of that big yellow multi digit damage you see. Even if it is 1% it is big if you balance it out right.
  4. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Alright cuz I now got +S sword with all crit damage and rate stats along with armour all crit stats and ad gear crit stats too so almost every hit now is crit. Full str stats too cuz people told me it effects crit damage. I have some pierce stats too. I honestly dont know what I should play as cuz I really like the game it's just I wanna be able to have fun and atk more difficult bosses instead of supporting.
  5. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Man no wonder it's been hard. Do all class less mmos have that amount of complexity and issue? This was my 1st one so maybe it was a bad idea to start with toram.
  6. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    I guess I'll just have to support for now on then cuz I guess my problem is that my mind cant understand the complexity of everything involved. At least maybe I can find a way to make supporting work for me since the ult gem run worked out well with me supporting. Basically I had too cuz I couldn't do any damage anyway. At least they were cool about it.
  7. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Ever notice that every flex vids on YouTube that you see more than a dozen of visible buffs? Food, elemental damage to name a few are the ones you don't see along with it. Toram is a social place with mmo structure, and meant to be enjoyed in a chill pace. There is never a need for arms race(it is not like capped str will give that snowball more damage) altho flexing is the norm for the leet and weebz, it is the same as any other games tbh. Find your own path and enjoy the game. Copy-pasta will be the biggest mistake you ever make since that playstyle is not you.
    • Winner Winner x 3
  8. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Everyone says finds your own playstyle but seriously how many can be unique enough to not be copied?
  9. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    I ama bowtana multi range multi support that have a pet in tow. I deal sub par damage but i protect my aura and cf buffs with zantei. My gears are event drops and i focus more in -aggro and team survivability and team damage boost(i heal while i wait for the cf to charge) it maybe a crappy road but this is how i play and i am satisfied with it.

    On dps side, there will always be a bigger fish out there. With constant updates it is always a tough race to the current meta and mostly market sensitive on the get go not to mention expensive.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  10. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Wow alright well I can see its gonna be best for me to keep it as simple as I can. Whatever I can do to keep it simple for myself is probably gonna be best at least for me anyway. I appreciate your insight. It helps
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  11. A1dren

    A1dren Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    1.check out latest op build on utube
    2.copy evrything (skill learned, combo, equipment)
    3.add fren wth lvl8 above fuds
    4.get rekt on hell empress, hell reaper, volgagon,anniv special battle,etc
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Yeah those toram videos click on everything so fast I have to pause every second just to see what they're clicking on. I wish more would actually talk instead. Seems easier than having to type it all out.
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  13. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    even with the same weapon and skills, you can still have slightly different stat priorities.
    with the new guard/evasion system you can go for light or heavy armor on any build without major disadvantages. (selecting the model based on looks is legit now)
    then there are usually multiple weapons/armors that fit on the build, especially add gears have the most variety.
    sometimes you may also get the stats you want from crystas, so you can use completely different equipment altogether.

    the effort to raise any given stat increases exponentially but the return is linear at best.
    so even without a hard cap, it has a diminishing effect.
    balancing your stats gives an overall greater return, relatively.

    my dagger mage is not a physical attack focused build, neither does Finale make all my other skills obsolete.
    it still is my most powerful attack, but i have solid alternatives for when i can't use it.
    my stat screen shows lower matk than others, but it's good enough. not being able to charge mp isn't a problem either.
    my gear is half event stuff half npc craft, as i didn't get lucky with boss drops and just used what i could get my hands on.
    i'm building 3 stats and it works.

    of course i can't compete with meta builds for the attacker rank, but occasionally i get it anyway, for the "best dps" dies and spends the rest of the battle failing to use mp charge or missing Finale because the boss moved.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. Xiavu

    Xiavu Lurking Overlord of LOVE[L.O.L.] Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    That would be one awkward video if not the most cringed. This is toram online as every account is gender neutral, the presenter is not. Most players prefer actual gender anonymity due to the fact: that cute chick that kicks butt to an art form may very well be a dude that winks at you at your local bar. How the heck will that work?
    • Like Like x 1
  15. SirDex

    SirDex Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Well I think maybe it's proration that is affecting your damage and even me with all my fancy +S gears has lackluster and disappointing damage at times, especially in parties because of proration.
    My damage can go from 600k to 200k for example if I'm in some random party with a katana player who taps on tenryu shortcut faster than the skill can animate.

    Are your combos balanced? Meaning not too many physical skills in one combo?
    Are you auto attacking boss and helping prorate between using skills?
    Well those questions up there assuming you're not a mage.
    Proration can really affect your damage, do a test and fight the boss you having low damage on alone with mercs and see if your damage is the same and low.

    When you play in a party usually not everyone understands proration unfortunately, so even if you do everything right your damage will be low because you might have a katana player spamming tenryu and not auto attacking inbetween or a tank spamming hard hit>meteor strike more than auto attacking not taking into account there spamming of skills is making everyones damage really bad or if you a mage and in a party with three or four mages then damage is going to be bad because there is no physical proration to keep things balanced.

    Other than proration if you have bought +S gears your damage shouldn't be so low, even out dated +S equipment can deal decentish damage.

    One last thing if you doing gemruns on high difficulty bosses and you not using a class that has high physical or magical pierce seeing low damage is pretty normal.
  16. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Hmh to answer that properly:
    What class are you playing? What is your main damage combo? What is your attack stat? How do you recover MP? How much pierce do you have?
    Without knowing all of this I think those are the most common reasons:
    - You (and your party) don't pay attention to proration
    - your damage per hit is decent but your MP recovery is lacking
    - You are fighting high def bosses without having any pierce
    - Your combos aren't really beneficial

    Dealing damage is easy in this game once you have good equipment. You will have one main combo and spam that and you are good. The part that seperates a good player with good/decent equipment from a bad player with good equipment is how good they can deal with difficult situations like sudden aoes/fins.

    Edit: Actually the easist way to identify your problem would be if you could send an example clip of a boss fight.
  17. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    I've tried to put all that I've been told on this forum over the last year into this new build. So yeah I know that I cant spam skills so I always try to balance it with normal attacks. And I have a short combo cuz if it's too long I'm too open for aoe attacks. Got str stat full for crit damage. But from what you guys are telling me it seems to be way more complicated than I thought. So it sucks cuz I feel like a year has been wasted on me trying to do what players have advised me and it's still not working. I've experimented with every base class type and nothing has worked. This new build is the only one that let's me solo more mini bosses but the drop rate is near impossible that I get tired of spending almost of whole day on mini bosses and not getting something I want. But I dunno maybe it's not like this for most others. Some players tell me they are only 3 months into the game and they have it all working for them aparently. It's probably just me then.
  18. nan@

    nan@ Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2020
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    can i ask is there better way for spina than fight seele :)
  19. Phoenix。

    Phoenix。 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Honestly it's not that complicated. But there is no way to help you if you don't share your combos/gear/stats/class
  20. Sly*Cooper

    Sly*Cooper Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Ok its +s ohs with all crit damage and crit rate stats 255 on STR and rest on DeX. Got MD as sub for faster MP cast and Maximer. But also switch to dagger sometimes as sub cuz turns out MD as sub lowers damage for me. Combo is astute with bloody bite with swift for HP healing without needing revitas. Got around 4k max HP. Amour has extra crit rate and damage. Its heavy. Praetor suit. Add gear has crit rate 30% plus extra 15. Total atk stat it a little over 2200. That's about all I can remember off the top of my head.

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