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Solutions to Mage's issues with speed

Discussion in 'Toram Online General Discussions' started by Takata, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    We know mages are notoriously ultra slow even compared to their slowest melee/ranged peers, so the solution is that the developers of toram could simply change how motion speed works for mages, for example staffs and main md, the cspd should be used instead of aspd for motion speed, and because cspd is more difficult to obtain than aspd, the requirements for maximum motion speed through cspd should be halved, so 5,000 cspd for max motion speed instead of 10,000 cspd. That would also make dex mages much more relevant than they have ever been, and the added bonus is that they do not need god speed wield anymore thanks to naturally having max motion speed due to their innate high cspd, so here is the pros and cons of a crit mage and a dex mage with these solutions applied

    Crit mage
    Pros:Higher crit damage, thats it
    Cons:Much lower survival, absolutely need god speed wield, unforgiving to any mistakes playing as one

    Dex mage with these solutions implemented
    Pros: much better survival due to not needing god speed wield and can safely iframe with their inherently maximum motion speed, maximum motion speed is inherent with high cspds above 5,000. Much greater dps potential than the crit mage

    Cons:slightly lower crit damage, but its pros more than makes up for the lesser crit damage
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  2. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Making mages ultra fast would tip off the game balance, and would prolly here a lot of complain from Aso's favorite child, the dw.

    Mages are already powerful atm, that is if built right. I've known about this because I always invite mages.

    Truly there's no speed issue imo. Just gotta build and play right. ^_^
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  3. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    "Don't criticize game, don't criticize design issues, they never happened, if issues happen blame players for being bad acxthually"
    I have to say, due to the Difficulty style of dark souls, one could expect the Dark Souls community to be The one infested with this mentality of shifting blame to the player and denying any fault the game may have every time an issue is brought up, rejecting any criticism to the game, because "Game hard, if you lose u bad", but no, Ironically there's several topics of discussion and video essays both singing praise to the well thought and intelligent boss fights, and criticising the game for what it does poorly, One would expect this hard game to be filled with egocentric people who think because they got through a boss, Good or Badly designed, that if someone else didn't it could be every flaw possible in their personal skill, but never ever dare consider the game itself as flawed, because "if I beat it how is it flawed?"
    Yet there's several criticisms to those games (mostly DS2 if I remember, the family's dissapointment) and even Elden Ring being massively popular and beloved, still having flaws and being criticized in good faith by fans.
    that community that had everything to fall into stigma is very rational and critical to the game...

    If that community, with every possible chance to fall to stigma isn't afraid to criticize the game for what it does wrong, there's no excuse for this shifting Blame/Simping for the game as if it had no issues and everything is 'Just' the players fault. It's baffling to the in comparison how the fandom with the worst game has the worst critical thinking and the toxic stigma that Dark souls avoided.
    Is it cope? I'm not insulting, I am a Toram player after all, I understand this personally, this game can mess your brain engines until you try to justify to yourself why you play it, just like you were making excuses to why you still date that toxic boyfriend that abuses you. I understand, but is that it? Why the anti-critical thinking? Why the reality denial that this game ACXTHUALLY doesn't have problems? (I know the point Here Is speed and mage specifically, but people with your mentality will shift blame to the player no matter what the subject of criticism is, because you aren't interested in adressing the issues to begin with, just drop in to shift blame and feed your ego, the subject doesn't matter to you) What IS this delusional simping for the game? Considering every last possibility and excuse before ever thinking the Game itself might be at fault, or worse, that it might be pretty bad of a game actually-

    If you think mages are 'tots fine and speed isn't an issue', we'll... Have you heard of an Enlightening group of Truth seekers called The Flat earth community? You might like it, its built on the ✨very same reality denial✨
    Also, global warming is a conspiracy to sell more ice ^^)
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  4. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I never played those game you mentioned as your point comparison. I only played toram over the years, thus the simping. I'm oblivious with these issues because mages I played with didn't whined about it. ^_^
  5. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Well that genuinely explains a lot.
    Even if not play, watch some of that stuff (don't underestimate our Mirror-neurons, Mimicking and imposing yourself into other peoples experiences is underrated and powerful human skill)
    I wasn't very aware or critical of the game when I just played it alone too, but playing other stuff/watching gives you very valuable perspective. You know what they say, without light you don't know what's dark, without Gas infused water you don't know good water- ahem xD

    If I'm missreading you, then truly I'm sorry, you do give strong "I'm better than everyone" Ego vibes, if that's just a coincidence, again sorry, and hope you are aware of it, when you simply deny reality to defend this game its hard not to make these obvious, typical assumptions.
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  6. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Nah, I'm well aware that my gameplay is mediocre. I'm not even investing on dte and just make do with regular gears. Perhaps, I'm just enjoying it on my own to noticed. ^_^
  7. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Very true and they even think reliance on god speed wield should be a good thing for mages? Lol that is a whole new level of denial of the reality that mages are absolutely inferior to their physical peers who don't rely on god speed wield, thats like saying "yeah if steroids are the only way for you to catch up to powerlifters who are naturally very strong then so be it even though steroids have massive life threatening side effects!!!" lol!!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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  8. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Mages don't need god speed wield to shine. You've watch too much YouTube videos for thinking otherwise. Level cap your mage and do different high difficulty boss grind to hone your gameplay. ^_^
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  9. Unetéro Kenora

    Unetéro Kenora Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Focusing on DTE Gear too much is kinda cringe ngl :V just get the base element and maybe some DTE on staff and that's enough
    (DTE builds are powerful, but take waaay to long and too expensive)
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  10. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    I am a dual sword user before i made a mage on one of my many character slots consisting of mostly agi based melee/ranged characters that also reach maximum motion speed without god speed wield except the mage who could never reach maximum motion speed without god speed wield, but for the sake of this discussion i will use my dual sword as an example, so in terms of combat prowess and survival and practicality in my experience using both classes dual sword is simply far superior to mages in those 3 categories and that can't be denied no matter how you try to slice it, mages even with qadal and magic cannon simply can't hold a candle to a good dual sword in terms of practicality and combat prowess and survival, and if pvp arrives as anticipated, dual sword would effortlessly instakill mages before mages could even finish 1/3 stack of god speed wield let alone 3/3 stack of god speed wield to perform the twirling motion of qadal for magic cannon&before mages could twirl around to perform burst and that is because of how ridiculously slow mages inherently are even with max cspd, because the problem with mages is not the cspd but their motion speed and their animations are so freaking slow that any decently quick and powerful enemy such as dual sword would instakill the mages, those are from my experience using both dual swords and mage and perfectly explains just how far beneath mages are in comparison to their melee/ranged peers in terms of combat prowess and practicality and survival and why it is crucial for them to have their motion speed based on their cspd instead of aspd, if a mage painstakingly invested so much into dex and cspd gear etc for the sake of being super fast at casting magic, then the only Logical thing is for their motion speed to also be super fast as well, no exceptions!!!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
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  11. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Aside from being expensive, I don't wanna fill my bag with dte gears. I use 1 armor, 1 hat and 1 ring for all my characters.

    No wonder. You're comparing mages to dw on their stage.

    Let's bring it to the mages stage then, for example that ancient empress pet levelling area before you can reach p.avatar, no dw can beat a mage there.

    About those high difficulty battles that I play with mages. It's a full dps party and I often see dw drops like flies there, compared to the slow mages.

    So, it's situational. Wait for the upcoming dw nerf, that will cripple their long range attack, and put them to where they're actually belong, melee. ^_^
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  12. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    i wouldn't be so sure about that whole "dw can't ever win against p avatar" lol, and about the dw nerf you are talking about
    well good thing i have 27 oblivion books and reset books to reset dw to become another long ranged maximum motion speed dps weapon then lol like a maximum motion speed agi-dex dagger bowgun to go with another preexisting maximum motion speed bowgun character which is my maximum agi-247 dex gun-fu(knx) who hits the 2nd hardest out of all my maximum motion speed long ranged dps characters and would also effortlessly slaughter a mage instantly in pvp with a single chariot/crossfire/twinstorm just as easily as an unnerfed dual sword would lol, also lunar misfortune is long range but uses short range because of teleportation, so dw even if nerfed can keep p wave and still use a long ranged attack to effortlessly instakill a mage in pvp thanks to lunar misfortune being a long range skill that is an instant teleportation up to short range and is lightspeed lol, but i would still reset the maximum motion speed dw to a maximum motion speed agi-dex dagger bowgun just in case lol, also i mean in all forms of combat mages still absolutely sucks in comparison to not only unnerfed dw but against all maximum motion speed long ranged dps characters in general due to all the reasons that i have explained before, and you only responded with deflection away from the main point being that mages unless they get their issue with motion speed fixed by changing the motion speed formula for staff/md to be based on their cspd Including halving the requirement to 5,000 instead of 10,000. They will always be absolutely inferior to all of their maximum motion speed ranged dps peers that don't rely on god speed wield, that is the absolute reality, wether you accept it or not thats up to you lol
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
  13. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Not p.avatar, I said ancient empress, the stage where mages 1shot it with magic cannon. ^_^
  14. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    You clearly said p avatar lol
  15. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I was specifying who's ancient empress was it. One before p.avatar. ^_^
  16. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    I see well anyways a dual sword solod her, so any other long ranged/melee dps weapon can too, and although magic cannon is powerful, the mages are still absolutely inferior in combat capabilities due to lacking in all other categories such as practicality and survival and horrible motion speed formula that honestly doesn't suit their weapon like at all, mages shouldn't have their motion speed based on aspd, they specialize in casting spells so logically their cspd should be what determines their motion speed and not their aspd, so until mages get their deserved buff of having their motion speed based on cspd instead of aspd, they will always be inferior in terms of combat capabilities and practicality and survival in comparison to their agi based peers that have maximum motion speed without god speed wield, at this point nothing you can argue could ever hope to overturn the logical conclusion that mages should be buffed by having their motion speed determined by cspd instead of aspd
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  17. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    or the developers could alternatively remove the mechanism of motion speed altogether and have all weapons and characters innately possess maximum motion speed by default, that would also put mages on equal grounds with their agi based maximum motion speed dps peers, just like the logical buff of having the mage's motion speed be based on cspd instead of aspd lol
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
  18. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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  19. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    you are ignoring the main point and are only providing deflection lol
  20. Takata

    Takata Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    My quote here contains the main point that is being discussed

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