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Query: Item Drop Mechanism

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by «HVGEEK», Jul 9, 2023.

  1. «HVGEEK»

    «HVGEEK» Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Hello. I am writing this thread to ask a question regarding item drop mechanism in Toram Online. Actually, it was from a previous thread that I am trying not to necropost there, so I think it may be more appropriate to newly create this thread here instead.

    I would like to ask whether the mechanism in this link is valid or not, especially about how the %drop rate from equipment is ineffective in comparison to the LUK stat, and how the tier of drops are in layer-upon-layer of chests system, as described in the link.

    I used to trust the information in the link genuinely when I saw it for the first time, but also realized other forum members and moderators implied in the previous thread above that it might not be how it works actually, so would like a confirmation of whether my current interpretation that the information in the link being invalid is correct or not.

    I am thinking of making a character dedicated to hunting rare drops in unpopular areas alone, as well as to improve the drop rate of my typical mage farmer, and hence felt it would be better to confirm things before invest my limited spina on stuffs as I don't have much time to farm for spina these days.

    Suggestions and notices from unintended observations are also welcome. I just haven't played the game much lately and believe it would be helpful if we share and discuss things together.

    Thanks for your time and sharing, much appreciated.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2023
  2. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    first of all, there are no other sources for this wheel system, which makes it highly questionable that it was actually datamined.

    another thing that strikes me is how they said that it's impossible to calculate a % rate, which is wrong. all lottery scenarios can be drawn as a probability tree and calculated.

    the part about infinite tasks in finite time is nonsense. computation time is a physical hardware problem and has strict limits on what is possible within a given timespan. implementing a system that could potentially run in circles infinitely is very poor design.

    furthermore, every item on the list can drop once at the same time. the wheel system only determines one single drop.
    spinning multiple wheels for multiple drops could result in duplicate items, which doesn't happen in-game.
    if any, such a system could only apply for the ranking reward in boss battles; which brings up the question why they would implement a whole new system for that one instance.

    the basic principle of splitting up item lists in ranked tiers may actually be true for some instances. treasure chests probably use that; but even so, the calculation runs through a fixed number of steps. there's no jumping back and forth between tiers and no second chances.

    as for drop rate buffs, like all stats, there are only 2 variants.
    "drop rate +%" which multiplies the base drop rate, and "drop rate +", which adds to the base drop rate (or sets a minimum value).
    all instances of the same modifier stack additively, no matter the source.

    LUK converts to drop rate +%, up to a maximum of 25% at 255 points. that buff is treated the same as the 10% from the skill Drop Rate Up and the buffs from books and events.
    the other one comes from rare drop gems and the rare drop guild booster.
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  3. «HVGEEK»

    «HVGEEK» Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Your explanations and examples helped clear everything. Thank you very much for the quick response as well.

    Other questions to confirm I understand correctly, does this mean equipping a farmer with a two-slotted Bunny Tail, with a 1% drop rate xtal in each slot, along with 255 LUK and the level-10 Drop Rate Up skill
    , gives a total of +40% drop rate from the base drop rate of the item being farmed? Also, if I am to compare between items that always drop ideally, and items that usually but not always drop, does this mean the usually-dropped one will be obtained faster, while the always-dropped one, ideally, should be obtained at the rate close to before equipping the Bunny Tail as mentioned above?
  4. Red_Fox

    Red_Fox Internet Pirate Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    all drop rates will be multiplied by 1,4. more common items will still be more common than rare items.

    unless you somehow increase the drop rate to 100. since it can't go higher any further increments will be ineffective for that item and the quantity gap between items becomes narrower.
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  5. «HVGEEK»

    «HVGEEK» Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Oki, thanks for confirming.

    Ah, yes. For an item assumed to be always dropped ideally, I meant having an ideal drop rate of 100.

    Well noted, thank you very much.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023

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