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Max Prorate Halberd - Strike Stab build

Discussion in 'Halberd' started by Saphos, Dec 19, 2016.



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  1. BK

    BK The Best Elite Burger Known To Mankind Staff Member MODERATOR Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    If u know ur combo and how many normal hits it needs to fully prorate that boss/miniboss u can kill 1 by the time the spammers kill theirs, surely this means its better to prorate for a faster kill, tho instant autos are needed or have more magic attacks in the combo if the dps skill is physical, i know id rather prorate first then combo for 250% dmg then auto 2hits (if the combo is short) then combo for 250% dmg and so on, if the combo has more physical than magical and ur spamming without autos the combo will be at 50% power and then it needs 5 combos just to hit the same as a full prorated combo, its diffirent with mage because they can spam, tho im just talking from what ive seen from soloing Don Yeti faster than my pt which were swordfus/gunfus/mage etc
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  2. mayam

    mayam Elite Member Elite Member Epic Member

    May 14, 2016
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    Lets party at don yeti some times, i have a mage that can spam magic rather than just impact storm and mp charge :D
  3. BK

    BK The Best Elite Burger Known To Mankind Staff Member MODERATOR Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Sure :p but if ur attacking my Don, no dagger skills
  4. mayam

    mayam Elite Member Elite Member Epic Member

    May 14, 2016
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    I am a shield mage but got can use full magic combo with 1.3k cspd :rolleyes:
  5. BK

    BK The Best Elite Burger Known To Mankind Staff Member MODERATOR Elite Member Epic Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    Then the 2 of us will kill it super fast :p
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  6. RyeUshio

    RyeUshio The Blue Bull Super Likable Elite Member Epic Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    There is a reason why halberd is slow, it is to hindered it from being op from an early stage, so that not everybody will go halberd. We just need to unlock its speed and potential for it to become a regular dps. ^_^
  7. mamattew

    mamattew 桃井 日奈 Elite Member

    May 9, 2016
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    Can you share how much we must put sp on every skill ,cause im interest with your build
    Sorry for my bad english :D
  8. Azin.

    Azin. Brawler Enthusiast Elite Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    i did 120k strike with my halberd with max prorate without using punishing ray(using 1mp combo).. since punishing has high cspd it can be fatal i prefer having white dmg dan dying while on the battle..My gf did 150k @ lvl 80 with 1mp combo using my max prorate combo set and its fun u can use it on solo battle and dont need to rely on mage doing magic prorate.. (this combois still on my test so i wont release it yet) Have fun with spear class and enjoy ^^
  9. Omega EH

    Omega EH UR Empress Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Omega EH
    Oh, you are back? :3 I need a high critical, high attack speed and high evasion rate 2H guide^^
  10. Desco

    Desco Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2015
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    As a proration style user too, i wanted to share my experience with this playstyle.
    First, Proration for Halberd is highly possible. The reason why it has a slow motion speed for auto attack is just like Ushio said.. so it won't be too OP. That's the reason why AGI is the 2nd main stat for Halberd.

    Second, I'm sure some of you already know that the more aspd we have the faster the motion speed of auto and skills. I forgot the amount but, all the aspd beyond 1.1k will boost motion speed. And it's highly possible with high base aspd, Light armor, equip stat, Quick aura and some Giga speed pot.

    Third, This is the important part. Just like BK said. We need to learn the max hit of every boss. So we won't waste time with unecessary autos. The concept proration isn't spamming autos for a single high damage, then we repeat the process. That'll be a waste of time. Proration is about balancing our damage output.

    Last, How to actually utilize proration. Just as i said earlier, it's all about balance. So the requirement doesn't end on having a quick enough auto attack motion. It'll be pointless if we don't know the max hit on the boss. And every skill will use up the proration before the smitted skill can use the effect. So a balanced skills on the combo is very important. Even if your character doesn't have many magic skills, or doesn't have high enough cspd so the possibility of the magic skills on combo narrowed to impact and javelin. There's another way.. Buff skills. It won't use up the proration. Thus the smitted skill will gain a maximum benefit.

    That's all i can say about it for now. Sorry for the long post. I just hope it can be useful for anyone interested in this rarely used playstyle ^~ ^
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  11. Saphos

    Saphos Old Sword Nerd Elite Member

    Jul 21, 2015
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    Saphoz and my son JoshuaBB
    I gave 2 examples in the guide. And here:

    Assuming you are soloing and you did normal hit to max proration...
    Ex1: Astute > Hard hit (c) > Trigger slash (smite)
    Astute is 100% damage, at max proration, its at 250%
    Hard hit loses 10% due to Consec, and lose another 25% due to proration, final output is 90% x 225% = 202.5%
    Trigger slash gains 50% due to smite, and lose another 50% due to proration, final output is 150% x 200% = 300%
    So you can see how fast the damage drops off for a Phy spammer

    Ex2: Astute > Arrow (c) > Trigger slash (smite)
    Astute is same as above
    Arrow loses 10% due to Consec, but is still at max proration, final output is 225%
    Trigger slash gains 50% due to smite, and still at max proration, final output is 150% x 250% = 375%.

    If you do 1 normal hit, then continue:
    Ex1 will start proration at 225% and the third skill will be prorated at 175% instead of 200, so the damage will be lower as you spam on.
    Ex2 will start at 250% and remain there for the rest of the fight.

    Hope this helps explain?
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  12. Joughton

    Joughton Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I remember two bosses that aren't worth prorating:

    Demon Gate: 25 hits to be fully prorated
    Scrader: 50 hits to be fully prorated

    When I have time I might invest into how much hits it'll take for auto attacks to drop to 50% of it's initial damage at some bosses...But right now I don't have the time :(

    EDIT: So in my opinion prorating is worth it, if you have a party that takes it into consideration; we should be aware of the fact that the other party members probably want to do some serious damage too (unless you are tank/support)

    That's why spammers at the moment are 'the best' choice, because everyone does it...And if you prorate you'll be very aware of your party members... They'll spam their high combo too at some point.

    To be honest I had an experience with a sniper that went as follow:

    I prorated 2-3 hits, and spammed my combo

    The sniper was getting mad at me because I didn't prorate enough for his snipe to hit hard...Now I do get his point of course...But I want to deal damage too; and I'm not a living prorater either :D; so with prorating its hard to please everyone :oops:; on ultimate gem runs people usually do prorate (when it's like BKod, ECB or Jade)...Because spamming is just dangerous then...And because they'll probably have a tank and supporter, with only 2 dps (speaking that those are dps builds), prorating is more 'safe', because your damage can only be 'stolen' by one other person :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
  13. mayam

    mayam Elite Member Elite Member Epic Member

    May 14, 2016
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    Lol scrader is the place where hundreds of players decided to delete their sniper xD it needs 150 auto atks to reach maximum proration tbh coz its just 1% increase.
    Bosses like ecb and yelb lock your proration back to 100% if you do large hits on them thats why no good prorating for too long there, also the reason i support tanks at other bosses so much is coz they can be a live prorater (a good tank with high aggro of course) with high aspd and constant auto atking they can lock proration on highest even if 2 spammers in pt.
    The devs are setting the game up with such bosses coz they wanna make a mmorpg different from others where hybrid had higher dps than the pure class, they nerfed snipe and released hs second hit coz they really didnt want sniper class to prosper as much as it did once, its all in their hands to decide which class will have higher dps and which wont, we cant do anything about it.
  14. Joughton

    Joughton Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    The only thing we can do is play and try it out:)

    Also about 50 hits to be fully prorated...I said it wrong; 50 hits until your auto attack damages doesn't drop any lower :rolleyes:
  15. Desco

    Desco Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2015
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    I'm not saying that proration is the best playstyle. Since there're indeed some bosses with difficult proration requirement, thus, spamming will be more effective. But, for a bosses with low max hit requirement (i.e : MS, Grylle with only 3 Hits) proration will make a huge difference. With only 3 hits, the reduction of the boss resistance is as fast as the increase of it if we don't put the balance of our attack into consideration. This is why, for mini boss hunting, i rarely farm with shout people and prefer to play with my guild mates. The last time i was in a party with a physical spammer tanker at Arco, My usual 30k+/kick T.kicks lowered to only 5-8k/kick. That's a huge difference.
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  16. Yorika

    Yorika Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Hey Saphos! Its a very nice build you have there.. and I might wanna try it too.. so.. would you mind if you also share your stat and skill trees, cz well i dont really know much about halberd yet.. btw thanks and have a merry christmas ^^/
  17. Saphos

    Saphos Old Sword Nerd Elite Member

    Jul 21, 2015
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    Saphoz and my son JoshuaBB
    Full STR to boost CDmg. AGI will be the second stat.

    Skill trees:
    Halberd (offsenseives and passives)
    Shot: (quick draw)
    Survival (sober analysis and Hp boost)
    Battle tree: (Attack up, Smash, CRT up)
    Priest tree: (bless, very not likely, but maybe)

    If I have SP left over, I'd get Power wave to make AMPR easier.
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  18. Alzarith

    Alzarith Elite Member Elite Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Due to the increase of bosses that take so many hits to prorate, and the increase of spammers, I've swapped away from the moeba>Impact>Snipe>HF combo while fighting them.

    Instead, I switch to Precaria's 6 skill double smite stability combo, which allows me to spam skills for maximum damage, this way I can keep up with Fu builds, it's how I've come to compromise with them.

    I'll still use the original two combos when I'm at other bosses though, (Moeba>Impact>Snipe>HF and Impact>Snipe>HF) but whenever I get skill spammers in the party I have to switch to the other combo to try and possibly outdo them in damage, although its still difficult
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  19. Yorika

    Yorika Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    *-*/// thankyouu

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