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  1. Toram Online Guilds

Most Members

  1. Akída Arkheín
    285 members, 15.3K views.
  2. POTUM
    113 members, 24.3K views.
  3. Spriggan 12
    112 members, 6.3K views.
  4. Heavenly Angels
    109 members, 23.9K views.
  5. NOTA
    47 members, 9.8K views.

Recent Threads

  1. kariin Potum's Slave i...
    kariin replied, Aug 13, 2023
  2. Aromitic Comfy Inn Recruitment (Open)
    Aromitic replied, Jun 17, 2023
  3. SkyeRose Recruiting Guild Members
    SkyeRose replied, May 2, 2023
  4. Aevryn_ Mission "Critical" - A...
    Aevryn_ replied, Mar 20, 2022
  5. elithranielle Character Names?
    elithranielle replied, Nov 15, 2021

Trending Threads

  1. kariin Potum's Slave i...
    kariin replied, Views: 89,917
  2. Aevryn_ Mission "Critical" - A...
    Aevryn_ replied, Views: 57,066
  3. Li Ting Application for Heavenly...
    Li Ting replied, Views: 39,685
  4. En Gardevoir Stats and Their Uses...
    En Gardevoir replied, Views: 38,960
  5. kariin The Potum Cup Tourney
    kariin replied, Views: 17,866

public G3nocide ph

All will burn beneath the shadow of our wings."

public TheNightCourt

To The Stars Who Listen And The Dreams That Are Answered.
Where we slumber for a millennium 眠りの森

lock The Elder

Old, veteran, strong, desires helping others

lock Red Snow

Not being Red because of blood :3

public 7th Kind

Fun, English, Active and Friendly
Free Spirited and Passionate Guild!!


Italian active guild, with english and japanese people too.