So, I decided to use the oblivion book to my not so exciting finale-only mage. This build prioritize the maximum damage output by enhancing the...
I read some thread and i found that magic skills can crit with 'weaken' ailment, but its only of ur weapon have weak element to boss. The question...
I looking for gem run plzzz if any1 wanna pt for tht plz drop a msg at line--luffyy11
Everyone knows the standard Storm combo. Impact + Storm + MP Charge + Maximizer(?) For endless stormage. Staff for more power, or md for more...
Hello everybody. I dont know the stat -20% short range damage of acient empress II xtal effect finale or not. Please help me. Im building a mage....
any thoughts on zoe’s hat? Was it better than t.griev?
So... 1. FULL INT > REST VIT OR 2. FULL INT > 100 VIT > REST MTL Does MTL worth it? I currently have 9k HP, lvl 133. thanks.
i cant find any updated guides for a full luck garming mage, is it because thee isnt anything to build ? lol do i follow a different build for...
Hello, I’ve been meaning to ask this, What is the best shield to be used for mage (setting aside coffin shield as I can’t obtain one atm) and what...
Trying to sell my 2nd Anniv Staff im7% i13 +C NO SLOT Open price 1.8M
These are the list of things that I need to sell ! Clean Evil Garb App : 3M Staff ATK218 IM7%INT14 NS : 2.2M Staff ATK215 +C IM7%INT14 NS : 1.7M...
Weapon : @217 +S Refine IM7INT14 Armor : Adv Garb 2S with Guignol and York Accessories: Tyrant Grievance 6% with Ancient Empress II...
Most guides nowadays are capped for lv 150. I would like there a guide from 1-150. These are the questions I have 1. What skills should I use /...
This build is modify from SirEGG "Egg's Gandalf the gay shield mage", I really appreciate can learn his build. Thank you. Also this build is an...
Hi guys, I've been using MD for some days now and I've really enjoyed the attacl speed and the mp recovery from it, i really love mmorpg classes...
In special gear, which do you think is much preferable for mages to use? Philosopher's ring or Magic Talisman IV? Stats of Philosopher's ring:...
hi guys I hv my first lv150 recently (full int Mage). And hav reset my skill tree. Would like to seek ur advise on what type of Mage is fun to...
I'm supposed to keep this build for my own, but since my close friends forced my to share it then here comes nothing... A 3 in 1 Mage build (DPS...
anyone wanna share shield mage finale build ? all of the posts i read is about arrow mage