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Discussion in 'Toram Online Class Discussions' started by -Kazuki-, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. -Kazuki-

    -Kazuki- Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    Literally just happened 10 mins ago and just had to make this post asap cause I can't stand it anymore.

    Paladin definition:
    Other Names: Holy Knight, Crusader, Templarnote , Inquisitor. The Paladin is a Fighter with the power of Light and healing magic, as well as defensive buffs for their allies. Their devotion to their god or deity gives them various prayers, healing abilities and holy-based spells to protect themselves and others. Naturally, they are a type of Magic Knight. They are also quite good at laying the smite down on undead, demons and other traditionally evil supernatural creatures. However, they may have behavioral limits: some rulesets impose varying penalties on taking actions that stray too far from Lawful Good, which can lead to weakening of abilities, loss of abilities or sometimes even being kicked out of the "Paladin" class entirely. If the setting doesn't have behavioral limitations they may have lower stamina or speed to balance out their magic.
    *according to this website: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FantasyCharacterClasses

    A class clad in heavy armor, made to absorb all that enemies dish out.
    *according to this website: https://www.giantbomb.com/classes/3015-405/

    Focus on the bolded part.

    The problem in Toram is that because there's no such thing as a "Job" system, people call themselves whatever they want.
    Dual wielding? Assassin
    1H with dagger? Also assassin
    Halberd with dagger? Guess what, assassin

    So it is very vague as to what is the actual meaning of a certain role. My problem lies with the Paladin role.

    What is your definition of a Paladin role? My definition is simple; semi-tank semi-dps. If you also play Alchemia Story(made by asobimo), you'd know what I mean and what I envisioned a Paladin to be.

    Again with the Jobless system problem.
    1H + shield = Paladin
    While this may be correct to a certain degree, just using 1H and a shield does not make you a Paladin. Look at the bolded part once again.

    So I'm very confused when someone says they are a Paladin, but their stat is STR>DEX or DEX>STR. I'm like, what makes you think you can call yourself a Paladin? 1h+shield? Right.

    Earlier today, I decided to go leveling. I created a party, with one "Paladin". He died in one shot. I asked him:
    To which he replied;

    I started laughing. And asked him,
    "What's your stat?"
    "STR>DEX, I've been a Paladin for years"
    "Wow that makes it even more sad"
    And then he proceeded to rage and swear, the usual.

    So my question is, what EXACTLY is a Paladin? I want answer both in the perspective of every RPG game and in Toram.

    Prove me wrong about the semi-tank and semi-dps thing. Because I really amd confused. Bash me all you want if I'm wrong.

    Tl;dr: What is a Paladin?
    Sorry for the long post, had to get it out of my chest
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  2. Mass (Boatman)

    Mass (Boatman) Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2019
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    Imo, tank is already paladin because they have a lot of skills to protect the whole team, paladin is the frontier/ the protector/ the defender .Screw Meowcano for use it wrongly when saying 1h + shield dps as paladin (Meow's fan will obey and lick his toes because to them, Meow is always right).
  3. Komibii

    Komibii [TITLE] Elite Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    1. any of the twelve peers of Charlemagne's court, of whom the Count Palatine was the chief.

    Sorry sweetie, but if you're not one of those, then you're not a paladin.

    But to be more serious, I would say it is a semi or mostly defensive melee weapon user that also uses some magic and support skills. Some paladins use two-handed blunt weapons, but most use a one-handed weapon and a shield.
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  4. -Kazuki-

    -Kazuki- Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    And the shield cannon damage buff makes these so called "Paladin" keeps coming one after another. It's like, if you're making a "Paladin" for the sole purpose of just being able to deal massive damage with shield cannon(i admit it's huge damage), then stop.

    I even encountered one "paladin" who, deadass, said:
    "Don't stun enemy so I can use my dps skill Shield Cannon"
    I'm like what, is that all you have to offer? Gtfo
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  5. MyLastDreams

    MyLastDreams Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Ran into someone like that myself while lvling at alto not to long ago.....
  6. Kaisyl

    Kaisyl Elite Member Elite Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Rather than associating jobs to builds, the builds in toram are geared towards a certain archetype.

    Tbh, a true paladin build is not possible in this game right now due to the limited skill and stat points. Youd need the following skill trees: Blade, Magic, Priest, Guard, Knight, Shield, Support and Survival.

    With priest skills, you need INT, paladins normally have high VIT, You need STR/DEX for damage with STR being preferable due to crit damage boost tho that isnt necessary for a defensive fighter. You need CRT for high difficulty bosses because DEX just doesnt give enough hit rate and MTL for ailment/disability bosses.

    Tbh, it is far easier to build a cleric than a paladin right now due to lesser required skill trees and stats...
  7. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    1h+shield dex vit
    Protection, Aegis, Guardian, Buster Blade


    2h str/dex vit
    Mini Heal, Recovery, Sanctuary, Enchant Sword
  8. AliceYvne

    AliceYvne Elite Member Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Anyone who fights hard for something they believe in can be called a paladin, although the word has old-fashioned associations. While the French word paladin means warrior, it was used specifically starting in the late 1500s to mean "one of the 12 knights in attendance on Charlemagne." As time went on, its meaning grew to include any chivalrous or heroic person.

    From : www.vocabulary.com

    Its not necessary for a paladin equip a shield, but Shield in most people mind is mean for [protect] and this is match to how people explain the meaning of paladin. Imo as long as the player able to hold the aggro in mob battle can also be consider as Paladin, and this doesn't mean that player must have shield, it's just having shield is easy to draw aggro.

    and for assassin....basically they won't use any large size weapon because they will never face to face with they target...so DW, dagger with HB, 1H basically cannot name as assassin. Knuc+Dagger can consider assassin because Martial art is one of the famous skill use by Assassin, without leaving any trace.
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  9. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    What I don’t get is that since toram has a “class less” system why do players limit themselves or others but putting their build in a particular category. For me they can only be three main categories 1) pure dps ( which most are) , 2) semi-tank and 3) tank. However a person makes their build is up to them, so to be back on your topic such a class doesn’t exist in toram imo.
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  10. Quit toram

    Quit toram Left. Elite Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Toram devs: *Adds a 1h with decent tank stats and high base atk*
    "Those players": OMG this is perfect for a Paladin build time to make one
    Also "those players": *Makes a ""Paladin"" build with DPS oriented stats and gears*
    ALSO "those players": *Thinks that one big hit every 20s is way better than continuous damage*

    Just the usual retardation of Toelam community.
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  11. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    the amount of stat and skill points, as well as skill restrictions, are too limiting to be truly "class-less". you always have to focus on something, even as an allrounder.
    the point is that "locked classes" have preset skills and stat growth, while toram lets you choose where to put your stat points and what skills you will learn. so instead of picking a pre-made character, adjusting it's hair and stupidly leveling it up to become like every other, you can (with some restrictions) design your own character class.

    putting your build in a category makes it easier to describe. "black mage" and "white mage" are much faster and easier to understand than "my stats are like this, i use that gear and i can cast those spells".

    what bothers me is how poeple categorize builds...
    all the different variants of spellcasters are lumped together as "mage". but for the dps katana builds, which are all the same, each one gets an unnecessary edgy name.
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  12. -Kazuki-

    -Kazuki- Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    Sums it all up
  13. -Kazuki-

    -Kazuki- Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    " Sinister Assassinator"
    " Evil Dragon Slayer"
    " Silent Slasher"
    " Undead Samurai"
  14. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    If ppl want to custom name their build more power to them irdc, and yes because of restrictions it’s not 100% classless but it’s 100% customizable and that gives just enough for a player to use their imagination a little. I personally hate describing my build to anyone since I like to keep my setup a secret so ppl won’t just fudge on it and copy what I did ( that’s just me anyways) . Whatever they call it doesn’t matter is if it’s useful in a pt imo, I add pure support builds to my pt to add variations in battle , ill always support anyone who makes a non standard or unpopular build because I like those kinds of things.
  15. UfuLamb

    UfuLamb Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Imo str>dex pallies ain't that bad, as long as they can do their job, if they built it as a glassy dps they should specify that they cant tank, or atleast know their limits in tanking

    And as for toram as long as they do their role, whatever they call their build is just for publicity, heck builds from forums back then have wacky names "gandalf the gay" "pokey wooshy pole" are some of the names i remember. :D

    And also if you play DnD (the father of RPG) paladin is a cleric/warrior hybrid that can be anywhere from, a glorious knight that wants to protect everything "good" or a religious fanatic that wants to smite everything "evil", and clearly the paladins you encounter are of the latter :p

    Edit: i've encountered some at venena, dying from the loli slap, alteast tanks are not that important in venena.
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  16. -Kazuki-

    -Kazuki- Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2016
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    What I'm saying is, if you're going for str>dex, which means you're going full dps, then why bother equipping a shield? Especially if you're just going to die in one hit anyway, it's like the shield was never there. It's because I KNOW for a fact, everyone knows this too, that those "Paladin" only use shield because of Shield Cannon.
  17. Zezusa

    Zezusa Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    Actually I have a build yet to get off the ground but I plan on using sheild for p def mostly for higher stability, so I won’t say all use it for sheild cannon, I may\ may not use it but that would depend on stat distribution
  18. Yunan

    Yunan Not Enough Salt Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    I mean, 1h sword shield pure tank has aegis and protection, sanctuary, heal, recovery, guardian. Those are paladin-like skill names I'd say. Shield cannon deals like, 200k. Binding strike probably deal around 70k fully prorated, though thats actually contradictory for the role of proration manager.
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  19. Lenwok

    Lenwok Elite Member Elite Member

    May 19, 2017
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    Isn't max damage on Shield Cannon done by STR/VIT anyway... so why are paladins still STR/DEX? o_O
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  20. UfuLamb

    UfuLamb Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Maybe for p.def? its just that theyre not good enough at p.def yet. theyre copying builds they dont know how to properly utilize. (Ehem utube ehem)

    Str>dex pally is a very good build especially with the availability of a lot of xtals, food buffs and the other type of food buffs (drugs), its just that theyre forcing a playstyle theyre not good at.

    And go check out the comment section if you want me to build a pally! Don't forget to click that like button; and subscribe to my channel Su.Zu.Ki.Pi for a Voice reveal at 1million subs! game on! toramerz!
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